Episode 1 Chapter 05 Mission (script)

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Mission: Rescue the Maiden

Mizuraki C.D. Block A-1

(Scene: Ethan, Hyuga, Karen, Maya)

  • Ethan: Maya, why aren't we going directly to the crash site?
  • Maya: There are these flying creatures called Gohgs all over the Mizuraki C.D. Even before the SEED, they were extremely dangerous creatures. If they were to attack us...we wouldn't stand a chance here in this limousine shuttle!
  • Karen: That is... A very dangerous area.
  • Ethan: But why did the Maiden come through such a dangerous area?
  • Maya: Yeah... It's a place you'd usually try to avoid.
  • Hyuga: Someone may have tampered with the shuttle's controls...

(Karen and Maya continue onward while Hyuga and Ethan linger behind)

  • Ethan: Hey, Hyuga...
  • Hyuga: What is it?
  • Ethan: Karen's been acting kind of strange, hasn't she?
  • Hyuga: I was noticing the same thing. There must be something bothering her.
  • Ethan: In any case, will you keep an eye out for her?
  • Hyuga: Yes, good idea.

(End scene)

(Fight from Mizuraki C.D. A-1 to A-4)

Mizuraki C.D. Block A-4

(Scene: Ethan, Hyuga, Maya, Karen)

  • Ethan: But... In the end it was a CAST. That assassin...
  • Hyuga: Who would try something like that?
  • Karen: I don't know. The Communion is pretty diverse. it's not strange for there to be inner disputes.
  • Ethan: What's that?

(Across the field a large bat-like creature appears)

  • Maya: That's one kind of Gohg. A Tengohg. They're pretty ferocious, so be careful!
  • Karen: Haa... *pant* *pant*

(Karen collapses)

  • Ethan: Karen!
  • Maya: I'll take care of Karen. You two take care of the Tengohg!
  • Ethan: Got it!

(Ethan and Hyuga rush off to fight the monster) (End Scene)

(Ethan and Hyuga fight and destroy the Tengohg)

(Cutscene) (Karen, as a frightened child, is running through a forested area being pulled along by her mother. A dark winged shadow swoops across the sky. Teeth and fangs flash. The child Karen falls to the ground as the creature returns to the sky with her mother in it's clutches)

  • Karen: Momma! Momma!! Momma!!!!

(End Cutscene)

(Cutscene) (Bright light pierces Karen's vision as she sees Maya over her calling her name)

  • Maya: Karen! Karen! Karen, are you alright?!
  • Karen: I'm sorry... I got woozy for a second...
  • Ethan: Maybe we should stop for a while until...

(Karen stands)

  • Karen: No, I'm fine, really. Let's get moving.

(Karen walks off, leaving the Ethan and the others behind)

  • Maya: Karen...

(End Cutscene)

(Scene: Karen, Hyuga, Maya, Ethan)

  • Ethan: Karen... Are you all right?
  • Karen: I'm getting sick of everyone always asking if I'm all right!

(Karen walks off, Hyuga following closely)

  • Ethan: What's wrong? I just said I was worried about her...
  • Hyuga: It's dangerous to go alone, Karen!
  • Maya: Yeah... That Karen...
  • Ethan: Maya, what exactly happened to Karen?
  • Maya: Karen left home to join the GUARDIANS. Until now, the only time she set foot on Neudaiz since that time was when my mother passed away. She collapsed then, just like today. That's why I worry about her so much. For Karen... Neudaiz and these woods are places she'd just as well not remember.
  • Ethan: But just a while ago the two of you were laughing it up! I've never seen Karen that happy before. It's like she always forces herself to be emotionless and stern. She's always cool and professional... whether she's yelling at us or facing down an AMF officer! Maya, you are the only one she'll show her true face to. In the GUARDIANS... You won't make it if you don't learn how to bottle things up. Karen didn't come home because she didn't want her heart to burst.
  • Maya: You're a nice guy, Ethan. I like nice guys...
  • Ethan: Huh? Where did that come from!?
  • Maya: But... You've got a thing for Karen, don't you?
  • Ethan: Wha....? Where'd you get a crazy idea like that!?
  • Maya: Don't try to hide it from me. Women are very intuitive. You're worried about her, aren't you?
  • Ethan: That's... That's because she's my instructor, obviously!
  • Maya: Hehehe! I'm just messing with you! You're so easy!
  • Ethan: I... You... !!!
  • Maya: Ethan, look after my little sister, okay? She always pushes herself too hard. I worry about her.
  • Ethan: *sigh* Of course.
  • Karen: What are you doing, Ethan? Let's go!
  • Ethan: I'm on my way!

(End Scene)

Mizuraki C.D. Block B-1

(Cutscene) (As Ethan and party enter a clearing, they see Fulyen Curtz standing beside a tank. They approach...)

  • Curtz: Oh, it's you again...
  • Karen: We won't interfere with Allied affairs. We're just simply trying to get to the shuttle crash site.
  • Curtz: I heard about the incident. The Maiden was aboard the craft? It is foolish of her to be prancing around from city to city during such dangerous times.
  • Hyuga: What are you talking about?! It's exactly because of these times that the people need her more than ever!
  • Curtz: Hmph! So, you can't live without your precious little Maiden? You humans are weaker than I thought.
  • Ethan: Oh, and you think being a government puppet is any better?
  • Curtz: Do you know who...
  • Karen: Ethan, stop it. I apologize. We simply wish to pass.
  • Curtz: Permission denied. This location is to be purified immediately.
  • Karen: Isn't there anything...
  • Curtz: I said no!
  • Maya: Wow, you're from the Allied Army? I've never seen one of you guys up close before.

(Maya begins fawning over Curtz, hanging onto his arm)

  • Maya: You're even cuter than I imagined! And I bet that armor is a specially prepared alloy?
  • Curtz: Well, yes... it is a...
  • Maya: And listen to that voice!
  • Curtz: Look, I have things to do...
  • Maya: I really don't think you want the death of the Divine Maiden on your shoulders, now do you? So... You'll help us, right?
  • Curtz: I... I suppose it can't hurt to wait a little... But, take too long and I'll purify this place with you in it!
  • Maya: Oh wow! Thanks! You're the best! Okay! Let's get moving! Thank you Captain, sir! See you around!

(The party departs, and Maya waves goodbye at Curtz who to his own surprise finds himself waving back)

  • Curtz: See you ar....

(Curtz shakes his head and walks off) (End Cutscene)

Mizuraki C.D. Block B-2

(Scene: Maya, Hyuga, Ethan, Karen) (The party walks into an area of the C.D. that frozen and covered in ice. Strange looking Blewmes and Zoma can be seen)

  • Ethan: Brr! It got real cold real fast for some reason!
  • Karen: It's the ice contamination. It looks like Curtz's information was correct. Well it's no use. We left in such a rush, we're not prepared for this contingency.
  • Ethan: If all we need is a photon eraser, well then I brought mine. Plus, we can see these zoma without using goggles. We don't even have to search.
  • Maya: No. We can't use the photon eraser to purify an ice-type SEED contamination.
  • Hyuga: Why not?
  • Karen: To deal with an ice contamination, we would need a photon reflector.
  • Maya: Don't worry, Karen. I figured something like this might happen, so I brought some photon reflectors. Being a part of the Research and Development team isn't all for show, you know!
  • Karen: Nice job, Maya! Well then, why don't you explain to them how it's done?
  • Maya: I'd be honored to! Now listen closely, you two. First off, the photon reflector.. '

(Scene fades and then comes back)

  • Maya: Here you go. Take good care of it!

(Receive Photon Reflector)

  • Maya: Now I'll explain how to use this thing.

(Photon Reflector tutorial)

  • Maya: If you don't understand, I'll show you again as many times as it takes. First off, purify the SEED-Core in front of you.

(End Scene)


  • Maya: Search for Photon Spots with your goggles.

(When you discover a Photon Spot)

  • Maya: There it is, the photon spot.

(After purifying the first zoma)

  • Maya: Just like that! You've got it! Now purify another zoma.

(After purifying all zoma)

  • Maya: The Blewme has withered! Destroy the core!

(After destroying the Blewme)

  • Maya: Nice Job, Ethan! Let's keep up the purification as we move forward. We've got to find the Maiden without delay!
  • Ethan & Hyuga: Understood!

(Trial Start) (Purify all SEED cores in Mizuraki C.D. B-2 through B 4) (Trial End)

Mizuraki C.D. Crash Site

(Scene: Ethan, Hyuga, Karen, Maya) (The party walks into a clearing beyond the infection point. Temperatures are again normal. Further up the path a crashed Communion Limousine lays against a rock wall)

  • Ethan: This area hasn't been infected yet.
  • Karen: The Maiden's last known position is just ahead.
  • Hyuga: This isn't good. We better hurry!

(As the party approaches the crash site, Ethan spots the limousine and rushes toward the scene)

  • Ethan: Over there!

(Ethan bends down to check on an injured Armed Servant, but there is no sign of the Maiden)

  • Hyuga: This is... terrible!
  • Armed Servant: Ugh...
  • Maya: He's still breathing!
  • Ethan: Hey! Keep it together!
  • Armed Servant: Uhhh... the Maiden...
  • Hyuga: What happened to the Maiden!?
  • Armed Servant: T... Tengohgs took... P... please... The Maiden...

(The Armed Servant dies)

  • Ethan: Hey... Hey!
  • Karen: It's no use.
  • Hyuga: What about the Maiden!?
  • Ethan: Somehow... it looks like she's been taken by the Tengohgs.
  • Karen: What a disaster!
  • Hyuga: But that means... the Maiden...
  • Karen: We're not giving up yet! The Tengohgs have a leader of sorts, called Onmagoug. It's their job to bring prize catches back to the Onmagoug's nest.
  • Hyuga: So you mean... There's a possibility that she's still alive?
  • Karen: There's still a chance.
  • Ethan: First off, we've got to find their nest!

(End Scene)

Mizuraki C.D. Block C-1 & 2

(Fight your way through to the Onmagoug's nest)

Onmagoug's Nest

(Cutscene) (Ethan's party rushes to the side of a rock wall outlying the Onmagoug's nest)

  • Hyuga: Over there!

(Hyuga points to the Maiden who is standing within the nest. Three Tengougs circle around her menacingly. She is protecting herself with a form of photonic shield, but it takes much of her effort to keep it intact)

  • Hyuga: Maiden!
  • Maya: That Tengoug is going to get her!
  • Ethan: Karen, hurry!

(Ethan looks to Karen who is also in distress)

  • Ethan: Karen? What's the matter, Karen?!
  • Karen: I-I'm sorry... I-I can't...
  • Hyuga: The Maiden!

(Exhausted by her efforts, the Maiden collapses and her photonic shielding dissipates. Karen, also collapses)

  • Ethan: Karen!
  • Maya: I'll watch Karen! Go get the Maiden!
  • Ethan: Gotcha! Hyuga, let's go!
  • Hyuga: Ok!

(End Scene)

(Ethan and Hyuga are put into battle against three Tengougs)

  • Hyuga: The Divine Maiden has been moved to someplace safe.
  • Ethan: Great!, let's clean things up!

(Ethan and Hyuga defeat the Tengougs)

  • Ethan: *pant* *pant* Is that all of 'em?
  • Hyuga: Don't drop your guard just yet, Ethan. Look up there!

(Onmagoug returns to it's nest screeching and braying) (Trial Start)

  • Ethan: So this big guy is the Onmagoug!
  • Hyuga: To call him "big" is an understatement.

(Shortly after the battle begins, Maya joins the fray)

  • Maya: You guys look like you're having some trouble.
  • Hyuga: Maya!?
  • Maya: Karen is safe for the time being. I'll give you guys a hand! Go for the wings to keep him from moving around so much!

(Defeat Onmagoug) (Trial End)

(Cutscene) (Ethan and Hyuga rush to the Divine Maiden's side)

  • Ethan: Maiden! Maiden!

(A Communion Medical Transport lands nearby)

  • Ethan: What's that?
  • Hyuga: It's a craft used by the Communion.

(Light Master Dohgi, accompanied by two servants, exit the craft and approach the scene. The two servants kneel beside the Maiden and use a photonic power to levitate her body and keep it from moving during transport. As they take the Maiden to the craft, Light Master Dohgi addresses Ethan and Hyuga)

  • Dohgi: I am the Light Master of Festas, and the Maiden's father, Dohgi Mikuna. Thank you for saving my daughter's life.
  • Hyuga: We are all honored to have helped you.
  • Dohgi: Let me bring you back to the city. I'd be honored.
  • Ethan: Thank you, sir!... But... our friend Karen needs help.

(The three of them walk over to Maya who is tending to the still unconscious Karen)

  • Dohgi: Is your friend wounded?
  • Maya: No, all of a sudden she just passed out.
  • Dohgi: I'd like to look at her.

(Light Master Dohgi kneels beside Karen and hums softly as he uses a recovery TECHNIC on Karen)

  • Maya: Ah, she's coming to!
  • Karen (sitting up): Ugh... I'm sorry, did I pass out?
  • Maya: The Light Master was good enough to heal you...
  • Karen: Thank you so much.
  • Dohgi: Please, it was the least I could do.

(Light Master Dohgi then notices a glowing photon symbol in Karen's hand)

  • Dohgi: W-What is this?
  • Karen: Oh, I've had it since I was a child.
  • Dohgi: That is a Mark of Light! Only the highest rank within the Communion have it...
  • Maya: You don't say? Her real mom disappeared when she was just a baby. She's never been able to find out who her birth parents are.
  • Dohgi: So I see... Most interesting. If you wish, I could look into this matter for you.
  • Karen: Huh?
  • Maya: Did you hear that? Karen, he might be able to find out who your parents are!
  • Hyuga: Who would have thought... Karen being of Communion blood...
  • Ethan: Not me.
  • Dohgi: All right, lets head back to the Communion.

(End Cutscene)

Communion Temple

(Cutscene) (Ethan, Karen, Hyuga, and Maya stand across from the Divine Maiden and Light Master Dohgi in a lobby within the Communion)

  • Maiden: Words can not tell you how grateful I am for your help. Such courage is all too rare these days.

(The Maiden approaches Ethan)

  • Maiden: We have a knack for saving each other. Well, I guess we're even for now.
  • Ethan: Yeah, I guess so. Just call me whenever.
  • Maiden: I am blessed to know you. Thank you.

(The Maiden then approaches Karen)

  • Maiden: Thank you, as well.
  • Karen: But I... I was unable to do anything...
  • Maiden: Oh no, on the contrary... You see, you are my... are... My...

(The Maiden's eyes grow dim, as if in a trance, as she collapses to the floor. Dohgi and a servant rushes to her side)

  • Karen: Maiden!
  • Dohgi: Mirei!
  • Servant: Maiden!!!

(End Cutscene)

(Cutscene) (Hyuga, Ethan, and Maya fly back to Ohtoku city aboard the G-Flyer)

  • Hyuga: What do you think's wrong with the Maiden?
  • Ethan: I don't know? Maybe she's just exhausted.
  • Hyuga: So, why did Karen decide to stay behind?
  • Maya: She agreed to let the Light Master do some more tests on her Mark of Light.
  • Hyuga: Karen... Do you really think that she is the daughter of a Communion clergy?
  • Maya: I don't know. Doesn't it all just seem like a fairy tale? Where they find a little girl who turns out to be a princess.
  • Ethan: I don't remember any stories like that...
  • Maya: Well, there are! She deserves it. I just want her to be happy. And I want her mother to rest in peace.
  • Hyuga: She seem genuinely worried.
  • Ethan: Just because they aren't related, doesn't mean they're not family.
  • Maya: Wow, sorry. Didn't mean to get all sentimental on you. Hey guys, you want to catch a bite to eat with me?
  • Ethan & Hyuga: Huh?! P-Please, no more of your experiments!

(The G-Flyer streaks off into an amber horizon) (End Cutscene)

(Ending Cinema)

Episode 6 Preview

  • Narrator: Ethan heads to the final training ground on Moatoob with his new instructors. They've been requested to investigate the abductions of A-Photon researchers. What perils await Ethan and his companions in the depths of the enemy hide out? Next time on Phantasy Star Universe: Captives of Moatoob.

Episode 6: Alternate Preview

  • Maya: Hi! This is Maya. I hope you're all having fun. But I bet you all want to know more about me. Let's see... My favorite subject is science, and my hobbies include cooking, and... conducting experiments.
  • Ethan: Maya! I'm hungry.
  • Hyuga: I'm hungry, too.
  • Maya: Oh, sorry. I just got caught up in my introduction. He he he! Here, eat this.
  • Ethan: Hmm... what's this?
  • Hyuga: It smells.... suspicious...
  • Maya: It's just a little appetizer made with wild Neudaiz herbs and a special dressing. Enjoy!
  • Ethan: Okay! Thanks.

(Gagging noises)

  • Ethan: Ugh!!
  • Hyuga: There's a poisonous herb here!
  • Maya: Oh really? You don't like it? Well, on to the main dish then!
  • Ethan: Oh, this one smells much better.
  • Maya: It's a Parum specialty... koltova steak.
  • Ethan: Okay, thanks!

(More gagging noises)

  • Ethan: Ugh!!! Pew!
  • Hyuga: Wow you really killed this meat! The inside of it is burnt to a crisp!
  • Maya: Oh? Maybe I over cooked it a little... No matter.
  • Ethan: Don't you have anything real to eat?
  • Maya: Well we're trying this desert I made with Lunga eggs, made from the Moatoob desert.
  • Ethan: Okay... thanks...

(Yet more gagging noises)

  • Ethan: Ack... ptew! Oof.. arg...