Episode 3 Chapter 2 Act 1 (script)

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[Show anger.] [Look to Laia.]
  • Laia: Okay... I get why you're angry, [Player]. What with them spouting off all that nonsense... But more than anger, I feel sad.
  • Laia: ...
  • Clamp: ...
  • Laia: To be talked to like that by a bunch of punks... It shows what people think about us. Do we know the identity of the don who sent this?

[Player] steps forward.

  • Laia: What?
[I'll go.] [I'll go with you.]
  • Laia: [Player]... I'm grateful for that, but I can't let you go alone. As president, I should go myself. And you're more than welcome to come with me if you'd like.
  • Laia: That's the [Player] I know! Cuts right to the point. ...Completely different from that blockhead.
  • Laia (shouts): Well [Player], whaddya say we go and mix things up?
  • Laia: I've been stuck at a desk, so I could use a good workout! I'm gonna get ready, so wait for me at the counter.

Laia leaves. Fade to black.

  • Laia: Now then, we're headed to Moatoob. Are there any questions?
[What is the situation on Moatoob?] [What are the four families?] [What are the "New Rogues"?] [What is our mission objective?] [No, let's go!]
  • Laia: The government has pretty much collapsed. The Trade Federation that operated as Moatoob's government was hit with the SEED-virus, the mayhem that followed, and the SEED itself. Any other questions?
  • Laia: You know that there are lots of rogue families big and small, right? The four largest of 'em were known as the "Four Families." They controlled Moatoob's underground economy, and wielded power greater than that of the Trade Federation. It looks like they controlled a huge portion of the government. Any other questions?
  • Laia: In addition to the Trade Federation's government collapsing... the dons of the four families all wound up dead in the violence. After a power struggle, it looks like the rogues have been united. It's nice that there's a definitive contact point now... But we don't know anything about who the don is, plus whoever it is has no interest in talking to us. Any other questions?
  • Laia: To infiltrate the New Rogues and meet the don face to face for a good, old-fashioned negotiation! But as you heard, they haven't just refused to meet us, but are openly picking a fight. Chances are we've got a battle ahead of us. Any other questions?
  • Laia: Sorry this isn't going to be a relaxing getaway, but it'll sure beat moping around the office all day worrying.
  • Mina: May the Holy Light guide you!

Fade to black.

  • Lumia: What happened then? To the city, I mean.
  • Laia: That's...
[Keep quiet.] [Talk about what happened.]
  • Lumia: So... I'm better off not knowing?
  • Laia: Wait a minute, [Player]. I understand not wanting to talk about it... But Lumia wants to be a full fledged Guardian. She should probably be given all the facts.
  • Lumia: ...

[Player] talks about what happened. Fade to black. Fade in.

Fade to black. Fade in.

  • Lumia (shouts): The infected beasts were slaughtered!? Is that something you can forgive!?
  • Laia: I couldn't... But if it wasn't done, then this city... No, all of Moatoob would have become infected by the SEED. Still, I don't know if it was right. I still have nightmares about it.
  • Lumia: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring up painful memories. I won't ask any more.
  • Laia: ...
  • Lumia: By the way... What am I even doing here? What does a rookie like me have to offer on this mission?
  • Laia: Don't worry about it too much. I called you here for my own reasons.
  • Lumia: Huh?


  • Laia (shouts)[1]: we didn't come all this way to go home now!
  • Laia (shouts)[1]: we didn't come all this way to go home now!
  • Laia (shouts)[1]: we didn't come all this way to go home now!


[See our New GUARDIANS power!] [We can't bow down to Tylor!]
  • Laia (shouts): Yeah! If you're the "New Rogues," then we're the "New GUARDIANS!" We'll show you just how differant we are!
  • Laia (shouts): Right!
  • Laia: In times like these, you can't just save yourselves and ignore everyone else!
  • Tylor: Hm... Mere words.

Rogues step forth. Tylor stops them.

  • Tylor: Stay back. I don't need your help.
  • Laia (shouts): [Player]! [Lumia]! Let's go!

Fade to black. Fade in. Tylor attacks.

Tylor attacks

  • Lumia (shouts): I thought we weren't going let him provoke us!
  • Laia (shouts): Sometimes you gotta make 'em understand by force!
  • Tylor: Hmph. Then I hope you'll make me understand.
  • Laia (shouts): All right! Be careful what you wish for!

[Tylor not defeated under 60 seconds.]

  • Laia: Ngh...

Fade to black. Fade in.

  • Tylor: Hm... So this is the best the New GUARDIANS can do?
  • Laia (shouts): What's that supposed to mean?
  • Laia: Grk...
  • Tylor: Don't worry. I have no intention of killing you. However... Right here and now, announce to the Gurhal System that the GUARDIANS have lost to the New Rogues.
  • Laia (shouts): ...! So that was your goal all along!
  • Lumia (shouts): Don't think you can take us out so easily!
  • Laia (shouts): Lumia, stop!
  • Tylor: I see. So you're Ethan's sister? I'd heard you'd joined the GUARDIANS. I wondered what you were thinking, bringing a rookie. You wanted to have an excuse for losing? Pitiful...
  • Laia: Tsk!
  • Lumia: I... I'm sorry, Laia.
  • Tylor: And you're [Player]. It's been a while. But I know what your future holds in a puny organization like the GUARDIANS.
  • Laia: I know what your future holds, too. You'll be satisfied being another punk don.
  • Laia (shouts): Just great. "Don Tylor." Is that all you wanna be?
  • Tylor: Don Tylor... I used to be opposed to following in my father's footsteps. You were probably trying to mock me, but this is what I had to do to bring the rogues together.
  • Laia: Well. There's no medicine that will cure a man drunk with power.
  • Tylor: Say what you will. It's about time you announce your defeat to the Gurhal System.
  • Laia (shouts): I don't think so, "Don."
  • Tylor: What did you say?
  • Laia: If that bothers you, go ahead and torture me or whatever.
  • Lumia: ...!
  • Laia: As you said, the GUARDIANS today are doing pretty shaky. A lot of our best Guardians, along with our president, are dead. But there are still people out there who rely on us. Even if it's just a single person... We would never do anything to betray that trust!
  • Lumia: Laia...
  • Tylor: ...
  • Laia: I'm sorry, [Player]. You too, Lumia. I shouldn't have brought you here.

Liina suddenly arrives.

  • Liina (shouts): Tylor! Here you are! There's trouble on the northern continent!

Fade to black.

[Tylor defeated under 60 seconds.]

  • Tylor: Those are some moves you've got there. ... You're [Player]? You've improved since the last time we met. And you're Ethan's sister, aren't you?
  • Lumia: Y... Yes.
  • Tylor: I see. No wonder. So you brought a rookie just to prove you're better than us?
  • Laia: That's all we needed against a punk don. So it's about time we had your answer then.
  • Tylor: We refuse.
  • Tylor (shouts): The rogues will never cooperate with the GUARDIANS.
  • Laia: Oh yeah? So you're perfectly happy being just another roughneck don?
  • Laia (shouts): The great "Don Tylor," eh?
  • Tylor: Don Tylor... I used to be opposed to following in my father's footsteps. You were probably trying to mock me, but this is what I had to do to bring the rogues together.
  • Laia: Well. There's no medicine that will cure a man drunk with power.
  • Tylor: I'll say this much. I will not bow down to the GUARDIANS.
  • Tylor (shouts): I won't let the wounds we've suffered be forgotten so easily!
  • Laia: ...!
  • Tylor: Three months ago, our citizens were slaughtered. Their only crime was not getting a vaccine.
  • Lumia: ...!
  • Tylor: I lost many close friends--
  • Lumia: ...
  • Tylor: To you, it's just old news. But it's an insult we will never forget. It's not about the rogues wanting to act on our own.
  • Tylor (shouts): It's a question of trust!
[But the rogues can't act alone.] [Tragedy didn't just hit you...]
  • Tylor: What's that?
  • Laia: [Player] is right. What can the rogues do by themselves? You lack training and proper equipment. How are you going to face the SEED? What you're trying to do will only result in the beasts being wiped out.
  • Tylor: Hm...
  • Laia: I'm a beast. I know how messed up that incident was! I almost ended up hating the person who raised me. But this isn't the beasts' problem anymore. It's one all of Gurhal faces. If we put our strength together, maybe we can defeat the Illuminus and the SEED! Think about it. Wouldn't we be able to save more people that way!?
  • Tylor: ...
  • Laia: There's nothing to be gained from hating each other. We need to bring the survivors together for the sake of the future.
  • Laia (shouts): Don't let our friends' deaths be wasted!
  • Tylor (shouts): What is that supposed to mean?
  • Lumia (shouts): [Player] is right. [Player] and Laia and me... As Guardians, we have to face the pain of not being able to protect what we vowed we would! This tragedy isn't our fault, is it?
  • Lumia: It's the SEED and the Illuminus... Nothing will be solved if the citizens of Gurhal are fighting each other.
  • Lumia (shouts): Now is the time when all of the races need to come together!
  • Lumia: Right, [Player]?

Liina suddenly arrives.

  • Liina (shouts): Tylor! Here you are! There's trouble on the northern continent!

Fade to black.


Fade in.

  • Tylor: The group we sent to Granigs Mine for supplies?
  • Liina (shouts): They've been attacked by the Illuminus!
  • Tylor: Did you say the Illuminus?
  • Liina: And they've been infected with a highly concentrated SEED-virus. They're starting to turn into SEED-forms!
  • Laia (shouts): ...!
  • Tylor: ... There's only one thing left to do. We've got to close up Granigs Mine at once.
  • Liina: Tylor!
  • Laia (shouts): Wait! We have to see if there are survivors first, don't we?
  • Tylor: If we do that, we risk even more losses. We... We have no way to fight high concentrations of the SEED-virus.
  • Laia: Then ask for our help! The GUARDIANS have experience with this!
  • Tylor: ...
  • Laia (shouts): You'd just throw your friends' lives away!? Didn't you amass power to save those important to you?
  • Liina: Tylor...
  • Tylor: ... We rogues have resolved to protect ourselves.
  • Laia (shouts): Come on, snap out of it!
  • Laia: What is it that you really want to do!? Why did you form the "New Rogues"!?
  • Tylor: A leader has to look at the greater picture... And sometimes be ready to make sacrifices... I would have thought you, of all people, would understand.
[GUARDIANS don't forsake friends.] [Then I'll go help them myself.]
  • Laia: That's right, [Player].
  • Tylor: Fool! You're the president now! You need to look at the bigger picture.
  • Laia: Right now I'm [Player]'s partner. And I'm a Guardian. If there;s someone who needs saving, then I'll try to save them. That's what my father taught me. It's a value of the GUARDIANS.
  • Laia: That's my [Player]. You get it, don't you? And I'll be right there too, of course.
  • Tylor (shouts): Why!?
  • Tylor: If the leader falls, what will happen to the organization? If you really believe in the future, then why don't you look at the bigger picture, and choose to live!?
  • Laia: Unfortunately, I'm not so good at the thinking stuff. I can only see what's right in front of me. But the future isn't something that can be created by one person. It's something everyone needs to create together.
  • Laia (shouts): That's why I'll never abandon my friends!
  • Tylor: ...
  • Laia (shouts): Okay! We don't have time to argue! Let's go!

Laia, Lumia and [Player] go. Fade to black.

New Rogues Hideout: Entrance

Fade in.

  • Lumia: Laia, what do we do now?
  • Laia: You saw what happened. You know what we have to do.
  • Lumia: I'm sorry... I don't.
  • Laia: You know, right, [Player]?
[Challenge Tylor again.] [Head for the northern continent.] [Return to the colony temporarily.]
  • Laia: There's nothing I'd like more, but... there's a time and place for things. That jerk would really let his friends die! First we need to help that group on the northern continent.
  • Lumia: R... Really?
  • Laia: You got it.
  • Lumia: A... Are we going to go rescue them!?
  • Laia: If we do that, the rogues in the mine will be wiped out!
  • Laia (shouts): Come on, get your priorities straight! Life comes first to a Guardian!
  • Lumia: A... Are we going to go rescue them!?
  • Laia: I guess you don't quite have the heart of a Guardian yet.
  • Laia (shouts): Lives are at stake!
  • Lumia (shouts): Y... Yes ma'am!
  • Laia: Then if you're ready, let's hurry to the northern continent!

Reference notes

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 These lines are only spoken if the player attempts to backtrack at the start of each block.