Status Effects mockup

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Status Effects are temporary benefits or hindrances that can be applied to both players and enemies. The effects can be in forms of damage-over-time, healing, or the modification of stats.

Status Effects


Burn (Template:Burn) will deal damage every 2 seconds based on maximum HP for 10 seconds. The effect cannot incapacitate the target.

Burn Lv.1 Lv.2 Lv.3 Lv.4 Lv.5
Effect Duration 10 Seconds
Damage per Tick 2% 3% 4% 5% 6%
Maximum Damage 10% 15% 20% 25% 30%
Resisting Burn
Endurance / Stamina 21 24 27 30 37


Poison (Template:Poison) will deal damage every 3 seconds based on the target's maximum HP for a duration. The effect cannot incapacitate the target.

Poison Lv.1 Lv.2 Lv.3 Lv.4 Lv.5
Effect Duration 12 Seconds 21 Seconds 27 Seconds 31 Seconds 39 Seconds
Damage per Tick 3%
Maximum Damage 8% 12% 16% 20% 24%
Resisting Poison
Endurance / Stamina 24 27 30 33 36


Virus, also called Infection, (Template:Infection) will deal damage every 4 seconds based on the target's maximum HP for a duration. The effect cannot incapacitate the target.

Virus Lv.1 Lv.2 Lv.3 Lv.4 Lv.5
Effect Duration 24 Seconds 28 Seconds 32 Seconds 36 Seconds 40 Seconds
Damage per Tick 5%
Maximum Damage 25% 30% 35% 40% 45%
Resisting Virus
Endurance / Stamina 23 26 29 32 35


Shock (Template:Shock) can be applied to players and enemies, and prevents the use of STRIKING and BULLETS.

Shock Lv.1 Lv.2 Lv.3 Lv.4 Lv.5
Effect Duration 10 Seconds
Proc Chance  ?%  ?%  ?%  ?%  ?%
Resisting Shock
Endurance / Stamina 24 28 37 40 44


Silence (Template:Silence) can be applied to players and enemies, and prevents the use of TECHNICs.

Silence Lv.1 Lv.2 Lv.3 Lv.4 Lv.5
Effect Duration 16 Seconds
Proc Chance  ?%  ?%  ?%  ?%  ?%
Resisting Silence
Endurance / Stamina 24 28 37 40 44


Freeze (Template:Freeze) can be applied to players and enemies, and prevents movement. Players can break free from being frozen by repeatedly trying to move.


Sleep (Template:Sleep) can be applied to players and enemies, and puts the target to sleep, preventing movement. Hitting the target one time will wake them up.


Stun (Template:Stun) can be applied to players and eneimes, and prevents movement. However, unlike with freeze, a player cannot break free by trying to move.


Confuse (Template:Confuse) can be applied to players and enemies. When applied to players, causes their movements to become erratic and unpredictable. When applied to enemies, causes them to attack each other.


Charm (Template:Charm) can be applied only to enemies, and causes them to be attracted to whoever applied the effect.


Incapacitation (Template:Incapacitation) can be applied to players and enemies, and has a small chance to instantly kill the target.

HP Steal

HP Steal can be used by both players and enemies, and will steal a certain percent of the damage dealt as HP and restore that to the target.

Reflect Damage

Reflect Damage can be used by only players, and only results from specific weapons or photon arts. It causes a small percent of the damage dealt to be reflect back to the player.

HP Affects Power

HP Affects Power can be used by only players, and only results from specific weapons or photon arts. It modifies the amount of damage dealt proportional to remaining HP.

Auto Damage

Auto Damage is only applied to players. It causes the user to take damage every few seconds.

Auto Recovery

Auto Recovery is only applied to players. It causes the target to gain HP every few seconds. If the target is at maximum HP, the healing will continue and build up a "shield" to the player.

Boost ATP

Boost ATP, also known as Shifta, (Template:ATP Up) can be applied to players and enemies, and causes their ATP to increase.

Lower ATP

Lower ATP, also known as Jellen, (Template:ATP Down) can be applied to players and enemies, and causes their ATP to decrease.

Boost DFP

Boost DFP, also known as Deband, (Template:DFP Up) can be applied to players and enemies, and causes their DFP to increase.

Lower DFP

Lower DFP, also known as Zalure, (Template:DFP Down) can be applied to players and enemies, and causes their DFP to decrease.


Boost ATA/EVP, also known as Zodial, (Template:ATA-EVP Up) can be applied to players and enemies, and causes their ATA and EVP to increase.


Lower ATA/EVP, also known as Zoldeel, (Template:ATA-EVP Down) can be applied to players and enemies, and causes their ATA and EVP to decrease.

Boost TP/MST

Boost TP/MST, also known as Retier, (Template:TP-MST Up) can be applied to players and enemies, and causes their TP and MST to increase.

Lower TP/MST

Lower TP/MST, unofficially known as Rendeel, (Template:TP-MST Down) can be applied to players and enemies, and causes their TP and MST to decrease.

Self Sacrifice

Self Sacrifice is only applied to players, and causes their HP to decrease by a certain percent every second in exchange for attacking.

Reduce Physical Damage

Reduce Physical Damage is only applied to players by the TECHNIC Dizas.

Reduce TECHNIC Damage

Reduce TECHNIC Damage is only applied to players by the TECHNIC Rentis.

Time Dilation

Time Dilation, internally called Slow, is a unique effect only applied to players by Dark Falz' Final Form. It causes animation slow down.

Resisting Status Effects

There are methods that can be utilised to resist Status Effects being applied to your character.

Damage reduction

If an enemy attack deals 0 damage, the Status Effect it carries will not be applied, as the attack is considered the same as a miss. By utilising a high percentage Line Shield and a Rainbow body unit (such as Guardless / Rainbow or Legsless / Rainbow) it is possible to raise your character's MST or DEF high enough to reduce some attack damage from smaller enemies to 0. When trying resist TECHNIC damage, this is usually only possible for Newmans due to their high MST.

Stamina thresholds

For TECHNIC-based enemy attacks, many of these can be resisted if your character has enough STA/End. Enemy TECHNIC attacks start at level 1 on C-rank missions, go up in level by five levels each rank.

Mission rank C B A S S2
Enemy TECHNIC base level 1 6 11 16 21

Megid does not scale with mission rank, and instead matches the level of Megid that the enemy casts. Deljabans cast Lv1 Megid, which has Incapacitate Lv1; Delp Slami and Jusnagun cast Lv11 Megid, with Incapacitate Lv2, and Carriguines and SEED-Vitace cast Lv21 Megid, with Incapacitate Lv3.

The STA/End required to resist them increases accordingly based on the tech level. The following table shows the amount of STA/End. required to resist Status Effects based on SE level.

SE Level LV1 LV2 LV3 LV4 LV5
Burn 21 24 27 30 37
Poison 24 27 30 33 36
Infection 23 26 29 32 35
Shock/Silence 24 28 37 40 44
Freeze 25 29 32 35 38
Sleep 25 28 31 34 40
Stun 26 29 32 35 38
Confuse 25 28 31 35 39
Charm 22 25 28 31 34
Incapacitate 21 24 27 30 33

In addition, when using this method some Status Effects have a higher STA/End. requirement for full resistance, and some (for instance, Stun from a Grass Assassin, and several Status Effects applied by bosses) cannot be resisted and will apply regardless of your STA/End.

If you do not meet the STA/End. threshold to completely resist Status Effects in this fashion, higher STA will still help reduce the frequency with which these status effects are applied. Subtract your STA/End. from the STA/End. required to fully resist a Status Effect, and the resulting number is the percentage chance of the SE applying on any given hit. Example:

Megid in an S-rank mission requires 24 STA/End. to resist fully. A character with 13 STA/End. would have an 11% chance of being incapacitated by a Megid in this mission. A character with 21 STA/End. would have just a 3% chance to be incapacitated by Megid in the same situation.

Resist Units

There are a number of 7★ body units that provide resistance to certain Status Effects. When equipped in the body slot of your line shield, the unit will provide resistance to the specified Status Effect regardless of the mission rank. In addition, resist units will also resist Status Effects that still apply with the Stamina method - for instance, Grass Assassin Stun can be resisted with a Stun / Resist.