Spiral Labyrinth (guide)

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Revision as of 02:53, 7 May 2010 by EspioKaos (talk | contribs) (I've only been able to find a few chips on "Dispersion," so there's got to be something I'm missing. Then again, there are a lot of teleporters I can't activate, so...)

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ドーホホッ! This article is a guide and may contain opinions or other subjective information. The PSUPedia is not responsible for any inaccuracies or mistakes.

The number of data chips you collect in the Maximum Attack X mission Twisting Labyrinth determine two parts of the mission's outcome. First, your overall rank, and second, the number of boxes that appear after the boss battle.

Data chips and rank
Data chips 0 1-9(?) 12(?)-20 21+
Rank C B A S
Data chips and boss boxes
Data chips 0-20 21-30 31-36 37-?  ?-44-?  ?  ?-55-?
Boss boxes 12 14 16 18 20 22 24

Data chip locations

Stage: "Outset"

  • The first chip can be found out in the open, to the right of where you begin the mission.
  • Check a clump of shrubbery in a small alcove about halfway between the entrance and the tunnel for the second chip.
  • After clearing all of the enemies in the field, the third chip will appear in front of a fence to the left of the tunnel's entrance.
  • After clearing all of the enemies inside the tunnel, you will be able to walk through the fence that blocks a path on the west side of the tunnel to collect the fourth chip.
  • The final chip of this block is located in front of the photon charger at the end of the tunnel.

Stage: "Battle"

  • The first chip is out in the open, along the path that runs from the entrance of this block.
  • After clearing the Gohmons/Olgohmons and Ollakas from the path, look up into the treetops above the widened bend. Use a ranged weapon to shoot and collect the second chip.
  • Clear the next set of enemies (Kakwanes and Ollakas) and a gate will unlock to reveal the third chip.
  • The fourth and fifth chips are located in the final clearing before the end of the block. To the left and right of the gate the enemies spawn at, there are two clumps of flowers. Scan them and collect the chips that appear.
  • The sixth chip is located in front of the photon charger at the end of the block.

Stage: "Attack"

  • In this block, be careful so that you do not destroy any of the rubble. Doing so will make it so that certain chips will not appear. Likewise, do not defeat all of the enemies until the first three chips have been collected.
  • Run to the end of the tunnel until you reach the second to last pair of Stateria statues. Shoot the chest of the one on the right ten times to make the first chip appear.
  • At the same pair of statues, attack the left leg of the right statue and the right leg of the left statue ten times each. The second chip will appear in the red laser fence at the final pair of statues. Attack the chip to collect it.
  • Next, run back to the fifth from last pair of statues. Shoot the chest of the left one ten times, and the third chip will appear.
  • If no piles of rubble were destroyed in the process of defeating all of the enemies, the fourth chip will appear in front of the photon charger at the end of the block.
  • The fifth chip will appear in front of the boxes at the end of the block.

Stage: "Bravery"

  • After clearing the first room of the three Jarbas, scan the small pile of rubble and then destroy it to reveal the first chip.
  • After clearing all of the enemies from the next room, the second chip will appear in the middle of a set of four boxes (or where the boxes were if they were destroyed during the battle).
  • In that same room, scan the parapet above a pile of rubble to activate a trap. This trap will destroy the rubble to reveal the third chip. Don't stand too close, however, as the trap's explosion will damage you.
  • Once again in the same room, but only after all enemies have been defeated, scan the northeast corner to reveal the fourth chip.
  • The fifth chip is located in front of the photon charger at the end of the block.

Stage: "Danger"

  • There are eight data chips which appear across the field under hammer traps in this stage. As enemies are defeated, new hammer traps and turrets will appear with new waves of enemies. Each wave (preceded by the sound effect of a trap being activated) indicates when to search around the field for the next chip.
  • Chip locations are static, so you will find the same chips in the same locations each time you play this area.

Stage: "Expanses"

  • Eight data chips can be collected from this field. Notice how the floor is divided into nine different squares. Each chip will appear in the center of one of these squares.
  • Chips appear in random squares each time a new set of enemies spawns. Each chip must be collected before all of the enemies that appeared with it are defeated.
  • With each group of enemies, a large pink area will appear on the map. This indicates a spot which will steadily inflict heavy damage to you if you enter it. Initially, these spots are inactive, however they will activate after a few moments, indicated by a heavy rumbling of the entire field.

Stage: "Motion"

  • Collecting the first four chips of this stage requires a bit of luck. After defeating an small group of Sageetas and Kakwanes, head down the flight of stairs to an area with five warps in it. Four of these warps will take you to rooms which will reward you with a data chip each for clearing all of the enemies. The fifth warp, however, will take you to a room which will drop a key after defeating all of the enemies. Once collected, all of the remaining warps will be deactivated, making it impossible to collect any of the first four chips you may have missed.
  • After using the key to unlock the laser fence, you will find six chips on the floor around the photon charger in the final room.

Stage: "Dispersion"

  • Researching...

Mission paths

As the event unfolds, new areas and bosses are added to this mission, resulting in numerous paths that can be taken. The charts below map out each path, however due to space constraints, stage and boss names have been replaced with the following abbreviations.

Stage and boss abbreviations
1 Stage: 起 (Outset) 2 Stage: 戦 (Battle)
3 Stage: 襲 (Attack) 4 Stage: 武 (Bravery)
5 Stage: 危 (Danger) 6 Stage: 拡 (Expanses)
7 Stage: 動 (Motion) 8 Stage: 散 (Dispersion)
ZG Zoal Goug DR De Rol Le
MM Magas Maggahna DF Dulk Fakis

Initial state

3 4

Second state

6 5 DR 3 6
4 ZG 6 5
3 4

Third state

Via left warp

5 DR MM 8 8 7 3 ZG 5 DR ZG DR MM 8
8 7 MM 6 5 DR MM 8 DR ZG 8 7
6 5 8 7 3 6
4 ZG 6 5
3 4

Via right warp

8 MM MM 6 5 DR DR ZG 8 MM 6 DR
6 5 8 MM 3 6 4 ZG MM MM
4 ZG 6 5 3 6
3 4 5 DR
2 8