The Dual Sentinel

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Phantasy Star Universe ver.1
This mission has not been upgraded to Ambition of the Illuminus standards. Unless noted otherwise, all enemy and area drops are based on the original Phantasy Star Universe ver.1 charts.

The Dual Sentinel
Start lobby Denes Lake
Start counter Foran Waterfall Area
End lobby Foran Waterfall
Version Phantasy Star Universe
Field Denes RELICS
Mission type Free mission
Party size 1-6 players
Enemy elements Neutral Fire Lightning Light

Using the Denes RELICS as a base, the De Ragnus has been obstructing an investigation of the RELICS site. Suppress the De Ragnus!

Mission requirements and rewards

LV Req. LV Enemy LV Rank S Rank A Rank B Rank C
Meseta Points Meseta Points Meseta Points Meseta Points
C 1 15+ 400 9 262 5 125 2 0 0
B 20 25+ 1075 21 712 14 350 7 0 0
A 35 45+ 1550 28 1025 18 512 9 0 0
S 55 85+ 3275 57 2175 38 1087 19 0 0
PA Fragment x1
S2 70 110+[1] 7875 137 5250 91 2625 45 0 0
PA Fragment x2
S3[2] 95 140+ 16950 290 11300 193 5650 96 0 0
PA Fragment x3

Enemy information

Enemy name Enemy buffs Ele. Mission LV C Mission LV B Mission LV A Mission LV S Mission LV S2 Mission LV S3
Badira Fire 15 20 25 32 45 56 85 125 100 152 140 248
Golmoro Light 15 34 25 54 45 94 85 209 100 254 140 414
Jarba Fire 15 146 25 232 45 404 85 898 100 1092 140 1780
Jarba Sword.gif Shield.gif Staff.gif Boot.gif Fire 15 210 25 334 45 581 85 1293 100 1572 140 2563
Mizura Lightning 15 44 25 70 45 122 85 271 100 330 140 538
Polavohra Lightning 15 136 25 216 45 376 85 836 100 1016 140 1656
Svaltus Light 15 282 25 448 45 780 85 1734 100 2108 140 3436
Volfu Lightning 15 34 25 54 45 94 85 209 100 254 140 414
Rare enemy
Rappy Light 15 170 25 270 45 470 85 1045 100 1270 140 2070
De Ragnus Neutral 20 1144 30 1664 50 2704 90 5824 105 7124 145 11248

Item drops

Enemy name Special drops Mission LV C Mission LV B Mission LV A Mission LV S Mission LV S2 Mission LV S3
Badira -- [B] Brandline [B] Busterline [B] Cresline [B] Ganna Line [B] Storm Line [B] Storm Line
Golmoro -- Twin Knife Twin Stinger Twin Ripper [B] Mijin-Misaki [B] Ran-Misaki [B] Ran-Misaki
Jarba -- Pikenata Lacanata Halbenata [B] Katsuno-zashi [B] Halarod [B] Halarod
Mizura [B] Recov. items Knife Stinger Ripper Survivor Mira-kikami Card Regas
Polavohra -- Staff Baton Cane Thunder Cannon [B] Meteor Cannon [B] Meteor Cannon
Rappy Rappy Feather Perpa / Power Mega / Power Mega / Knight Giga / Skill PP Save Cati / Skill PP Save Cati / Skill PP Save
Svaltus Svaltus Edge Gigush Breaker Calibur Caliburn [B] Svaltus Sword [B] Svaltus Sword
Volfu Powertore Ortotore Betatore Rayratore [B] Giza-Misaki [B] Giza-Misaki
De Ragnus Burn / Resist
De Ragnus Dorso
 ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?
Normal box -- Beetle
Stag Beetle
Tornado Throw
Stag Beetle
Tornado Throw
Stag Beetle
Tornado Throw
Stag Beetle
Tornado Throw
Stag Beetle
Tornado Throw
Ano Relic
Area drops Relic Edge 1-7★ ores 1-8★ ores
3-10★ ores
Olpad, Rubinad
6-12★ ores
Olpad, Rubinad,
Tormad, Citrad,
Berilad, Diad
7-12★ ores
Olpad, Rubinad,
Tormad, Citrad,
Berilad, Diad
[B] Psycho Wand
7-15★ ores
Olpad, Rubinad,
Tormad, Citrad,
Berilad, Diad,
Recnad, Suffad
[B] Psycho Wand

Enemy spawn chart

Map route Pattern Block 1 features Block 2 features Block 3 features Rare spawn
Facing East, door to the right.
Golmoro x2+1 Badira x4+2 Badira x3+3 (Mizura map.)
A-2 Badira x4+2 Golmoro x4 Badira x6 (Svaltus x10 on B1)
(Mizura/Polavohra on B2/B3)
A-3 Badira x4+2 Badira x4+2 Volfu x6 B1: Polavohra x6
A-X Badira x4+2 (Svaltus) Golomoro x4 (Mizura/ Polavohra) Badira x3 Block 3: Rappy x2
Facing North.
Volfu x4 Badira x4 Badira x3+3 (Svaltus x3 on B2)
B-2 Badira x5 Badira x4 Volfu x6 (Jarba & Mizura map.)
B-3 Badira x4 Mizura x4 Badira x6 (Jarba map.)
B-X Badira x5 Badira x4 Badira x3+3 Block 3: Rappy x2
Facing south, stairs to right.
Badira x5 Volfu x2+2 Badira x6 (Jarba & Mizura Map)
C-2 Badira x3+1 Badira x4+2 Volfu x6 B2: Svaltus x6
C-3 Volfu x4 Badira x4+2 Badira x3+3
C-X Volfu x4 Badira x4 (Large monster: Polahvora) Badira x3 Block 3: Rappy x2
  • A-X has Svaltus on the first block

Reference notes

  1. The in-game mission information screen states that difficulty S2's base enemy level is LV110, however the true base is LV100. This discrepancy has no effect on enemy drops.
  2. S3 difficulty is available only to Ambition of the Illuminus players.