Stolen Weapon

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Phantasy Star Universe ver.1
This mission has not been upgraded to Ambition of the Illuminus standards. Unless noted otherwise, all enemy and area drops are based on the original Phantasy Star Universe ver.1 charts.

Stolen Weapon
Kugu Desert
Start lobby W. Kugu: Ajis Kugu
Start counter Galenigare Tunnel Area
End lobby Underground Lake
Version Phantasy Star Universe
Field West Kugu Desert
Mission type Co-op mission
Party size 1-6 players (6 recom.)
Enemy elements Neutral Ground Lightning

Magas Maggahna, a weapon of the former Endrum Collective, has been taken over by rogues while being transported. The weapon has been activated.

Mission requirements and rewards

LV Req. LV Enemy LV Rank S Rank A Rank B Rank C
Meseta Points Meseta Points Meseta Points Meseta Points
C 1 15+ 600 13 400 8 200 4 0 0
B 10 25+ 1350 27 900 17 450 8 0 0
A 20 35+ 2450 46 1625 30 812 15 0 0
S 40 70+ 5775 102 3850 68 1925 34 0 0
PA Fragment x1
S2 50 85+ 8325 145 5550 96 2775 48 0 0
PA Fragment x2
S3[1] 90 135+[2] 17100 292 11400 194 5700 97 0 0
PA Fragment x3

Enemy information

Enemy name Enemy buffs Ele. Mission LV C Mission LV B Mission LV A Mission LV S Mission LV S2 Mission LV S3
GSM-05M Tirentos Lightning 15 51 25 81 35 111 70 246 85 313 140 --
Naval Ground 15 20 25 32 35 44 70 98 85 125 140 --
Naval Crown.gif Ground 15 30 25 48 35 -- 70 -- 85 -- 140 --
Rogue (Jasse) Neutral 15 34 25 54 35 74 70 164 85 209 140 --
Rogue (Ogg) Neutral 15 34 25 54 35 74 70 164 85 209 140 --
YG-01K BUGGE Lightning 15 44 25 -- 35 96 70 -- 85 -- 140 --
Rare enemy
Grinna Bete S Lightning 25 -- 35 -- 45 -- 80 -- 95 -- 150 --
Magas Maggahna Lightning 20 880 30 1280 40 1680 75 3580 90 4480 150 --

Item drops

Enemy name Special drops Mission LV C Mission LV B Mission LV A Mission LV S Mission LV S2
Grinna Bete S Grinna Bete S Blaster Shooter Vullseye Phantom Phantom
GSM-05M Tirentos Inverter Circuit
Assault Greasegun Repeater Yasminakov 0002 Drumline
Naval -- [B] Rabol Ridla [B] Rabol Midra [B] Rabol Welda [B] Rabol Rad [B] Rabol Dadan
Rogue (Jasse) -- [B] B'duki Pam [B] B'duki Oga [B] B'duki Roga [B] B'duki Re [B] B'duki Re
Rogue (Ogg) -- [B] Seva Brada [B] Seva Sata [B] Seva Palassa [B] Seva Falsan [B] Seva Falsan
YG-01K BUGGE [B] Recov. items [B] Staff [B] Baton [B] Scepter [B] Crozier [B] Crozier
Magas Maggahna Sleep / Resist Shigga Wadda
Stella / Guard
[B] Mukpat
[B] Arb Oga
[B] Magga Gres
[B] Rabol Mega
[B] Rabol Welda
Shigga Bigul
Stella / Guard
[B] Mukalbe
[B] Arb Roga
[B] Magga Rit
[B] Rabol Giga
[B] Rabol Patte
[B] Rabol Welda
Shigga Amza
Tero / Guard
[B] Mukrudi
[B] Arb Biga
[B] Magga Gat
[B] Rabol Tero
[B] Rabol Danga
Shigga Boma
Tero / Guard
[B] Mugungri
[B] Gur Neda
[B] Cubo Upinde
[B] Rabol Solid
[B] Rabol Gant
Shigga Brada
Tero / Guard
[B] Mukfet
[B] Blackbull
[B] Gur Napam
[B] Cubo Dunga
[B] Rabol Cati
[B] Rabol Asted
Normal box  ? 1-4★ -ian metals
2-5★ Moat. wood
 ?  ?  ?  ?
Rocks -- 2-5★ Meta-types  ?  ?  ?  ?
Area drops -- 1-7★ ores 1-8★ ores
2-9★ ores
[B] Aldaga Cresa
[B] Daga Cresa
6-12★ ores
Copernia, Armania,
Goldania, Morbinia,
[B] Aldaga Cresa
[B] Daga Cresa
6-12★ ores
Copernia, Armania,
Goldania, Morbinia,
[B] Aldaga Cresa
[B] Daga Cresa
Enemy name Special drops Mission LV S3 -- -- -- --
Naval -- [B] Rabol Lebfa -- -- -- --
Rogue (Jasse) -- [B] Cubo Mamba -- -- -- --
Rogue (Ogg) -- [B] Muktrand -- -- -- --
YG-01K BUGGE [B] Recov. items [B] Mira-kikami -- -- -- --
GSM-05M Tirentos Inverter Circuit
Drumline -- -- -- --
Grinna Bete S Grinna Bete S Gudda Igga -- -- -- --
Magas Maggahna Sleep / Resist
Note Seed
Shigga Bines
Rabol Yiel
Orpad / Guard
Lumirus / Wall
[B] Muktrand
[B] Rattlesnake
[B] Shigga Baret
[B] Gur Missal
[B] Cubo Mamba
[B] Cubo Simba
[B] Rabol Cati
[B] Rabol Asted
-- -- -- --
Normal box Lunga Egg 4-10★ -ian metals
5-11★ Moat. wood
-- -- -- --
Rocks -- 5-11★ Meta-types -- -- -- --
Area drops Photon Drop Xbox 360 version 7-15★ ores
Copernia, Armania,
Goldania, Morbinia,
[B] Mugunrukuc
-- -- -- --

Enemy spawn chart

Map route Pattern Block 1 details Block 2 details Rare spawn
Facing west, into an open area.
A-1 First spawn:
Naval x4
Second spawn:
Naval x3 & GSM-05M Tirentos x2+2
Third spawn:
Naval x3 & GSM-05M Tirentos x2+2
Specific enemy:
Rogue (Ogg)
A-2 First spawn:
Naval x4
Second spawn:
Naval x4 + GSM-05M Tirentos x2
Third spawn:
Naval x5 + GSM-05M Tirentos x3
Specific enemy:
Rogue (Ogg)
A-3 --
Facing south, into an open area.
B-1 First spawn:
Rogue (Ogg) x3
Specific enemy:
Rogue (Ogg)
B-2 Third spawn:
Rogue (Jasse) x3 + GSM-05M Tirentos x3
Specific enemy:
Rogue (Ogg)
B-3 Third spawn:
Rogue (Jasse) x2 & GSM-05M Tirentos x2
Specific enemy:
Rogue (Jasse)
Facing north west, gated path ahead.
C-1 First spawn:
Rogue (Ogg) x3
Specific enemy:
Rogue (Jasse)
C-2 First spawn:
Rogue (Jasse) x3
Specific enemy:
Rogue (Ogg)
C-3 First spawn:
Rogue (Jasse) x4
Specific enemy:
Rogue (Ogg)

Reference notes

  1. S3 difficulty is available only to Ambition of the Illuminus players.
  2. The in-game mission information screen states that difficulty S3's base enemy level is LV135, however the true base is LV140. This discrepancy has no effect on enemy drops.