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Bysha type-Koh21

LV HU/FM drops RA/GM drops FO/MF drops AM/PT drops Missions
1-19  ?  ?  ?  ? --
20-39 Baybari Baybari Baybari Baybari Grove of Fanatics C
40-59 Hanmateri Kouhakanoh Hanmateri Hanmateri Grove of Fanatics B
60-79 Roksari Shinhakanoh Roksari Roksari Grove of Fanatics A
80-99 Hirokteri Ryusaikanoh Hirokteri Hirokteri Grove of Fanatics S
 ? All missions listed above.

Bysha type-Otsu32

LV HU/FM drops RA/GM drops FO/MF drops AM/PT drops Missions
1-19  ?  ?  ?  ? --
20-39 Anzadanoh Anzadanoh Breaker Anzadanoh Grove of Fanatics C
40-59 Haktsurahoh Haktsurahoh Hanzo Hanmateri Grove of Fanatics B
60-79 Kaurasuhoh Kaurasuhoh Jogiri Roksari Grove of Fanatics A
80-99 Mizurakihoh Mizurakihoh Huge Cutter Hirokteri Grove of Fanatics S
 ? All missions listed above.

Dilla Griena

LV HU/FM drops RA/GM drops FO/MF drops AM/PT drops Missions
1-19 Aldaga Sank Aldaga Rippa Shag Azza Aldaga Sank (Haywire Machinery 2)
20-39 Aldaga Sabba Aldaga Sabba Shag Omur Aldaga Sabba --
40-59 Misaki Cubo Upinde Shag Goagg Cubo Upinde --
60-79 Ga-Misaki Cubo Dunga Shag Hejiz Cubo Dunga --
80-99 Zanshu-Misaki Cubo Musrana Kazarod Cubo Musrana --
 ? All missions listed above.

Gohma Dilla

LV HU/FM drops RA/GM drops FO/MF drops AM/PT drops Missions
1-19 Magga Gres Magga Gres Arb Oga Shigga Wadda --
20-39 Magga Rit Magga Rit Arb Biga Shigga Amza --
40-59 Magga S'bina Magga S'bina Arb Magana Gur Neda --
60-79 Magga Draga Magga Draga Arb Biso Gur Napam --
80-99  ? Magga Guin  ? Gur Bazga --
 ? All missions listed above.

Gohma Methna

LV HU/FM drops RA/GM drops FO/MF drops AM/PT drops Missions
1-19 Magga Gres Magga Gres W'ganba Shigga Spud --
20-39 Magga Gat Magga Gat W'gacan Shigga Bigul --
40-59 Zaks Breba (Tippo Nazra) Cometara Zaks Breba --
60-79 Zaks Bogoda Zaks Bogoda Lidra Zaks Bogoda --
80-99  ? Zaks Gabot  ? Zaks Gabot --
 ? All missions listed above.

Grinna Bete C

LV HU/FM drops RA/GM drops FO/MF drops AM/PT drops Missions
1-19 Shag Hagg Ryo-Ortotore Shag Hagg Shag Hagg Desert Goliath C
20-39 Shag Zazza Ryo-Betatore Shag Zazza Shag Zazza Desert Goliath B
40-59 Rafal Attacker Rafal Attacker Rafal Attacker Rafal Attacker Desert Goliath A
60-79 Shag Goagg Ryo-Komatore Shag Goagg Shag Goagg Desert Goliath S
80-99 Castest Line Castest Line Castest Line Castest Line --
 ? All missions listed above.

Grinna Bete S

LV HU/FM drops RA/GM drops FO/MF drops AM/PT drops Missions
1-19 Calibur Shooter Giraduke  ? --
20-39 Ascalon Vullseye Rogaduke Alseva Drada --
40-59 Jogiri Burst Galdike Alseva Bonga --
60-79 Caliburn Phantom Graldike Alseva Borga --
80-99 (Morat Machinus) (Drill Launcher)  ?  ? --
Electro Heart All missions listed above.

GSM-05 Seeker

LV HU/FM drops RA/GM drops FO/MF drops AM/PT drops Missions
1-19 Brandline Brandline Brandline  ? (Haywire Machinery 1), (Haywire Machinery 2), Desert Goliath C
20-39 Repeater  ? Repeater  ? Desert Goliath B
40-59  ?  ? Beam Vulcan  ? Protect the COG's Secret 3, Desert Goliath A
60-79 Yasminakov 0002 Yasminakov 0002 Yasminakov 0002 Card Regina Desert Goliath S
80-99  ?  ?  ?  ? --
 ? All missions listed above.

GSM-05B Bomalta

LV HU/FM drops RA/GM drops FO/MF drops AM/PT drops Missions
1-19 Tillarc Greasegun Greasegun Raduke --
20-39 Lumars Gatling Gatling Goraduke --
40-59 Card Fante Rogaduke Rogaduke Rogaduke Protect the COG's Secret 3, The Relics' Memento 2
60-79 Card Regina Galdike Galdike Galdike --
80-99  ?  ?  ?  ? --
 ? All missions listed above.

GSM-05M Tirentos

LV HU/FM drops RA/GM drops FO/MF drops AM/PT drops Missions
1-19  ?  ?  ?  ? --
20-39 Gatling Gatling Gatling Soda Caliba AMF HQ Recovery C
40-59 Beam Vulcan Beam Vulcan Card Fante Soda Hazzo AMF HQ Recovery B
60-79 Yasminakov 0002 Yasminakov 0002 Card Regina Soda Joggi AMF HQ Recovery A
80-99 Muzzlefever Muzzlefever Card Regas Soda Riban AMF HQ Recovery S
 ? All missions listed above.

Shinowa Hidoki

LV HU/FM drops RA/GM drops FO/MF drops AM/PT drops Missions
1-19  ?  ?  ?  ? --
20-39  ?  ?  ?  ? --
40-59  ?  ?  ?  ? (Beast and Machine Frenzy) C
60-79  ?  ?  ?  ? (Beast and Machine Frenzy) B
80-99 Shinowa Line  ?  ?  ? (Beast and Machine Frenzy) A
 ? All missions listed above.


LV HU/FM drops RA/GM drops FO/MF drops AM/PT drops Missions
1-19  ?  ?  ?  ? --
20-39 Giga / Guard  ?  ?  ? --
40-59  ?  ?  ?  ? --
60-79  ?  ?  ?  ? --
80-99  ?  ?  ?  ? --
 ? All missions listed above.


LV HU/FM drops RA/GM drops FO/MF drops AM/PT drops Missions
1-19 Girapit Blaster Girapit Girapit --
20-39 Hegel Attacker Hegel Attacker Hegel Attacker Hegel Attacker AMF HQ Recovery C (rare)
40-59 Kikami Twin Ruby Bullet Kikami Kikami AMF HQ Recovery B (rare)
60-79 Ageha-kikami Crimson Nova Twinkle Star Ageha-kikami AMF HQ Recovery A (rare)
80-99 Shi-kikami  ? Shi-kikami Shi-kikami AMF HQ Recovery S (rare)
 ? All missions listed above.


LV HU/FM drops RA/GM drops FO/MF drops AM/PT drops Missions
1-19 Raduke Tillarc Shooter Tiller Look Desert Goliath C
20-39 Goraduke Lumars Vullseye Lumars Desert Goliath B
40-59 Rogaduke Card Fante Assasin Card Fante Desert Goliath A
60-79 Galdike Card Regina Phantom Card Regina Desert Goliath S
80-99 Ebrozike  ?  ?  ? --
 ? All missions listed above.