Episode 1 Chapter 07 Parum (script)

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Holtes City: Central Square

(PPT Caseal)

  • Ethan: (Huh? Has that CAST stopped moving? During a busy time like this...) (...I got it! This CAST is the same model as the shuttle controller on the colony!) (I'm glad I figured that one out. It was bugging me!)

(Green Cast)

  • Green Cast: What? How should I know how your friends are doing!?


  • Green Cast: Just get out of here!

(Blue Caseal)

  • Blue Caseal: I told you. I don't have any interest in the Divine Maiden. How many times do I have to say it before you get it?


  • Blue Caseal: Run off to Neudaiz or something. Just get out of here!

(Yellow Cast)

  • Yellow Cast: Lately the Divine Maiden hasn't made any appearances. What's wrong?


  • Yellow Cast: That kind of thing doesn't become news around here.

(AMF Cast)

  • AMF Cast: Hey you! What are you doing!?
  • Ethan: What? Don't talk to me! I don't have time for you!
  • AMF Cast: Why you...!


  • AMF Cast: If you're in such a hurry, then get moving!

Holtes City: West District

(Speal Fonce)

  • Ethan: Hello, Speal.
  • Speal: You again?
  • Ethan: You make it sound like I spend all my time here!
  • Speal: If you're so busy, then why don't you get back to work?
  • Ethan: Yeah, I guess...


  • Ethan: Hey, Speal.
  • Speal: Aren't you supposed to be working?

(Yokus Melton)

  • Yokus: Um...
  • Ethan: Sorry, Yokus... I'm in a hurry today!
  • Yokus: That's okay, you don't need to be sorry at all!


  • Ethan: Hey...
  • Yokus: If you're in a hurry, then go!
  • Ethan: Well I'm not in that much of a hurry...

(Mikaris Geid)

  • Ethan: Mikaris...
  • Mikaris: Oh hi, Ethan. What's the matter?
  • Ethan: A Guardian friend of mine is missing...
  • Mikaris: Your girlfriend?
  • Ethan: No, she's not...
  • Mikaris: You don't have to hide it from me...


  • Mikaris: So can I take your missing girlfriend's place?
  • Ethan: I'm not looking for a girlfriend, Mikaris!
  • Mikaris: Oh, that's too bad. Couldn't hurt to ask though, could it?

G.R.M. Shop

(Stank Geece)

  • Ethan: Hello, Commander Geece.
  • Stank: Hey, Ethan. Are you looking for the Endrum Collective or something?
  • Ethan: No, nothing like that...
  • Stank: That's good.


  • Stank: Don't get caught up with the Endrum Collective. Even within the Alliance Military, these are implicit orders!
  • Ethan: I see.

(Madris Carn)

  • Ethan: Hi Madris!
  • Madris: Hey there! Are you here on another mission?
  • Ethan: Not exactly. A Guardian friend of mine has disappeared.
  • Madris: Oh, I'm sorry to hear that!
  • Ethan: She's a young newman, and...
  • Madris: I'll help you look for her!
  • Ethan: No... that's all right...
  • Madris: Hey! What gives?


  • Ethan: Sorry, I'm in a hurry...

Parts Shop

(Prafo Kaluen)

  • Prafo: Ethan, where are you going in such a rush?
  • Ethan: ...Nowhere.
  • Prafo: Really?
  • Ethan: ...Yeah.


  • Prafo: Ethan, when I grow up, join the Alliance Military with me!
  • Ethan: (There he goes again!)

Holtes City: East District

(Human Male)

  • Human Male: Before, I was telling you about my friend... Well, maybe we should talk later!


  • Human Male: You're in a hurry right? Get moving then!

(Quiro Medoc)

  • Mr. Medoc: In this town I get nothing but cold CAST stares. It really gets me down sometimes.
  • Ethan: I know the feeling.


  • Mr. Medoc: Man, I'm beat!
  • Ethan: Keep your chin up, Mr. Medoc!

(Rol Medoc)

  • Rol: Why are you in such a hurry?
  • Ethan: Sorry.


  • Rol: You're annoying me. Go away!
  • Ethan: All right, fine!

Holtes City: GUARDIANS Branch

(Human Woman)

  • Human Woman: I heard a rumor that the Endrum Collective is behind the scientists' disappearances! Well, you don't look like you have time to listen now...


  • Human Woman: Next time, all right?

(Human Male)

  • Human Male: What's wrong? ...Could it be about Karen!? Did something happen to her!? If there's something I can do, tell me!


  • Human Male: If there's something I can do, tell me!

(Black Cast)

  • Black Cast: What happened to your training? You're not going to get very good scores by ignoring your missions... and running around on your own!


  • Black Cast: I'm not sure that dereliction of duty is the best way to start a GUARDIANS career....