Door to Subspace (guide)

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ドーホホッ! This article is a guide and may contain opinions or other subjective information. The PSUPedia is not responsible for any inaccuracies or mistakes.

Passport to Subspace is a side story mission which takes place after the events of Episode 3, but before Phantasy Star Portable 2. In this mission, you must work your way through a strange RELICS site which seemingly changes into different locations of its own free will. Hidden deep within the site is a control unit which may be behind these transformations, and may very well hold the key that scientists need to complete their subspace theory!

Mission overview

The object of this mission is to advance as far into the depths of the RELICS site as possible within the allotted time. Each block is extremely short; more akin to a single room than a block from a normal mission. After clearing 20 blocks, you are returned to the mission counter (though you cannot exit to the lobby); clear 40 blocks and the mission will successfully end. A time limit is placed on you when you begin the mission. The amount of time allotted depends on the mission's difficulty; the time given for difficulty A is much greater than that given on difficulty C. Though there are ways to increase (and decrease) the amount of time remaining, occasionally the RELICS will begin to quake around you. When this happens, the amount of time you have left is decreased.

Scattered throughout each block, you will run across many different traps. These traps cannot be identified with Goggles, however. Protransers can't even see them! Some types you will encounter include turrets, columns of fire, heavily-damaging bombs, access data destroyers and cage traps. Avoiding these traps can be fairly difficult at times, so be wary of your HP! Furthermore, special conditions can come into play on difficulties B and A which temporarily disable the use of recovery items (Trimates, Sol Atomizers, Photon Charges, etc.) and recovery TECHNICs (Resta, Reverser, etc.).

Access data

Each floor is dotted with glowing yellow discs. These are known as access points. By activating an access point, you will collect access data. Certain data when collected may grant you additional time, or in some cases, do nothing at all. There are two types of access data: analyzed and unanalyzed.

You can hold up to 20 pieces of unanalyzed data at one time, and these data can be used in the computer terminals found at the start of each block. But be careful! Unanalyzed data often have negative side effects including inflicting incredible amounts of damage, decreasing your remaining time and filling rooms with traps. When you clear the mission successfully, however, Maya will analyze all of the data you bring back and throw out all of the dangerous ones. If the mission ends unsuccessfully (abandonment, death or time running out), all access data you collected will be lost.

Analyzed data

JP English Effect
Hi Transports you to the next block. (Does nothing if used in block 20.)
Zai Increases the number of boxes and access points for that block.
Sai Kills all enemies in that block.
Kai Disarms all traps in that block.
Ki Establishes a relay point and ends the mission.
Chi Analyzes all unanalyzed access data you have collected.
調 Cho Increases your remaining time by 3 minutes.

Unanalyzed data

JP English Effect
(Zetsu) Inflicts heavy damage to you.
Baku Sets off a damage trap.
Tsu Sets off a damage trap.
Goku Sets off a gas trap.
Gen All access points and boxes for that block disappear.
San That block becomes filled with traps.
Mei Decreases your remaining time by 3 minutes.

Conversations with Maya

At the beginning of the mission, you have the option to talk to Maya. By doing so, you have the opportunity to learn various developments related to story characters and happenings across Gurhal since the end of Episode 3. Text listed in parentheses is translated directly from the Japanese version and needs to be updated with official English translations.

No information

  • Maya: Let's see. There isn't any new information that you might find useful.

Tonnio and Liina

  • Maya: Oh, yes, that's right! Tonnio and Liina are getting married! Isn't that wonderful news? Tonnio figures that they could work together in the GUARDIANS. But it might be tricky considering Liina's past. Tonnio was in a street gang, but that's nothing compared to Liina. She was a key member of a major rogues family. That could be a problem if she wants to join the GUARDIANS. I mean, Liina could get rejected at the paperwork stage alone. Well, hopefully it won't be a problem.


  • Maya: Well, this has nothing to do with the mission, but... I ran into Laia for the first time in a while. She told me that she wants to get uniforms for the GUARDIANS! Can you imagine? I told her that no one's going to like wearing uniforms. But she's all fired up and ready to go forward with the idea anyway. She says uniforms will set a more professional example. Personally, I think she's sick of being the only one wearing that outfit.


  • Maya: Hmm... Maybe I can tell you this. There's been talk of replacing Lou's body with a next-gen design. But, suprisingly, Lou herself isn't keen on the idea. Logically, she should switch to a better performing next-gen body. But she's resistant to the idea. "I have misgivings about the design," she said. Compared to before, Lou's been much more open with her emotions. I wonder if that's because she fought alongside people like you and Ethan?


  • Maya: Oh, right, Karen is back with the GUARDIANS. It means that the Hero of Gurhal and the Divine Maiden are back together. Of course, neither of them seem to enjoy the fame thier titles bring them. I guess titles aren't something you'd give yourself. They're what others bestow on you based on what you do. Who knows, maybe someone, somewhere, is calling you a hero.


  • Maya: I think the AMF's reorganization is finally getting started. It looks like Curtz will become Commander-in-Chief. We lost almost all the top military brass who were close to Mother Brain. The A-Photon wave attack and SEED-virus infections made them slaves. The Illuminus used them until they could give no more. The protective coating process for control systems came too late. It's heartbreaking to know we were too late to save so many CASTs. I have faith in Curtz, though, I'm sure he can rebuild the AMF.

Ancient civilization

  • Maya: Natsume Shu says that subspace technology goes back to the Ancients. What were these Ancients like, though? They made things like the confinement systems and the stateria. And they made the RELICS sites that contain them. They left behind RELICS sites all over Gurhal. But, they left no legends or stories about themselves. You would think there would be some, but there's almost nothing. They left behind so many weapons that could take on the SEED. But, they're gone. Where did they go?


  • Maya: Well, this is something I heard from a scientist friend. He was talking about a remote corner of Moatoob... There are people living there that shun our civilization. They're said to be much more attuned to sensing photons than us. They supposedly have a unique system of controlling photons. People say they can even summon "guardian spirits" using photons. As a photon researcher, I would love to learn more about their abilities. Oh, sorry, That had nothing to do with subspace, did it?

Clad 6

  • Maya: <Player>, do you know about Clad 6? It's a ship that was used for mass migrations between the planets. A major trading company bought it and they're converting it into a resort. Apparently it will have a shopping mall and resort hotels. They even say they're going to build a beach and sports stadiums. There's a huge buzz about this new, full-menu entertainment resort. It should replace the many entertainment spots that were destroyed. I hear the idea came from a secretary there who used to be in the AMF. It's really amazing how her idea goes far beyond the conventional. And it's not that she's just wildly imaginative, either. They say she's amazingly capable of getting things done, on top of that. Her idea of redesigning an entire colony is totally off the wall, but... Bold, creative thinking is what's needed when you're making something. Maybe I should be more like her and try to do get off the beaten path?


  • Maya: Hmm... Oh, yes. You know how everything was crazy for a while? Well, after some delays, Lumia finally completed her internship. That young lady is now an official member of the GUARDIANS. She's quite enthusiastic, saying she wants to become a model Guardian. It is true that she's surrounded by top-name Guardians... So I can see why she would want to try to emulate people like that. but I'm worried that she might be putting too much pressure on herself. <Player>, I think you can help relieve Lumia's stress. You should ask her out on missions every so often. It could help her on so many levels.

Dragon Sakai

  • Maya: We think there has been someone trespassing in the RELICS site. It's unbelievable. We can't have anyone go missing in a site that's not fully surveyed. Since we're running the investigation, we would end up taking the blame! They would find us liable for negligent site security. Who's trespassing, you ask? Well, according to the memo we received... "A man wearing a gaudy suit and glasses." That's what it says. I've never seen anyone like that at GRM or in the GUARDIANS. <Player>... Chances are you'll never see this man. But if you do, tell him to leave immediately, please.

This conversation will not come up until you have cleared at least 200 blocks of the mission. But after getting this conversation once, you may randomly happen across a rare block (identified only as "???") in the mission. Here you will encounter Dragon Sakai. After speaking with him, he will toss a present to you and disappear. The contents of the gift depend on the difficulty of the mission being played. On C, you will receive a De Ragan Tail; on B, a De Ragnus Dorso; on A, a Dragon Scale.

Once Maya has discussed Dragon Sakai with you at least one time, Dragon Sakai can appear for you even if you fail or abandon the mission in which the discussion occurred, have a discussion with Maya on a different topic, or skip the discussion sequence altogether. Keep in mind, however, that Dragon Sakai's appearances are completely random. Even if Maya has just told you about him, it does not guarantee that he will appear in that same run.

Special reward

In the Japanese PC version of Passport to Subspace, you can receive a special reward by importing your Ambition of the Illuminus character data to Phantasy Star Portable 2. If you are playing the Xbox 360 version of this mission, the character import step can be skipped as the function does not exist for that version of the game.

  1. Log in to the character data download site to download a file which can be loaded onto your MemoryStick Duo. (This step applies only to those playing the Japanese PC version.)
  2. Complete Passport to Subspace after clearing at least 20 blocks.
  3. Maya will present you with an Exam in a special scene separate from the normal mission rewards. You can receive only one Exam per character by this method.