Lucaim Nav

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Lucaim Nav is a Guardian Instructor met in Chapter 4

Lucaim Nav

Fact File

  • Full name: Lucaim Nav
  • Age: 178
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Cast
  • Occupation: Guardian Instructor, Ex-President of the Guardians colony (And the First!)
  • Relations: Ohbel Dallgun (Associate)
  • Voice Actor: Ichiro Nagai
  • Affilation: Guardians
  • Role in the story: Low, Supportive


Lucaim is minor compared to most characters, only appearing once or twice; Mainly in mission briefings. He does, however, play a large part in chapter 4, helping the party through the train mission. His most notable appearance was during the Train mission where he effortlessly took on the Vol brothers alone, and left them all in a heap. During episode 4, (About half-way through), he collapses, forcing Hyuga to stay behind and Ethan to go on ahead. He's later seen on the G-flyer laughing about it - however he actually suffers from ICS (Instant Crash Syndrome), a "disease" that affects CASTs close to 200 years old. Afterwards, he spars with Ethan (and comes out victorious).

Random Facts

  • He's mostly made by GRM, Parts wise (and likely originally)
  • He, apparently, has never forgotten a single pupil he trained, and so knows ALL of their weak points (or so he claims)