PSU Cyril Wiki:Sandbox

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Revision as of 01:46, 24 July 2007 by Trooper1023 (talk | contribs)

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For previous experiments on the Sandbox, please check the Sandbox History. Thanks.

General Information

JP Name セイバー
EN Name Saber
Weapon Type Saber
Manufacturer GRM
Description A mass-produced, single-handed blade
with a popular, minimalist design.
Made from (B) Saber
Stats Online Offline NPC Values Online Offline
Rarity 1★ 1★ Buying 350 -
Rank C C Selling 1  ?
ATP 67 61 PM stats Online Offline
ATA 40 83 Strk. 4 4
PP 150 85 Rng. 0 0
Req. ATP 17 25 TECH -1 -1
Armr. 0 0

Availability and Grinding

Grind Online Offline Grind Online Offline
1 - - - - 6 - - - -
2 - - - - 7 - - - -
3 - - - - 8 - - - -
4 - - - - 9 - - - -
5 - - - - 10 - - - -
Online Offline
Monster drops Delsaban LV1-9 -
Area drops - -
Box drops - -
Boss Box drops - -
Shops - -
Other Starting equipment: CASTs, Humans Starting equipment: CASTs, Humans
Given to Ethan Waber in Chapter 1

Drops in Neudaiz "Her Secret Misson" on B rank runs. [B] only




Fourth-Stage Alternate PMs

Evolution Syn. Trend Combat Behavior In-game Description Weapons and Photon Arts
GH-411 Striking Near owner Always stays near owner, good with 2-handed swords. Sword (Ice-element ?Ascalon? with Tornado Break), Twin Saber (?Sharp Twins? with Splendor Crush), Wand (Batnara with Resta)
GH-412 Striking Independent Wanders around the battle, good with 1-handed sabers. Saber (??? with ?skill?), ?Twin Saber? with ?skill?, Wand (Batnara with Resta)
GH-421 Strike Support  ?Stays nearby? and attacks enemies with claws. Claw (??? with ?skill?), ?Twin Dagger? with ?skill?, Wand (Batnara with Resta)
GH-422 Strike Front lines  ?Leads party into battle? and attacks enemies with knuckles. Knuckles (??? with ?skill?), ?Twin Dagger? with ?skill?, Wand (Batnara with Resta)
GH-431 Firearms With group Team player who enjoys working with her owner. Handgun (??? with ?bullet?), Handgun (??? with ?bullet?), Wand (Sceptara with Resta)
GH-432 Firearms Cover fire Unknown. Crossbows (??? with ?bullet?), Handgun (??? with ?bullet?), Wand (Sceptara with Resta)
GH-441 Firearms Independent Wanders around the battle and attacks enemies with a shotgun. Shotgun (??? with ?bullet?), Twin Handgun (??? with ?bullet?), Wand (Canara with Resta)
GH-442 Firearms Cover fire Unknown. Bow (??? with ?bullet?), Twin Handgun (??? with ?bullet?), Wand (Canara with Resta)
GH-451 TECHNIC Independent (TECHNICs: Ice Type) Wanders around the battle and attacks enemies. Wand (???), Wand (???), Wand (Crozier with Resta); PAs: ?Ice types?
GH-452 TECHNIC Support (TECHNICs: LTNG/support) Heals owner and attacks enemies. Wand (???), Wand (???), Wand (Crozier with Resta); PAs: ?Lightning types?