Bladed Legacy

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Bladed Legacy
Il Cabo Base
Start lobby Il Cabo Base
Start counter Granigs Mine Area
End lobby Granigs Mine
Version Ambition of the Illuminus
Field Il Cabo Base
Mission type Free mission
Party size 1-6 players
Enemy elements Neutral Fire Ground Dark

Rogues have infiltrated a former Illuminus base to steal arms left behind. Find and destroy the weapons first!

Mission requirements and rewards

LV Req. LV Enemy LV Rank S Rank A Rank B Rank C
Meseta Points Meseta Points Meseta Points Meseta Points
C 1 25+ 3650 71 2425 47 1200 23 0 0
B 30 55+ 6775 122 4500 81 2250 40 0 0
A 45 85+ 9175 160 6100 106 3050 53 0 0
S 70 115+ 10725 185 7150 123 3575 61 0 0
PA Fragment x1
S2 100 155+ 12025 205 8000 136 4000 68 0 0
PA Fragment x2

Enemy information

Enemy name Enemy buffs Ele. Mission LV C Mission LV B Mission LV A Mission LV S Mission LV S2
Bead Groode Ground 25 232 55 511 85 898 115 1350 155 2038
Dilla Griena Fire 25 232 55 511 85 898 115 1350 155 2038
Gohma Dilla Fire 25 81 55 178 85 313 115 471 155 711
Gohma Methna Fire 25 81 55 178 85 313 115 471 155 711
Renvolt Magashi Dark 35 592 65 1192 95 1912 125 2832 165 4112
Rogue Mazz Fire 25 54 55 119 85 209 115 314 155 474
Rogue Wikko Ground 25 54 55 119 85 209 115 314 155 474
Rare enemy
SEED-Lab staff Neutral 25 -- 55 -- 85 -- 115 -- 155 --

Item drops

Enemy name Special drops Mission LV C Mission LV B Mission LV A Mission LV S Mission LV S2
Bead Groode Bloody Score β Arb Biga Arb Magana Arb Boa [B] Gur Bazga Tyrant Spada
Dilla Griena Griena Tentacle Japanese version Aldaga Steg Aldaga Sabba Cubo Mamba [B] Cubo Musrana Germinus Ganuc
Gohma Dilla Inverter Circuit Magga Gres Magga Bar Magga Bar Gur Nedac Apocalypsic
Gohma Methna Inverter Circuit [B] Magga Gres [B] Magga Bar [B] Magga Bar Beam Vulcanic Cubo Simbac
Renvolt Magashi Magashi Head
Magashi Arms
Magashi Torso
Magashi Legs
Omega Acid
Two-headed Ragnus Two-headed Ragnus Two-headed Ragnus Two-headed Ragnus Two-headed Ragnus
Rogue Mazz -- [B] Soda Clayma [B] Ank Tomho [B] Ank Barde [B] Ank Pikor Ank Butic
Rogue Wikko -- Girapit Pegi Pegita Ranpegi Bajurac
SEED-Lab staff 13★ metals
Meow Mustache
Svaltus Edge
Relic Edge
Agito Edge
Beamgun Beamgun Python Python Har / Smart
Normal box Teranite
1-7★ -ium metals  ?  ?  ?  ?
Clear box Kubara Wood Shigga Stam
Gur Neda
Arb Magana
B'duki Magana
Cubo Upinde
Magga S'bina
[B] Shigga Stam
[B] Gur Neda
[B] Arb Magana
[B] B'duki Magana
[B] Cubo Upinde
[B] Magga S'bina
Shigga Brada
Gur Napam
Arb Magana
B'duki Magana
Cubo Dunga
Magga S'bina
[B] Shigga Brada
[B] Gur Napam
[B] Arb Magana
[B] B'duki Magana
[B] Cubo Dunga
[B] Magga S'bina
Shigga Bines
Gur Missal
Arb Biso
B'duki Biso
Cubo Mamba
Magga Draga
[B] Shigga Bines
[B] Gur Missal
[B] Arb Biso
[B] B'duki Biso
[B] Cubo Mamba
[B] Magga Draga
Shigga Bines
Gur Missal
Arb Biso
B'duki Biso
Cubo Mamba
Magga Draga
[B] Shigga Bines
[B] Gur Missal
[B] Arb Biso
[B] B'duki Biso
[B] Cubo Mamba
[B] Magga Draga
Shigga Baret
Gur Asted
Arb Boa
B'duki Boa
Cubo Tuma
Magga Guin
[B] Shigga Baret
[B] Gur Asted
[B] Arb Boa
[B] B'duki Boa
[B] Cubo Tuma
[B] Magga Guin
Area drops Photon Drop Xbox 360 version 1-8★ ores
[B] Sodadoc
4-11★ ores
Copernia, Armania,
[B] Soda Hazzoc
6-12★ ores
Copernia, Armania,
Goldania, Morbinia,
[B] Soda Hazzoc
7-15★ ores
Copernia, Armania,
Goldania, Morbinia,
Titania, Lithnia,
[B] Soda Hazzoc
Shigga Barec
Gur Astec
7-15★ ores
Copernia, Armania,
Goldania, Morbinia,
Titania, Lithnia,
[B] Soda Hazzoc

Enemy spawn chart

Map route Pattern Block 1 details Block 2 details Block 3 details Rare spawn
T-shaped path ahead
A-1 Second spawn:
Rogue Wikko x3
Initial spawn:
Rogue Mazz x3
Initial spawn:
Renvolt Magashi x3+1+2+1
A-2 Second spawn:
Rogue Mazz x3 &
Rogue Wikko x2
Initial spawn:
Rogue Wikko x3
Initial spawn:
Renvolt Magashi x3+2+1+1
A-3 Second spawn:
Rogue Mazz x3+2
Second spawn:
Rogue Mazz x3+1 &
Rogue Wikko x2
Initial spawn:
Renvolt Magashi x3+1+1+2
A-X Second spawn:
Rogue Mazz x3+2
Second spawn:
Rogue Mazz x3+3
Initial spawn:
Renvolt Magashi x3+1+1+2
Block 2:
SEED-Lab staff x4[1]
Crystal at opposite door
B-1 Initial spawn:
Rogue Wikko x3
Initial spawn:
Gohma Dilla x1
Initial spawn:
Renvolt Magashi x3+1+1+2
B-2 Second spawn:
Rogue Mazz x3+1 &
Gohma Dilla x2
Initial spawn:
Rogue Mazz x3
Initial spawn:
Renvolt Magashi x3+1+1+2
B-3 Second spawn:
Rogue Mazz x3+1 &
Rogue Wikko x2
Initial spawn:
Gohma Methna x1 &
Rogue Wikko x2
Initial spawn:
Renvolt Magashi x3+1+1+2
B-X Second spawn:
Rogue Mazz x3+1 &
Rogue Wikko x2
Initial spawn:
Rogue Wikko x3
Initial spawn:
Renvolt Magashi x3+1+1+2
Block 2:
SEED-Lab staff x4[1]
Bridge with laser fence
C-1 Initial spawn:
Gohma Dilla x1
Initial spawn:
Rogue Mazz x3
Initial spawn:
Renvolt Magashi x3+1+1+2
C-2 Initial spawn:
Gohma Methna x1
& Rogue Wikko x2
Initial spawn:
Rogue Mazz x3
Initial spawn:
Renvolt Magashi x3+1+1+2
C-3 Initial spawn:
Rogue Mazz x3
Initial spawn:
Rogue Wikko x3
Initial spawn:
Renvolt Magashi x3+2+1+1
C-X Initial spawn:
Rogue Mazz x3
Second spawn:
Rogue Mazz x3+2
Initial spawn:
Renvolt Magashi x3+1+1+2
Block 2:
SEED-Lab staff x4[1]

Reference notes

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Four SEED-Lab staff will not spawn simultaneously. They will spawn in pairs in two separate areas of block 2.