Episode 1 Chapter 02 Ethan (script)

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In a far away galaxy, lies a sun, orbited by 3 planets. The Gurhal system.
A place inhabited by humans, and their creations,
CASTs, Newmens, and beasts.
For 500 years, there was war among the races,
a seemingly never-ending conflict. Then finally...
An era of peace and prosperity that has lasted for 100 years.
But now, a darkness has awoken, and threatens the Universe.

  • Three Months Later

(Opening Cinema)

Episode 1 Chapter 2: Typical Lives

Ethan's Room

(Cutscene) (Ethan Waber lies asleep in his bed. We see from GHX005's point of view as he approaches Ethan. Information about Ethan displays on his HUD)

  • GHX005: Good morning, sir. Rise and shine.
  • Ethan: Unnh...
  • GHX005: Master Waber, it's time to wake up.
  • Ethan: Hrm? Unh... Aaah! Who the heck are you?!
  • GHX005: Good morning, Master Waber. I am GHX005. As of today, I have the honor of being in your service. Let me be the first to congratulate you on graduating from training school.

(Ethan sits up an yawns deeply)

  • Ethan: Uh, thanks.

(Ethan stands and walks towards the Dressing Room)

  • GHX005: Master Waber, if you get ready soon, you will be late for orientation.
  • Ethan: I know. I know. Let me at least wash my face, okay? Uh...
  • GHX005: I am GHX005, master.
  • Ethan: Now how am I supposed to remember that? I know! From now on, I'm calling you "Pete."

(Ethan enters the Dressing Room)

  • Pete: Pete...? Pete.
  • Ethan: That's right Pete. It's the name of an old pet I used to have.
  • Pete: Understood! I shall be known as Pete, Master Waber!
  • Ethan: Please, just call me Ethan, alright?
  • Pete: Your only appointment for today is the GUARDIANS orientation.

(Ethan exits the Dressing Room)

  • Ethan: Oh... Yeah... That's great except I just got here, and uh, I barely know which way is up. Wanna clue me in?

(End Cutscene)

(Cutscene) (Ethan activates the nano-transformer on his back. Light emanates from it and showers over his body. When it subsides he is fully clothed) (End Cutscene)

  • Ethan: Pete, there's a lot you need to teach me about this place.
  • Pete: Certainly, Master Waber. What sort of things do you wish to hear about?

(About this Room)

  • Pete: These are the standard lodging prepared for GUARDIANS members. And as such, these are your private quarters, Master Waber. Are they to your liking?
  • Ethan: Yeah, it's all right here. It is sort of drab, though.
  • Pete: You are permitted to decorate this space as you see fit.
  • Ethan: Interesting.
  • Pete: This is your photon wave communications device, also known as a "vision phone." It allows you to contact GUARDIANS Headquarters as well as your Guardian comrades.
  • Ethan: I see.

(About Pete)

  • Pete: Inside of the GUARDIANS lodgings, a partner machine, like me, is furnished. Our task is to support our Guardian masters in their daily lives.
  • Ethan: Support?
  • Pete: Yes. For example, when information is received from GUARDIANS Headquarters... It's my job to sort out your schedule and provide you with pertinent advice. This is my primary duty... ...to ensure that you are able to accomplish your tasks swiftly and smoothly.
  • Ethan: Really...
  • Ethan (thinking): (In other words, a fancy alarm clock?)
  • Pete: Master Waber?
  • Ethan: Yeah, go on.
  • Pete: In addition, I am provided with numerous other functionalities... Which I will explain as they become necessary.
  • Ethan: Okay.

(About Field Training)

  • Pete: You are a graduate of the GUARDIANS Training School... But that by itself isn't sufficient to become an official member of the GUARDIANS. After a few months of training under an active-duty Guardian, you may become a certified member of the GUARDIANS.
  • Ethan: Yeah, I know that much. But what exactly will I be doing in training?
  • Pete: Training is comprised of actual missions. I believe your first mission will be on Planet Parum.
  • Ethan: Really? I've always wanted to see Parum!

(About Parum)

  • Pete: Your field training will commence on Parum. Parum is a planet that is under CAST control. The government, bureaucracy, and most official functions... ... are all operated by CASTs. Originally, Parum was a planet rich in natural abundance. However, due to the warring, much of the planet was devastated. Much of what remains was created artificially. Tarcus City was made the capital under the Tripartite Alliance Treaty. However, the economic center of the planet is Holtes City. Incidentally, there are approximately 1 billion humans on Parum... versus the 100 million throughout the rest of the solar system. There are approximately 50 million CASTs on Parum... with 50 million others scattered throughout the rest of the solar system.
  • Ethan: A CAST-run planet!

(Ask Later)

  • Ethan: Thanks for the help, Pete.
  • Pete: You're welcome, Master Waber. Your first field training is scheduled for today. Upon leaving the lodgings, you'll arrive at the central table on the first floor of Clyez City. From there, make your way to the GUARDIANS Headquarters on the fifth floor. There you will receive information about your first mission.
  • Ethan: That's right, I'd better hurry.
  • Pete: Just one moment, Master Waber. Your are currently using your nano transformer, correct?
  • Ethan: Yeah, I'm using it. It's controlled by this thing... attached to the back of my neck. I used it before when I changed clothes, right?
  • Pete: Indeed. The nano transformer is a very useful device. It has the ability to hold and abundance of items and equipment. But there is a limit to the number of items it can hold. If it becomes overstocked, I am able to take care of extra items and equipment. Please instruct me whenever you find it necessary.

(Pete's storage ability is unlocked)

  • Pete: Master Waber, as it's your first day, your promptness is of the utmost importance. As soon as you have finished getting ready, please be on your way.
  • Ethan: Didn't I tell you to call me Ethan?
  • Pete: My apologies... Ethan.
  • Ethan: All right then, I'm off!

(Talk to Pete again)

  • Pete: Today is your first day of field training. Please hurry to the GUARDIANS Headquarters on the fifth floor.

(Pete Menu Sensitive Dialog)

  • Pete: I can store items or Meseta for you. You can take items or Meseta from storage. You haven't given me anything to store. You can access my support functions. Is there something you wish to know about?

(Vision Phone) (View information - > Training mission)

  • Text: Welcome to the GUARDIANS! Your first mission will take place today on Parum. For further details, please visit the GUARDIANS Headquarters on the fifth floor of Clyez City.

Clyez City: Central Table: First Floor

  • Ethan: It's been three months. The central table looks completely restored. Well, off to the GUARDIANS Headquarters...

Clyez City: Shopping Mall B: Third Floor

(Scene: Ethan, Lumia) (Upon arriving on the third floor, Ethan spots Lumia waiting for him)

  • Ethan: Hey, Lumia!
  • Lumia: Oh, Ethan! Why haven't you called me?
  • Ethan: Sorry, Sis. I've just been so busy training.
  • Lumia: Yeah right!
  • Ethan: It's strange to see you out here all by yourself. What's up?
  • Lumia: Well, you never called or anything... so I asked about you at the GUARDIANS Headquarters. They said you moved into the GUARDIANS lodgings in Clyez City yesterday.
  • Ethan: Oh. Makes sense, I guess.
  • Lumia: I still don't understand why you wanted to become a Guardian all of a sudden. You always hated them.
  • Ethan: It's sort of a long story. Let's talk about this later. I still haven't figured out all my own thoughts on the matter.
  • Lumia: Okay, fine... Let me know when you're ready to share, then.
  • Ethan: I'm sorry, Lumia... It's not like I've even officially joined the GUARDIANS yet. My training starts today. I won't get my license and become a real Guardian for a while.
  • Lumia: Really? Huh... I wonder if you'll actually make it, then.
  • Ethan: Me? Of course! You know me. I can always take care of myself.

(End Scene)

(Lumia Waber)

  • Lumia: Where's your first field training?
  • Ethan: It's on Parum.
  • Lumia: Are you nervous?
  • Ethan: yeah, a little bit. No matter how many simulations you watch, you're never really prepared for the real thing. What's it really gonna be like out there, on a planet?
  • Lumia: I've never been off the colony either. Bring me back a souvenir or something, okay?
  • Ethan: Yeah, sure.


  • Lumia: Bring me back a souvenir, okay?

Clyez City: Guardians Headquarters: Fifth Floor

(Scene: Ethan, Mina)

  • Mina: Welcome to the headquarters of the GUARDIANS, protector of Gurhal's future! Are you here to make a request? Or to pick one up?
  • Ethan: Actually, I'm here for my field training. I was told to come here.
  • Mina: I see. Well then, may I take a look at your GUARDIANS license, please?
  • Ethan: Here you go.
  • Mina: Wait a moment, please. Verified. Ethan Waber, trainee with the Mobile Guard Unit. Correct? Welcome to the GUARDIANS. My name is Mina and I handle reception. I help all the Guardians in their duties. I look forward to working with you.
  • Ethan: Same here.
  • Mina: All right, lets get started with your field training. First off. Mister Waber, please take the PPT shuttle to the Planet Parum.
  • Ethan: To... the surface?
  • Mina: Correct. At Parum's Holtes City, go to the GUARDIANS branch. There, you will receive your mission and meet your partner.
  • Ethan: Partner?
  • Mina: During your training period, duties are carried out by at least two people per team. Your partner will also be your instructor. Your partner has been chosen based on their aptitude in a variety of fields. Rest assured that we have selected the person best suited for your training.
  • Ethan: I see... What kind of person are they?
  • Mina: I'm sorry, but I don't have that information. You can see for yourself when you meet them.
  • Ethan: All right. I understand.
  • Mina: Allow me to renew your license.

(Access to Parum granted)

  • Mina: Please be safe in your travels. May the Holy Light guide you.

(End Scene) (Again)

  • Mina: The PPT shuttles embark from the PPT spaceport on the fourth floor. May the Holy Light guide you.

(Scene: Ethan, Lou) (As Ethan walks to the exit he is stopped by a small cast girl)

  • Lou: I haven't seen you around here before.
  • Ethan: I'm Ethan Waber, Mobile Guard Unit Trainee. Nice to meet you.
  • Lou: My name is Lou. You are the son of Olson Waber, are you not? Second in your class at training school... not bad.
  • Ethan: You seem to know a lot about me. Are you one of my groupies? Hehehe!
  • Lou: I have no interest in your human jokes.
  • Ethan: Uh... Okay...

(End Scene)


  • Lou: Mr. Waber, from what I understand, you were raised in the colony. As such, it is probably best to avoid speaking to most of the CASTs on Parum.
  • Ethan: Huh? O-Okay...


  • Lou: Try to avoid speaking to the CASTs on Parum.

Clyez City: Fourth Floor: PPT Spaceport

(Scene: Ethan, Conman, Karen) (As Ethan exits to the fourth floor, a man approaches him)

  • Conman: Hey Boss, I've got something you might be interested in.
  • Ethan: Oh yeah? And what might that be?
  • Conman: This is a rare and precious charm that'll ward off the SEED. If you've got one of these, the SEED won't be able to touch you!
  • Ethan: Really!? Gimmie one!
  • Conman: You're lucky today, Boss. This little guy usually goes for 10,000 meseta, but today it's got a very special price...

(A Newman woman appears behind Ethan and glares at the salesman)

  • Conman: ! E-Except we're all sold out for today. Eh-heh... ... See ya!

(The man exits quickly)

  • Ethan: What? Hey, wait!

(The girl exits)

  • Girls Voice: You'd have to be pretty gullible to fall for a stunt like that.
  • Ethan: Huh?

(End Scene)

(Exit to Parum PPT gate)

(Cutscene) (The shuttle takes off from the Guardians colony and zips along the Vector Track, and exits near planet Parum. As the shuttle descends into the atmosphere, Ethan looks out the window in amazement at the world below. The shuttle glides over the ruins of a destroyed city before entering Holtes City and merging with traffic on it's way to the spaceport)

  • Flight Attendant: Thank you for flying with us today. We hope you enjoy your trip. This shuttle is bound for Holtes City. We are currently passing over the spacious flatlands called Parum Plains.
  • Ethan: All right! I've never seen the horizon before! Yeah!
  • Flight Attendant: We will soon be passing over the abandoned city of Mellvore. 18 years ago, and explosion completely destroyed the city. The cause of this powerful explosion was never discovered. The ruins now serve as a memorial for those who once resided there. We will be arriving in Holtes City momentarily. We hope you enjoy your stay.

(End Cutscene)

Holtes City: Central District

(Scene: Ethan) (Ethan exits the PPT flyer base and stares out in amazement at the Central District of Holtes City)

  • Ethan: So this is Holtes City! It seem like no matter what direction you look in, the buildings go on forever. It also seems like someone's been staring at me as if I've done something wrong... Oh well, I shouldn't let it bother me. In any case, I'd better go pick up my mission at the GUARDIANS branch. They said the branch is in the eastern district, right?

(End Scene)

Holtes City: Guardians Branch

(Scene: Ethan, Sheena)

  • Sheena: Wel'com t' the GUARDIANS branch in Holtes City! Shapin' the future of the Gurhal System!
  • Ethan: Ethan Waber. Mobile Guard Unit Trainee reporting in!
  • Sheena: At ease, Mr. Waber! I am welcome you. We've got an exciting mission lined up for you!
  • Ethan: Huh?
  • Sheena: Excuse me. You see. I was just recently born. Last but not least. I'm Sheena. I still have trouble with speakings...
  • Ethan: Ah... I think I see.
  • Ethan (thinking): Is she okay? What the...
  • Ethan: Um.. About the mission?
  • Sheena: Yes, please be waiting... Okay, here it goes: Kay... there is a message from your partner person. West district Open Cafe is where you will wait.
  • Ethan: About my partner... What kind of person did I get? Is my instructor like an old man or something? I'm a little nervous.
  • Sheena: Um... They are nots a man.
  • Ethan: It's a woman?
  • Sheena: Yes she very is.
  • Ethan: Really... a female instructor! Yes, yes, thank you! That's all I needed to know.
  • Sheena: Okay. Always 'member, the Holy Light have guidance.

(End Scene) (Again)

  • Sheena: Wel'com t' the GUARDIANS branch in Holtes City! Shaping the future of the Gurhal System! Oh. Mr. Waber. Did you meet the partner person? They said to wait at the west district Open Cafe.

(Scene: Ethan, Lou) (As Ethan exits the Guardians Branch, he meets Lou again)

  • Ethan: Hey, didn't we meet at the GUARDIANS Colony?
  • Lou: Did we? I believe you are mistaken.
  • Ethan: Oh, sorry! The person I met before was a little frigid.
  • Lou: That is irrelevant information.
  • Ethan: Ah, sorry.
  • Ethan (thinking): (This one's a barrel of laughs, too.)

(End Scene) (Again)

  • Lou: Is there something on your mind?
  • Ethan: N-No. Nothing at all!

Holtes City: Central District

(Scene: Ethan, Conman, Karen) (Ethan enters the district and sees a Red haired man who calls to him)

  • Conman: Hey, you're a Guardian, right? I got this special new type of nano transformer! It can hold ten times what that old thing you got on can hold. How about a special deal?
  • Ethan: Really?
  • Conman: Of Course! This is an amazing piece of technology that... uh..

(The same Newman girl from the colony enters the scene behind Ethan and glares at the Conman)

  • Conman: !! Y'know, I just realized... You probably don't even want it. It's really not all that great.
  • Ethan: Huh?
  • Conman: S-So long!

(The Conman quickly exits scene) (Newman girl exits scene)

  • Girl's voice: How many times are you going to fall for that?
  • Ethan: What? Who...?

(End scene)

(Exit to Holtes City: West District)

Holtes City: West District

(Cutscene) (Hyuga Ryght is at a table holding hands with a waitress, speaking in a romantically to her)

  • Hyuga: I know we were meant to be together.
  • Girl: That's nice, but this isn't the right time...
  • Hyuga: Just one kiss... that's all I'm asking for.
  • Girl: Please, not now... My boss might catch me!

(Ethan enters)

  • Ethan: Sorry to bother you while you're "busy" ... Ahem! Y' think I could get a koltova, if that's okay?

(Flustered and embarrassed the girl bolts up)

  • Girl: Of course. I'm so sorry, sir! I'll go get one right away!
  • Hyuga: Wha...

(The girl exits. Hyuga, dejected, runs his fingers through his hair)

  • Hyuga: Tactless as usual, huh, Ethan?
  • Ethan: Is there any woman you don't try to pick up on? Try thinking with your head, Hyuga.
  • Hyuga: I believe there is a spiritual bond between the sexes. And if the Holy Light brings us all together, well... who am I to fight it?
  • Ethan: Why do I even bother talking to you? But, just so you know. I'm supposed to meet my new partner here any minute now. And, uh... heh heh heh heh... rumor has it, that my partner here is a girl.
  • Hyuga: What a coincidence. I'm waiting for my partner here, as well. Please, try not to speak. It puts a damper on the conversation.

(The Newman girl from previous scenes with Ethan walks up to the duo)

  • Karen: You two look like my Guardian trainees.

(The camera pans over Karen. Ethan and Hyuga both try to stand, but Hyuga pushes Ethan down)

  • Hyuga: An unexpected pleasure. I thank the Holy Light for this encounter.

(Ethan bolts up out of his seat and pushes Hyuga back into his)

  • Ethan: What? I told you! She's my partner!
  • Karen: My name is Karen Erra. I will be instructor and partner to both of you.
  • Ethan & Hyuga: Both of... us? Wait... That means... He's my partner?!
  • Karen: We normally have 2-person teams, but we're shorthanded now, so it has to be this way. I hope you both understand. I've been observing both of you for a while. You might be interested in my findings. Hyuga Ryght... Engaging in personal affairs while on duty is grounds for reprisal.
  • Hyuga: Yes.

(Ethan chuckles)

  • Karen: And you, Ethan Waber.
  • Ethan: Uh, Y-Yes ma'am!
  • Karen: I've been watching you since you've been on the colony, and your actions are too reckless. It's one thing to rely on yourself, but another to rely ONLY on yourself. That's just foolish.
  • Ethan: Huh? Wait.. the colony? Hey, are you that girl that I saw...?
  • Karen: While on duty, I expect you to use your head and think before you act.
  • Ethan: Alright.
  • Karen: Even though you're only trainees you have the same responsibilities as full-fledged Guardians. One wrong move can cost you your life. The life of a Guardian is a dangerous one. Now, gather up your things, and get ready to move out.
  • Ethan & Hyuga: Yes, ma'am!

(End Cutscene)

(Scene: Ethan, Karen, Hyuga)

  • Karen: All right, the first thing we need to do is go over proper party formation procedures, because we're going to carry this mission out as a team!
  • Ethan: Party formation?
  • Karen: Correct. using the comm terminals you received with you licenses, you can submit a request to the main GUARDIANS computer stating that you will be carrying out your mission together, as a party. this is so that if you are separated from your group you will still be able to check the status and location of the other party members. Furthermore, even if you become separated, you'll still be able to communicate. This makes it an extremely effective system when used in battle.
  • Ethan: Hyuga? Can you hear me now?
  • Hyuga: What? Are you talking to me?
  • Karen: Well, it's not so much something that you learn, rather than something you need to get used to. Now, I'll use my comm terminal to invite you both into my party. I'll need acknowledgement from both of you, so pay attention. I'll start with you, Ryght. All right, we're good to go. You're up next, Waber.

(Accept party invite)

  • Karen: All right, we're done. You both understand that you are now able to check each other's status, right?
  • Ethan: Understood!
  • Karen: Then let's try dissolving the party once.

(Removed from party)

  • Karen: Next we'll cover how to add members to your own party. For starters, try registering me in your party.

(At this point you're free to move) (Talk to Hyuga)

  • Hyuga: If you dawdle, you're going to make her mad, Ethan.

(Talk to Karen)

  • Karen: There's no time for idle talk. Hurry up!

(Add Karen to your party)

  • Karen: Great. Now, using the same procedure, remove me from the party.

(Removed Karen from your party)

  • Karen: Okay. You're up next, Ryght.

(Screen fades then comes back signifying Hyuga's turn)

  • Karen: This is how missions will be carried out, with on person as the leader. During the training period, in order to get the most effective training, the trainee is allowed to lead. In this case we've got two trainees, so... Waber, you'll be leading this time.
  • Ethan: Hehe! I guess I'm the leader.
  • Hyuga: ...
  • Karen: Don't let it go to your head, Waber. The leader's role doesn't go beyond the formation of the party. During the training period, I'll be calling the shots. And the reason I chose you is that you don't seem to pick up things as quickly as Ryght. I concluded that you still need the practice before you are ready to see real combat.
  • Hyuga: Pfft, you lucked out... Eh, Leader?
  • Ethan: Hmph!
  • Karen: In any case, there are numerous other ways to register a party, but we'll cover them as they become relevant. Our mission today will take place at Raffon Meadow. We'll be taking the Flyer from here.

(Mission "Meadow Purify" becomes selectable)

  • Karen: For now, we'll separate and complete any necessary preparations. As soon as you are ready to leave, Waber, create a party with myself and Ryght. Once we've all been registered, we'll rendezvous at the Flyer Base. The Flyer Base is next to the GUARDIANS Branch. All right trainees, get your things together ASAP!
  • Hyuga: Ethan, I'm heading off first. When you're ready, I'll be over by the central plaza.
  • Ethan: Okay.

(Hyuga exits offscreen)

  • Ethan: Instructor! Can I talk to you for a second?
  • Karen: What is it, Waber?
  • Ethan: It's about before... When I was talking to that vendor, was that you nearby?
  • Karen: Yes, it was. You'll have to learn to be less gullible, Waber.
  • Ethan: W-Why did that guy run off like that in the middle of talking?
  • Karen: Oh that. Well all I really did was stand there behind you.
  • Ethan: Huh?
  • Karen: I one had a mission that involved a crackdown on all those street vendors. I guess I got a little out of hand with one of them. Maybe I threw a few too many punches... I don't know... But now it looks like I've been blacklisted by them. It's pretty amusing to watch them freak out like that, isn't it?
  • Ethan (thinking): (Geez! I'd better remember to stay on her good side.)
  • Karen: Hm? You say something?
  • Ethan: N-No nothing!

(End Scene)

(Talk to Karen)

  • Karen: Have you gotten everything ready?

(Add Karen to the party)

  • Karen: Let's move out. From the Flyer Base we'll head for Raffon Meadow.

(Talk after adding Karen)

  • Karen: Where's Ryght? You can't perform your mission without him. Ryght's probably around the central square.

(Remove Karen from party)

  • Karen: What? You still aren't ready for the mission? Hurry up and get ready!

Holtes City: Central District

(Talk to Hyuga)

  • Hyuga: Ah, Ethan my boy! I'm ready for anything now. On top of everything, that beautiful woman is my instructor. The Holy Light is truly shining down on me!
  • Ethan: She seems pretty strict...
  • Hyuga: You don't get it do you, Ethan? That can be a good thing, if you know what I mean!
  • Ethan: Geez! I might've expected as much from you.

(Add Hyuga to the party)

  • Hyuga: Well then, let's join up at the Flyer Base.

(Remove Hyuga from the party)

  • Hyuga: What's wrong? Aren't you ready for the mission yet?

(Start mission: Meadow Purify)