PSP:Twin handguns

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Phantasy Star Portable This article pertains to an item, mission or other feature available exclusively in Phantasy Star Portable.

Twin handguns

Rarity Name Mfr. PP Att. Acc. Req. Comments
1★ Twin Handgun G.R.M. 360 28 21 35 Starting equip: CAST/Human Rangers
Ryo-Pistatore Yohmei 468 21 26 35 Starting equip: Newman Rangers
Arb Had TENORA WORKS 216 34 19 36 Starting equip: Beast Rangers
2★ Twin Powergun G.R.M. 420 41 34 43 --
Ryo-Powertore Yohmei 546 31 42 42 --
Arb Pam TENORA WORKS 252 52 30 44 --
3★ Twin Autogun G.R.M. 480 62 50 51 --
Ryo-Ortotore Yohmei 624 46 63 50 --
Arb Oga TENORA WORKS 288 77 45 52 --
Rarity Name Mfr. PP Att. Acc. Req. Comments
4★ Twin Lockgun G.R.M. 540 86 70 57 --
Ryo-Louktore Yohmei 702 65 88 56 --
Arb Roga TENORA WORKS 324 108 63 59 --
Twin Real Handgun Kubara Product 621 99 81 39
5★ Dual Beatgun G.R.M. 600 113 92 66 --
Ryo-Betatore Yohmei 780 84 115 65 --
Arb Biga TENORA WORKS 360 141 83 68 --
6★ Dual Railgun G.R.M. 660 135 110 76 --
Ryo-Rayratore Yohmei 858 101 137 75 --
Arb Rega TENORA WORKS 396 169 99 78 --
Twin Handguc Kubara Product 132 149 121 39 --
Ryo-Pistatorec Kubara Product 264 122 121 39 --
Arb Hadoc Kubara Product 66 176 88 39 --
Samba Maracas Kubara Product 360 130 88 50 --
Rarity Name Mfr. PP Att. Acc. Req. Comments
7★ Bulletmaster G.R.M. 726 175 126 89 --
Ryo-Bimtore Yohmei 944 132 158 87 --
Arb Magana TENORA WORKS 436 219 113 91 --
Twin Varista Kubara Product 629 193 139 96 --
8★ Evil Twins G.R.M. 792 207 144 104 --
Ryo-Komatore Yohmei 1030 155 180 102 --
Arb Biso TENORA WORKS 475 259 130 107 --
Bulletmastric Kubara Product 158 228 159 53 --
Ryo-Bimtorec Kubara Product 317 187 159 53 --
Arb Maganac Kubara Product 79 269 132 53 --
Twin Real H.gun G Kubara Product 911 238 166 83 --
9★ Deathmaker G.R.M. 855 240 162 122 --
Ryo-Bisotore Yohmei 1112 180 203 120 --
Arb Boa TENORA WORKS 513 300 146 125 --
Twin Ruby Bullet Kubara Product 755 264 179 128 --
Rarity Name Mfr. PP Att. Acc. Req. Comments
10★ Hyper Viper G.R.M. 915 274 182 140 --
Hyper Vipric Kubara Product 183 301 200 71 --
Tension Blasters Kubara Product 1052 315 209 143 CASTs can't equip.
11★ Twin Tornado G.R.M. 972 307 204 157 --
Twin Tornadoc Kubara Product 194 338 225 80 --
12★ Battlestopper G.R.M. 1020 338 229 177 Obtained by collecting 80% of Twin Handguns.
Battlestoppric Kubara Product 204 371 252 90 --
Twin Glasher Kubara Product 1173 388 263  ? CAST only.
Rarity Name Mfr. PP Att. Acc. Req. Comments
14★ Guld & Milla Kubara Product 1031 450 316 208 --

Phantasy Star Portable weapons
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