Bruce Boyde (script)

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Episode 1

Chapter 3: Raffon Meadow: Block E-3

(Parked beside the entrance to the Relics is a cargo transporter. As the party approaches, a man calls out)

  • Bruce: Welcome! Hey Bro. I'll give ya a good deal. Wanna buy somethin'?
  • Ethan: There's a shop here!?
  • Karen: Bruce!
  • Bruce: Hey babe, how ya doin?
  • Karen: I told you to stop calling me that! What are you doing here?
  • Bruce: I heard there were some Guardians comin' to check out the RELICS site. I came here for the Archaeology team, too. They looked really low on stocks!
  • Ethan: Karen... Who is this?
  • Bruce: What's the matter kid, you ain't never heard of me? I'm Bruce Boyde. Wherever the Guardians go, I’m there to provide support, Y'know, for a fee...
  • Ethan: What? So you're here to make money is what you're saying!
  • Bruce: Well, coming here I'm riskin' my life. Gotta get some kind of compensation for that, right? All kinds of monsters hang out at the RELICS site now. Y'got all your supplies in order?
  • Karen: I should ask you the same thing!

(End Scene)

(Talk to Bruce)

  • Bruce: RELICS sites are more dangerous than you think. Make sure you take extra care!
  • Ethan: Okay, Big Shot...

Chapter 4: Milate 04: Car 4

(Scene: Ethan, Hyuga, Nav, Bruce) (As the party enters, they see a man who doesn't appear to be affiliated with the rogues)

  • Nav: Who's there!?
  • Bruce: Don't worry. I ain't no pirate! I'm a Guardian.
  • Ethan: You again!
  • Bruce: I thought there might be somethin' going down on this train, so I hopped aboard! Never thought it'd be the Tylor family, though.
  • Nav: Bruce... It's been a while!
  • Bruce: It's been too long, Headmaster Nav. Too long.
  • Nav: I still can't convince you to change your mind, can I?
  • Bruce: Nah. I think this line of work suits me much better.
  • Nav: I see... Still, I'm holding out for the day you come back to us.
  • Bruce: You're a peach, Headmaster. A real peach!
  • Ethan (thinking): He knows the headmaster! He must be some kind of veteran. Who would've thunk?

(End Scene)

(Talk to Bruce)

  • Bruce: Welcome! The Tylor family is widely feared, even by other rogues. Better take real good care!
  • Ethan: Yeah. I'm trying.


  • Bruce: The Tylor family is feared, even by other rogues. Better take real good care!

Chapter 7: Shikon Islands: Block A-1

(The party exits to the north a bit and approaches Bruce's merchant shuttle)

  • Bruce: Hey, what took you so long?
  • Ethan: You!
  • Maya: It's been a long time, Bruce.
  • Ethan: He knows Maya, too!
  • Bruce: What? You guys are here, too? We hafta stop meeting like this. Hm... You seem different today, little lady...
  • Mirei: W-Well...
  • Maya: Bruce, concentrate! Let's get down to business. Do you have the goods ready to go?
  • Bruce: Hey now, you know I always come through, Maya. Leave it to me!

(The camera changes angles to show a Jet-Ski like object floating in the water)

  • Ethan: W-What's that?
  • Maya: We'll be traveling part of the way on these floaders. We should be able to cut down a lot of travel time with these.
  • Bruce: If you need a lesson on how to ride 'em, let me know.

(End Scene)

(Ask Bruce how to ride a Floader)

  • Bruce: What do you wanna know?

(Floader control tutorial) (Don't Ask & Exit Explanation)

  • Bruce: If you have any questions, lemme know!

Chapter 8: Denes RELICS: Power Control Room


  • Bruce: Welcome!
  • Ethan: What the... What are you doing in a place like this?
  • Bruce: I go where I want. And I'm still a member of the GUARDIANS, so sometimes they let me tag along. In exchange, I get to set up shop in lots of exotic lands! Looks like it's gonna be a rough road ahead. Ya better equip yourself accordingly.
  • Ethan: You seem like you're doing a good job at surviving...


  • Bruce: From here on out it's gonna get pretty tough. You'd better take care!
  • Ethan: Yeah, I know.

Chapter 10: Agata Islands: Block C-1

(Scene: Ethan, Lou, Bruce) (As Ethan and Lou enter block C-1, they come upon Bruce standing next to his cargo carrier)

  • Bruce: Welcome!
  • Ethan: Bruce!?
  • Lou: Bruce, it is dangerous here. And it is also against the rules for you to be here.
  • Bruce: Always a stickler for the rules, aren't ya? Well, rules are made to be broken, my little friend. Besides, somebody's got to keep an eye out for ya!
  • Lou: This isn't any of your concern.
  • Bruce: You're breaking my heart, Lou. Well, let's save the chit-chat for later. You've got to get to the sacred grounds quickly, right? Stock up and get supplied here before ya go!
  • Ethan: Thanks, Bruce.
  • Lou: This mission being classified, I shall leave this out of the report.
  • Bruce: Thanks, doll! I knew you had it in ya!

(End Scene)


  • Bruce: You'd better hurry. I've got a bad feeling about this one...
  • Ethan: Bruce...

Chapter 11: West Kugu Desert: Field Base

(Bruce enters)

  • Ethan: You!
  • Bruce: Hey, Ethan! I was watching you work out there... You're willing to help anyone, AMF or GUARDIANS. That's my boy! I've brought you guys some of the best stuff I've got. They're all great deals, so take a look!
  • Tonnio: What the... You're taking our money!?
  • Leo: Living ain't free, Mister. And this offer won't last long!

(End Scene)

(Talk to Bruce)

  • Bruce: Curtz is in Area B. The other Alliance Troops have pulled out. You're the only ones left to save 'em! Show 'em what the GUARDIANS are made of, Ethan!

Chapter 12: Inside the HIVE: Block B-1

(Talk to Bruce)

  • Bruce: Welcome! Hey, Ethan and... Karen! Long time no see!
  • Ethan: Bruce! What are you doing here!?
  • Bruce: Me and Tylor go way back. I heard you guys were headed to the HIVE, so I hitched a ride with him. It's not like it's easy to pick up supplies in a joint like this. I brought my whole inventory, so stock up and go tear those SEED a new one!


  • Bruce: Ethan... Try not to get yourself killed out there, all right?
  • Ethan: Believe me, I'll do my best!