Talk:Main Page

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Revision as of 20:34, 14 December 2006 by F Gattaca (talk | contribs)

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Users online

Man, this needs to be integrated into the main page;

Users Online: <whosonline></whosonline>

When will these new plugins be implimented? --JubeiSaotome 02:44, 14 December 2006 (PST)

  • Well, they should already be functional at least. I'm still hoping I could get the other ones to work later on as well though.. - Tycho 08:30, 14 December 2006 (PST)

Screenshot of the Day

  • Is it me or is this page really missing something? How about a screenshot of the day? --JubeiSaotome 16:48, 24 November 2006 (PST)
  • I don't know exactly what you had in mind, or what others would think about this, but... would you be willing to take care of it then, given the privileges? - Tycho 03:13, 25 November 2006 (PST)
  • I just mean some random contributed screenshot of someone's gameplay, placed somewhere on the main page with a small description and a heading of "Daily Screenshot" or something similar. Is there a way to do a gallery on a wiki? or could you just make a table of old screens if this is going to be done? --JubeiSaotome 03:17, 25 November 2006 (PST)
  • Ahzi never installed the gallery feature. I think we should do the Daily Screenshot, because I'm not putting the other three templates until we get a fourth to occupy a lot of empty space lol. The thumbnail size for the picture will have to be 310px or less in width and 200px in height, but because of how much extra space we have we could use two pictures and split them up. I'm still having trouble finishing the new luck template, because I have to fit the Photon Fortune head.PNG into it (this makes it pretty and best of all larger, the pictures/descriptions can be longer now), and it's not allowing me a color border, so until you give me a go for the idea, I'll keep trying this one. Check out my talk page if you want to see how I'll be setting the templates on the main page, or ask me on my talk page (it's getting lonely) for the text if you feel ambitious enough to finish the luck template and make a color border for it. Asim 06:06, 9 December 2006 (PST)
  • A few screenshots of the giant trees and christmas decorations would be most fitting right now, wouldnt it? I just uploaded one if you'd like to use it. Sorry for the low quality tho, since i run on 800x600 window mode resolution. I'd upload more, but I'm dead tired. I'm off for now. --Mega 10:16, 10 December 2006 (PST)
  • I'll look into integrating Flickr-like functionality, but I wouldn't know how to get this 'screenshot of the day' thing running, nor who'd look after it. The image is probably good for the Events/Updates sections though, together with a news article. Miraglyth, where are you? :wacko: - Tycho 08:49, 11 December 2006 (PST)
    • How about a group of people handle it? Maybe get a few of us in IRC to handle it, since most of us do edits here anyway? --JubeiSaotome 16:43, 11 December 2006 (PST)
      • I'm all for stuff like this. Uh ... I'm not knowledgable on how to run a wiki, but isn't there a way people can upload their screenshots to a specific pool of such images separate of the file repository we've already got, and then the team JubeiSaotome mentioned would pick which one(s) to use each day? - F Gattaca 13:19, 12 December 2006 (PST)
        • That would most likely eat up bandwidth, especially if people don't save them in the right format. Default raw PSU images are up to 5mb. --JubeiSaotome 00:44, 13 December 2006 (PST)
          • Does Wiki even allow people to upload bitmaps? At least, in my experience, Wiki refuses bitmaps. On my first attempt to upload a picture for my user page, my paint program didn't save it as a jpg even though I specified that as the file extension (whoops); PSUP didn't accept it. When I realized what was wrong and correctly saved it as a jpg, then it did.

            ... Heh. I just realized, 'PSUP' sounds like Pea Soup. - F Gattaca 09:22, 14 December 2006 (PST)


  • I was thinking of ideas for the site's address icon... thingy-- the icon next to it in the favorites. Anyways, I was thinking of having the three planets, or I could take the leaf that's in the corner. Suggestions or preferences? ~ Irovax
  • Hm, never thought about that before. We were kinda considering to get rid of the clover/vine image though. I'm not much of an artist myself, so maybe someone else could make something better to replace that and the site icon. I'm fine with anything really; there are probably plenty of creative people out there. - Tycho
  • If and when it does get changed, the icon on the search plugin would need to be changed to maintain professionalism. If for some reason I'm not around to do that, use this place to turn a 16x16 .gif with the necessary transparencies into the base-64 encoded data that you can insert into the .xml by editing it as a text file. - Miraglyth 04:11, 11 November 2006 (PST)
  • What about using a generic GUARDIANS icon? --SiegeV 17:55, 9 December 2006 (PST)
  • Sounds decent actually. Any clue for the clover at the top though? x_x - Tycho 00:24, 10 December 2006 (PST)
  • Could you use one of the logo files from the PSU fansite kit from Sega? Or if that is too plain, I could come up with something original, or even some small flash file. What do ya think? Some quick examples of banners I made while with jeM on PSO:

Example Banner
Example Flash Banner- Shonky 20:56, 13 December 2006 (PST)

  • I think we need a logo, not imagery. It should be something simple, yet something people can recognize us by. Take the clothing shop icon for instance, it's a tshirt, related to what it's selling and you always know thats where to buy clothes on PSU. Why not an icon related to a dictionary or an encyclopedia? --JubeiSaotome 21:18, 13 December 2006 (PST)
  • I kinda liked the banner for actually. - Tycho 08:30, 14 December 2006 (PST)
    • Hey, if we're gonna do that, why not make a whole PSU-themed skin for the wiki? (I'm serious here, that would be rather cool.) - F Gattaca 12:34, 14 December 2006 (PST)

CSS and table background images

Did a bit of experimenting offline:

  1. Tag each of the main page tables with an ID (or class).
  2. Add to MediaWiki:Monobook.css (or Common.css) the following:
<id or class name> {
    background-image: url('image name');
    background-position: bottom right (attachment point);

Can't seem to put it directly into the style for the table because MediaWiki kills the entire style if there's a url() in there. --Seikas2

  • Thanks; I'll try again later. x_x - Tycho 06:08, 13 December 2006 (PST)
  • Could you try to make one as an example please? _| ̄|○ - Tycho 11:45, 13 December 2006 (PST)

Let's see...

I apologize for the downtime. I've been trying to add a bit more functionality to the wiki, and managed to integrate a few new extensions; Poll, Sort, RandomImage, and Whos Online. I've been considering Flickrm and WikiDB as well, but the latter did not really seem to work well, while the latter seems a bit complicated and unstable (not to mention I'm pretty tired!). Again, sorry about the downtime, and I hope the new options would be useful to the wiki. - Tycho 15:50, 13 December 2006 (PST)
Featured Articles
What is this?
Featured articles are specially selected and top-quality pages chosen by the viewers. Any day from Friday to Sunday there will be a new featured article. Please check here for the new pages as well as the older ones if you want to see what page may be featured next week!

Force a reload from network [shift-reload] if it doesn't work for you. --Seikas2 12:14, 13 December 2006 (PST) There's something going wrong with the table on the right... --Seikas2 02:09, 14 December 2006 (PST)

  • Played around with Common.css some more, and reuploaded Asim's the banner for the News box in three parts (left, right, and a repeatable background to allow for the table to be stretched while retaining the banner). The result is in The PSUPedia:Sandbox#Test; using your code it accepts the image, but using mine it refuses to. What am I doing wrong? ;-; - Tycho 12:09, 14 December 2006 (PST)
You have to force your browser to reload the CSS from the site [shift-reload]. If that doesn't work, go here. --Seikas2 12:21, 14 December 2006 (PST)
  • As a sidenote, I've tried this (splitting the news banner) once. The background peeks through the left and right of the images, outside the banner :/ --Seikas2 12:27, 14 December 2006 (PST)

Goggle Vision

Scanning a tree.
Tree becomes targetable.
Tree knocked down. Item uncovered.

So there was a rumor circulating that the Goggle item acquired in the online story mission had more use to it than just scanning flaming flowers in "The Masked Woman" mission. I set out to bust this myth, and to my surprise its actually true. I found a tree in Parum with a glowing sphere (meaning its scannable). I scanned it, then chopped it down and received an item. :D I havent checked around anywhere other than Mad Creatures C(Found 2 so far. One in block 1 and 2.) but this may hopefully lead to new paths in missions never before ventured. Anyways, how bout we start an article on these Goggles? If anyone wants to volunteer to do it, i have screenies to support it. But i'm not very articulate to write a clear, well thought out article. ^^;; Feel free to crop and use these pictures as you will. --Mega 01:06, 14 December 2006 (PST)

  • It's not a myth ;o It's actually mentioned in story mode a few times. In story mode you get much better drops from trees though, like moon x's and scapes. --JubeiSaotome 02:00, 14 December 2006 (PST)
    • Also, killing trees sometimes reveals "secrets." Case in point: One of the blocks in The Mad Beasts has a tree near the riverbed, by a large rock. When you kill it, you can gain access to a cluster of boxes. I got a rare that way!

      There should be some more stuff like this in Moatoob. In Story Mode I was able to knock down a fake wall once or twice by scanning the area with goggles ... I expect at least one mission will allow us to do that again.

      Oh, and before I forget--*plugs JubeiSaotome's ;o-ing face with a rappy* YARHA! - F Gattaca 09:22, 14 December 2006 (PST)