Medoc (script)

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Episode 1

Holtes City: East District

  • Rol Medoc
  • Qurio Medoc

Chapter 2

(Rol Medoc)

  • Ethan: Did you say something?
  • Rol: I didn't say anything, you creep!
  • Ethan: You've got quite a mouth on you, kiddo.
  • Rol: Yeah, whatever. Just get out of here before I start yelling!
  • Ethan: You're yelling plenty now...


  • Ethan: Hey...
  • Rol: Shut up! Don't screw with me just 'cause I'm a kid!
  • Ethan: I don't know what your problem is, but I think you should just chill out.
  • Rol: Hmph!


  • Ethan: So how about it? Have you finally calmed down yet?
  • Rol: Hmph!

(Qurio Medoc)

  • Mr. Medoc: This is a CAST town. If you knew what was good for you, you'd turn tail and leave.
  • Ethan: I've got a mission to do, so that'd be impossible.
  • Mr. Medoc: So you're a Guardian, eh?
  • Ethan: Yes. I'm Ethan Waber.
  • Mr. Medoc: I'm Qurio Medoc


  • Ethan: It's difficult working here, isn't it?
  • Mr. Medoc: It isn't easy, but it doesn't do any good to complain.
  • Ethan: Have you been on Parum long?
  • Mr. Medoc: It's been about fifty years, I recon. Feels like a million and a half.


  • Mr. Medoc: If you ever feel like blowing off some steam, come by anytime!

Chapter 3

(Rol Medoc)

  • Ethan: Hey, we meet again!
  • Rol: ...
  • Ethan: What's up with you? You're not your usual charming self today.
  • Rol: Be quiet. My grandfather is sick.
  • Ethan: You don't mean... Qurio?
  • Rol: You know him?
  • Ethan: Yeah.


  • Ethan: Well then, shouldn't you be at home with him instead of hanging around here?
  • Rol: Shut up! You're not the boss of me!

(Quiro Medoc)

  • Ethan: Mr. Medoc, what's the matter?
  • Mr. Medoc: I haven't been feeling too well lately. Looks like my time's almost up.
  • Ethan: Cheer up, Mr. Medoc! Being glum won't help you get any better!
  • Mr. Medoc: It's all right. I'd just like to go as quickly as possible.

(Again if you talk to Mr. Medoc first)

  • Ethan: Mr. Medoc, do you live alone?
  • Mr. Medoc: I've got a granddaughter, but I might as well be alone.

(Again after speaking with his Granddaughter)

  • Ethan: Mr. Medoc, your granddaughter tells me she's worried about you.
  • Mr. Medoc: Could that girl really be worried about me?
  • Ethan: She really was. Don't feel down!

Chapter 4

(Rol Medoc)

  • Ethan: Hey, you look like you're in a better mood today!
  • Rol: What's with you? It's not like we're pals or something.
  • Ethan: Why can't we be pals?
  • Rol: Hmph!
  • Ethan: Little girl, what's your name?
  • Rol: Rol.
  • Ethan: Good to meet ya!

(Qurio Medoc)

  • Ethan: Hi, Mr. Medoc. You look well today!
  • Mr. Medoc: Ever since I got sick, my granddaughter's been acting real nice to me.
  • Ethan: That's great!
  • Mr. Medoc: I wonder how long it'll last?


  • Ethan: Mr. Medoc, you should take it easy.
  • Mr. Medoc: Why's that? When my time is up, there's nothing I can do about it.

Chapter 5

(Rol Medoc)

  • Ethan: Hey, Rol. How are you?
  • Rol: What's it matter to you?
  • Ethan: How's your granddad?
  • Rol: Where do I start? If I act all nice to him just a little he gets all carried away and blubbery. He drives me nuts!
  • Ethan: You should be happy he got better.
  • Rol: I'd be happy if he died.
  • Ethan: You don't mean that! Don't say such things!
  • Rol: ...


  • Ethan: Someday you'll be sorry you said that.
  • Rol: ...

(Qurio Medoc)

  • Ethan: Hello, Mr. Medoc.
  • Mr. Medoc: Oh, it's you. Well, I got better, so you can just relax already. But my granddaughter's been up to her old ways again, treating me like I'm useless. Now I'm just moping around.
  • Ethan: Oh. That's too bad.


  • Mr. Medoc: When I pass away, my granddaughter will probably be glad of it.
  • Ethan: Don't say that! She's just going through a phase right now. She'll grow out of it.

Chapter 6

(Rol Medoc)

  • Ethan: Hey, Rol. How are you?
  • Rol: I hate this awful town. I just want to get the hell out!
  • Ethan: Such language for a little girl! But what about your granddad?
  • Rol: He can just rot here for all I care!
  • Ethan: Hey, that's enough! You still don't get it, do you?
  • Rol: But...
  • Ethan: Stop taking your anger out on other people! You're going to have a rough road ahead of you if you can't even get along with your sweet old grandpa!
  • Rol: ...


  • Ethan: Think about what I said, Rol.
  • Rol: ...

(Quiro Medoc)

  • Ethan: Hello, Mr. Medoc.
  • Mr. Medoc: Oh, it's you... Lately it seems like you're the only person I've got to talk to.
  • Ethan: What about your granddaughter?
  • Mr. Medoc: Sometimes she curses at me, but I wouldn't exactly call that talking.


  • Ethan: That's awful!
  • Mr. Medoc: Nah, it's nothing to get worked up about...

Chapter 7

(Rol Medoc)

  • Rol: Why are you in such a hurry?
  • Ethan: Sorry.


  • Rol: You're annoying me. Go away!
  • Ethan: All right, fine!

(Quiro Medoc)

  • Mr. Medoc: In this town I get nothing but cold CAST stares. It really gets me down sometimes.
  • Ethan: I know the feeling.


  • Mr. Medoc: Man, I'm beat!
  • Ethan: Keep your chin up, Mr. Medoc!

Chapter 8

(Rol Medoc)

  • Ethan: Hey, Rol. How are you?
  • Rol: I'm fine. Is that all you ever want to know? Geez!
  • Ethan: Fine then. So tell me about yourself. Do you have a boyfriend?
  • Rol: Shut up!
  • Ethan: You know, you really should fix that habit of telling people to "shut up" all the time. That's not gonna fly in the real world.
  • Rol: ...


  • Ethan: You shouldn't give your granddad such a hard time.
  • Rol: ...

(Quiro Medoc)

  • Ethan: Hello, Mr. Medoc.
  • Mr. Medoc: ...
  • Ethan: Mr. Medoc?
  • Mr. Medoc: Oh, it's you... Well, I give up!
  • Ethan: What's wrong?
  • Mr. Medoc: My granddaughter said to me, "Why don't you just die?" Can you believe it?
  • Ethan: ...
  • Mr. Medoc: Maybe she'd be better off if I did.
  • Ethan: That's a horrible thing to say!


  • Ethan: Don't worry, Mr. Medoc. Your granddaughter is sure to come around one of these days.
  • Mr. Medoc: I gave up hope for that a long time ago, Ethan.

Chapter 9

(Rol Medoc)

  • Ethan: Hey, Rol.
  • Rol: You again...
  • Ethan: If you act like that all the time, you'll never find happiness.
  • Rol: There isn't any happiness to be found around here.
  • Ethan: That's why you have to make up with your grandfather. He's so sad!
  • Rol: ...


  • Ethan: You know, you're not the only one who has a tough life.
  • Rol: ...

(Quiro Medoc)

  • Ethan: Hello, Mr. Medoc.
  • Mr. Medoc: Oh, it's you... I wish I could just die...
  • Ethan: What are you saying!?
  • Mr. Medoc: I don't have any dreams or any money... Just a granddaughter who curses my existence. There's nothing left but the sweet release of death.
  • Ethan: Don't talk like that, Mr. Medoc. Your granddaughter would miss you if you were gone. Eventually you'll learn to understand each other. Don't give up hope!


  • Mr. Medoc: Thanks for the encouragement, but I'm so tired... I just wish things were easier!
  • Ethan: They won't always be so hard, Mr. Medoc. You’ve got to have faith.

Chapter 10

(Rol Medoc)

  • Ethan: Hey, Rol. How are you?
  • Rol: If I get friendly with a Guardian, the Alliance Military will give me a hard time. So go away!
  • Ethan: Sorry about that.
  • Rol: You don't understand what it's like out here everyday...


  • Ethan: You haven't been listening to anything I've said, have you?
  • Rol: Leave me alone!
  • Ethan: Fine.

(Quiro Medoc)

  • Ethan: Hello, Mr. Medoc.
  • Mr. Medoc: Hey, you're a Guardian, right? You don't have time to waste hanging around here today, do you? Especially since the number of Alliance Military troops has increased... They all seem pretty nervous about something.
  • Ethan: I'll be fine.
  • Mr. Medoc: Ah... If only I could get off this loathsome rock and move to a whole new planet! Alas...


  • Ethan: Mr. Medoc, you've got to try to look on the bright side of things. Stop focusing on what you don't have and appreciate what you do!
  • Mr. Medoc: Well, maybe...

Chapter 11

(Rol Medoc)

  • Ethan: Hey, Rol. How are you?
  • Rol: Okay.
  • Ethan: Hey! We're making some progress!
  • Rol: Don't mock me.


  • Ethan: Try to make friends with your granddad, all right?
  • Rol: Maybe...

(Quiro Medoc)

  • Ethan: Hello, Mr. Medoc. How are you feeling today?
  • Mr. Medoc: Oh, it's you... I think you were right. It's not so bad to be alive...
  • Ethan: Did something happen?
  • Mr. Medoc: My granddaughter has been acting a lot sweeter to me. I think she's finally growing out of her rebellious phase!
  • Ethan: That's great, Mr. Medoc.


  • Mr. Medoc: I realized... All I've got is my granddaughter.
  • Ethan: Yes, so you should take care of each other.

Chapter 12

(Rol Medoc)

  • Ethan: Hey, Rol. How are you?
  • Rol: I'm fine. How are you?
  • Ethan: !?
  • Rol: What's the matter?
  • Ethan: Sorry, your normal answer kind of caught me off guard!
  • Rol: I... thought about what you said. And I've been a really rotten jerk to my grandpa!
  • Ethan: It's never too late to change!
  • Rol: Yeah, you're right. I'm gonna try to be nicer from now on.


  • Ethan: Take care of your granddad, Rol.
  • Rol: I'll try.

(Quiro Medoc)

  • Ethan: Hello, Mr. Medoc. You look like you're in a good mood today!
  • Mr. Medoc: Yeah, my granddaughter called me "Grandpa" for the first time! I waited ten years for that! Now I can die with no regrets...
  • Ethan: H-Hold on a second! Don't you die just yet now that you're making progress!
  • Mr. Medoc: I don't have enough money to move to the colony. There's nothing left to do but die.
  • Ethan: Please, think of your granddaughter! There must be some special programs to help low-income people move. I'll check into it for you!
  • Mr. Medoc: Really? That's very kind of you, boy.


  • Ethan: Don't give up, Mr. Medoc!
  • Mr. Medoc: I won't. Not yet, at least.