Episode 3 Chapter 3 Act 2 (script)

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  • Ethan (shouts)[1]: Where are you trying to go, [Player]?
  • Ethan[1]: You're going the wrong way!


[That's right.] [Beats me.]
  • Lumia: If you give up on family, how can you even go on? Believe in him, Ethan!
  • Ethan: Hm... I don't know what to think now. Sometimes I can only see the bad side of things.
  • Lumia: You can talk about anything with me, Ethan. I'll show you the bright side.
  • Ethan: Thanks, Lumia. [Player]... I feel a little better now.
  • Lumia: ...Yeah, we don't know for sure. It could be anything, I guess. But I trust him!
  • Lumia: If you give up on family, how can you even go on? Believe in him, Ethan!
  • Ethan: Hm... I don't know what to think now. Sometimes I can only see the bad side of things.
  • Lumia: You can talk about anything with me, Ethan. I'll show you the bright side.
  • Ethan: Thanks, Lumia. I feel a little better now.
  • Lumia: Sorry, [Player]. Didn't mean to drag you into this.
  • Ethan: Lumia, I hope that someday you'll understand... ...the desire to protect those you care about...
  • Lumia: ...Protect those you care about...
  • Ethan: ...Maybe I've said too much. Well, let's go!

Fade to black.

[Wake up, Rutsu.] [Fight Rutsu with Ethan.]
  • Rutsu: ...You're quite the miscreant, too.
  • Ethan: You're thinking only about saving the Communion, but Karen wouldn't want that. Gurhal will only see peace when all four races work together!
  • Rutsu (shouts): Nonsense!
  • Ethan: If you claim justice from power, then we'll defeat you and prove that you're wrong!
  • Rutsu: Ethan Waber... And your miscreant partner, [Player]...
  • Ethan: Thanks, [Player]. With you here I feel like we can do anything!
  • Rutsu: A couple of commoners like you are going to fight me?
  • Ethan: Those commoners are going to change the world!
  • Ethan: If you claim justice from power, then we'll defeat you and prove that you're wrong!
  • Rutsu: Ethan Waber... And [Player]...
  • Rutsu: Besides the LSS, we have developed something else. Have a look. Behold! ALTERAZ GOUG!

Fade to white.

[Agree with the Maiden.] [Don't forgive Rutsu.]
  • Karen: Thank you, [Player]. I've felt the power of your strength and of your heart from the time our paths first crossed.
  • Karen: I understand your feelings of hatred. But the ability to forgive all will bring true peace. I believe that you have it within you, [Player].

Karen faces Rutsu.

  • Karen: If you change, Rutsu, then it won't be long before the citizens of Neudaiz change as well. Then you and I can work together to seek everyone's cooperation. This is a critical time. Choose wisely, Light Master Rutsu.
  • Rutsu: ... ...Thank you, Divine Maiden...

Fade to black.

Reference notes

  1. 1.0 1.1 These lines are only spoken if the player attempts to backtrack at the start of each block.