C-A rank drop listing

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The purpose of this article is to serve as a rough listing of C-A Rank Drop-only Items in PSU, combining all the drop information into one place in a more organized manner. The list includes items that have been found in the game data, but are not yet available.

For S-Rank weapons, armours, and units, please see S-Rank Listing.

Color Legend
Normal background color denotes an item available on all servers.
This background color denotes an item currently available only on the JP server.
It should be available on all other servers within a few months, dependent upon updates.
This background color denotes an item still unavailable on even the JP server.
Item Type Name Rarity Maker Drop Information Comments
Axes Ank Bico 9★ Kubara Product Jaggo Acte Lv50+? Drops with 37% Light element. Can Confuse.
Daggers Crea-zashi 7★ Yohmei Board: Saguraki C.D. area drop Lv30+ Crea replica.
Crea Dagger G.R.M. Board: Seabed Plant area drop Lv30+ Crea replica.
Daga Cresa TENORA WORKS Board: Kugu Desert area drop Lv30+ Crea replica.
Handguns Real Hand Gun 4★ Kubara Product Given out in a demo weekend (360 only) --
Real Hand Gun G 8★ Kubara Product Famitsu Cup net-café prize --
Laser Cannons Degahna Cannon 9★ Kubara Product Board: Grove of Fanatics S-S2 Boss Box
Board: Forest Infiltration S-S2 Boss Box
Longbows Tengoh Bow 7★ Kubara Product Board: Tengohg Lv60-99 --
Rods Pumpkinhead 3★ Kubara Product Seasonal drop: Rappy Latan Lv1+ --
Sabers Fluorescent Bulb 3★ Kubara Product Board: Fight for Food C-S2 Boss Box
Board: YG-01U BUGGES Lv1-100
Harisen Battle Fan Kubara Product Board: No Vol Lv1-100 Can inflict Paralysis.
Deljabaner 6★ Kubara Product Board: Deljaban special drop --
Crea Saber 7★ G.R.M. Board: Raffon Meadow area drop Lv30+ Crea replica.
Creasabra Yohmei Board: Islands area drop Lv30+ Crea replica.
Seva Cresa TENORA WORKS Board: Galenigare Canyon area drop Lv30+ Crea replica.
Frying Pan 9★ Kubara Product Operation Firebreak prize Comes with 35% Fire element. Can inflict burn status.
Spears Hand Spear 7★ Kubara Product  ? Can inflict Silence status.
Swords Creasword 7★ G.R.M. Board: Train area drop Lv30+ Crea replica.
Cresaud Yohmei Board: Temple area drop Lv30+ Crea replica.
Soda Crea TENORA WORKS Board: Galenigare Mine area drop Lv30+ Crea replica.
Twin Claws Vahra Claw 7★ Kubara Product Board: Go Vahra special drop --
Twin Kitty Claw 8★ Kubara Product Jaggo Sonichi Lv?? Male only. Drops with 25% Ice element.
Twin Snowy Claw Kubara Product Jaggo Sonichi Lv?? Female only. Drops with 25% Fire element.
Twin Daggers Aldaga Cresa 7★ TENORA WORKS Board: Kugu Desert area drop Lv30+ Crea replica.
Ryo-Crezashi Yohmei Board: Saguraki C.D. area drop Lv30+ Crea replica.
Twin Crea Dagger G.R.M. Board: Seabed Plant area drop Lv30+ Crea replica.
Twin Handguns Twin Real Handgun 4★ Kubara Product Currently unavailable. --
Twin Sabers Twin Fluor. Bulbs 3★ Kubara Product Currently unavailable. --
Twin Harisen Fans Kubara Product Board: Do Vol Lv1-100 Can inflict Paralysis status.
Del Jagnus 6★ Kubara Product Board: Deljaban special drop --
Alseva Cresa 7★ TENORA WORKS Board: Galenigare Canyon special drop Crea replica.
Ryo-Creasabra Yohmei Board: Islands area drop Lv30+ Crea replica.
Twin Crea Saber G.R.M. Board: Raffon Meadow area drop Lv30+ Crea replica.
Wands Bukra Famitsu 5★ Kubara Product Famitsu Cup prize Unlikely to be released outside of JP.
Magical Wand 9★ Kubara Product Currently unavailable. --
Line shields Phantom Line 7★ G.R.M. Board: Badira Lv60-69
Board: Fight for Food S Box, Boss Box
Board: Plains Overlord S Boss Box
Board: Sleeping Warriors S Boss Box
Board: Crimson Beast A-S Boss Box
Board: Desert Terror S Boss Box
Set bonus with Phantom.
Caster Line G.R.M. Currently unavailable. CAST only.
Nafri-senba Yohmei Board: Ageeta Lv60-69
Board: Demons Above S Boss Box
Board: Grove of Fanatics S Boss Box
Board: The Holy Ground S Boss Box
Board: Forest Infiltration S Boss Box
Board: Cost of Research S2 Boss Box
Set bonus with Nafli-zashi.
Ga-senba Yohmei Board: The Eastern Peril S Boss Box Set bonus with Ga-Misaki.
Rabol Dunga TENORA WORKS Board: Naval Lv60-69 Set bonus with Cubo Dunga.
Rabol Neda TENORA WORKS Board: Desert Terror A Boss Box Set bonus with Gur Neda.
Gigush Line 8★ G.R.M. Board: Fight for Food S2 Boss Box
Board: Plains Overlord S Boss Box
Board: Crimson Beast S Boss Box
Set bonus with Gigush.
Weld Line G.R.M. Board: Fight for Food S2 Box
Board: The Mad Beasts S-S2 Boss Box
Board: The Dual Sentinel S Boss Box
Board: Crimson Beast S-S2 Boss Box
Board: Moonlight Beast S Boss Box
Loveheart Line G.R.M. Seasonal Board: Jaggo Amure Lv80+ --
Hiragi-senba Yohmei Board: Ageeta Lv70-79 FO and FT only.
Michi-senba Yohmei Board: The Holy Ground S2 Boss Box
Board: The Eastern Peril S2 Boss Box
Board: Forest Infiltration S2 Boss Box
Board: Cost of Research S2 Boss Box
Board: Her Secret Mission A Box
Rikau-senba Yohmei Board: Grove of Fanatics S Boss Box Set bonus with Rikauteri.
Rabol Rad TENORA WORKS Board: Naval Lv70-79 Set bonus with Mukarad.
Rabol Gant TENORA WORKS Board: Tunnel Recapture S2 Box
Board: Stolen Weapon Boss Box
Board: Bruce's Dungeon A Box
Set bonus with Gudda Gant.
Rabol Rappy TENORA WORKS Seasonal Board: Rappy Paska Lv50+
Famitsu Cup prize, obtained by trading in Rappy Feathers.
Famitsu prize has 25% Light element.
Cati Line 9★ G.R.M. Board: Plains Overlord S2 Boss Box
Board: The Mad Beasts S2 Boss Box
Ganna Line G.R.M. Board: Badira Lv80-99
Board: The Mad Beasts S Boss Box
RA, FI, FG, and GT only.
Delette Line G.R.M. Board: Plains Overlord S2 Boss Box
Board: Sleeping Warriors S2 Boss Box
Board: The Mad Beasts S2 Boss Box
Board: The Dual Sentinel S2 Boss Box
Board: Moonlight Beast S2 Boss Box
Cati-senba Yohmei Board: Demons Above S2 Boss Box
Board: Rainbow Beast S2 Box, Boss Box
Board: Grove of Fanatics S2 Boss Box
Board: Moonlight Beast S Boss Box
Board: The Eastern Peril S2 Boss Box
Board: Forest Infiltration S2 Boss Box
Board: Cost of Research S2 Boss Box
SEED Awakened S Boss Box
Drops with 20% Light element.
Kotoha-senba Yohmei Board: Ageeta Lv80-99 FO, FT, WT, GT only.
Cardia-senba Yohmei Currently unavailable. --
Rabol Cati TENORA WORKS Board: Desert Terror S2 Boss Box
Board: Desert Goliath S2 Boss Box
Desert Terror S Boss Box
Drops with 18% Dark element.
Rabol Dadan TENORA WORKS Board: Naval Lv80-99 HU, FF, FI, WT only.
Rabol Cuesta TENORA WORKS Currently unavailable. PT only.
Head Units Me / Quick 4★ Yohmei Demons Above A Boss Box
The Eastern Peril A-S Boss Box
Speeds up TECHNIC casting while slightly lowering TP.
Me / Concentrate Yohmei Rainbow Beast C-A Boss Box Raises TP while lowering TECHNIC cast speed.
Gi / Magic 5★ Yohmei Demons Above C-S Boss Box
Grove of Fanatics B-S Boss Box
The Eastern Peril C-S Boss Box
Forest Infiltration S Boss Box
Increases TP and MST.
Te / Force S 6★ Yohmei Famitsu Bonus Mission: (Severely And Splendidly) B Increases TP at the cost of MST.
Te / Mind S Yohmei Rainbow Beast S Boss Box Increases MST at the cost of TP.
Te / TECH Charge Yohmei Moonlight Beast B-A Boss Box Increases TP while also increasing the PP cost of TECHNICs.
Har / Quick 8★ Yohmei Demons Above S-S2 Boss Box
The Eastern Peril S2 Boss Box
Speeds up TECHNIC casting while lowering TP.
Sori / Force Yohmei Demons Above S Boss Box
The Eastern Peril S2 Boss Box
Increases TP.
Sori / Mind Yohmei Forest Infiltration S2 Boss Box Increases MST.
Sori / TECH Charge Yohmei Moonlight Beast S Boss Box
(Price of Research) S2 Boss Box
Increases TP while also increasing the PP cost of TECHNICS.
Te / TECH PP Save 9★ Yohmei Darbelan Lv50-?? Lowers the PP cost of TECHNICs while slightly lowering TP.
Arm Units Tero / Hit 6★ G.R.M. Famitsu Bonus Mission: (Unseen Road) B Increases ATA.
Hard / Power Charge 7★ G.R.M. Orgdus Lv60-99 Increases ATP while also increasing PP usage of Skills and Bullets.
Hard / Hit Charge G.R.M. Lutus Jigga Lv60-99 Increases ATA while also increasing PP usage of Skills and Bullets.
Solid / Power S 8★ G.R.M. Plains Overlord S Boss Box
Crimson Beast S-S2 Boss Box
Increases ATP and lowers ATA.
Solid / Hit S G.R.M. The Dual Sentinel S Boss Box Increases ATA and lowers ATP.
Giga / Skill PP Save G.R.M. Rappy Lv60-?? Lowers PP usage of Skills while increasing PP usage of Bullets.
Giga / Bullet PP Save G.R.M. Jaggo Lv60-?? Lowers PP usage of Bullets while increasing PP usage of Skills.
Cati / Power 9★ G.R.M. Plains Overlord S2 Boss Box Increases ATP.
Cati / Hit G.R.M. The Dual Sentinel S2 Boss Box Increases ATA.
Body Units Tero / Rainbow 6★ TENORA WORKS Famitsu Bonus Mission: (United Fate) B-A Increases the elemental % of armours by 12.
Tero / Guard TENORA WORKS Desert Goliath S Boss Box
Stolen Weapon S2 Boss Box
Increases DFP.
Tero / Legs TENORA WORKS Desert Terror A Boss Box
Rogues' Shortcut A-S2 Boss Box
Increases EVP.
Burn / Resist 7★ TENORA WORKS Plains Overlord S Boss Box
The Dual Sentinel S Boss Box
Crimson Beast S2 Boss Box
Gives immunity to Burn and increases elemental % of armours by 3.
Shock / Resist TENORA WORKS Desert Terror S Boss Box
Demons Above S Boss Box
Gives immunity to Shock and increases elemental % of armours by 3.
Poison / Resist TENORA WORKS SEED Awakened C, S Boss Box Gives immunity to Poison and increases elemental % of armours by 3.
Sleep / Resist TENORA WORKS Grove of Fanatics S-S2 Boss Box
Forest Infiltration S-S2 Boss Box
Desert Goliath S2 Boss Box
Gives immunity to Sleep and increases elemental % of armours by 3.
Virus / Resist TENORA WORKS SEED Awakened S Boss Box Gives immunity to Infection and increases elemental % of armours by 3.
Extra Units Garment Aura 4★ TENORA WORKS Firebreak Trade-in: 99 Ban-photons Covers the user in flames and slightly raises STA.
Black Heart 6★ TENORA WORKS Darbelan Special Drop Covers the user in dark smoke and slightly raises STA.
Rappy Mode 9★ TENORA WORKS Famitsu Cup Trade-in Item: ?? Rappy Feathers Covers the user in feathers and raises STA.
Puyoment Aura Yohmei Jaggo Sonichi Special Drop Puyos leap from the user. Raises STA.