PSU Cyril Wiki:To-do list

From PSU Cyril Wiki
Revision as of 22:24, 26 December 2006 by HitomiCHAN (talk | contribs)

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Quick Intro

After noticing the current workflow on the wiki, I thought it would be alot easier if frequent editors and PSUPedia staff, made requests here for any programming/technical tasks that need to be carried on the wiki. Of course current discussion pages can still be used, this page is just for tasks of more importance. i.e Security, Patches, User Features, etc...

So simply state the task you want done, (fully explaining it), and leave your signature, if the request is approved by Mewn, I'll message you shortly to either let you know of its completion or difficulties I had fulfilling your request.

NOTE: Completed tasks are filled in an alternate color. Many Thanks. --HitomiCHAN 16:22, 26 December 2006 (CST)

To Do List

  • Staff Page --HitomiCHAN 16:22, 26 December 2006 (CST)
  • Plugins Page --HitomiCHAN 16:22, 26 December 2006 (CST)