PSP:Native creatures (Parum)

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LV HU/FM drops RA/GM drops FO/MF drops AM/PT drops Missions
1-19  ?  ?  ? Stellaline --
20-39 Gigaline Gigaline Gigaline Gigaline Sleeping Warriors C, Lightning Beasts C, The Dual Sentinel C
40-59 Hardline Hardline Hardline Hardline Sleeping Warriors B, Lightning Beasts B, The Dual Sentinel B, (The Relics' Memento 2), (The Relics' Memento 3)
60-79 Catiline Catiline Catiline Catiline Sleeping Warriors A, Lightning Beasts A, The Dual Sentinel A
80-99 Orpa Line Orpa Line Orpa Line Orpa Line Sleeping Warriors S, Lightning Beasts S, The Dual Sentinel S
(Gemaga Dungeon), (Famitsu Quiz Stadium)
 ? All missions listed above.

Bal Soza

LV HU/FM drops RA/GM drops FO/MF drops AM/PT drops Missions
1-19  ?  ?  ?  ? --
20-39 Claymaud Crozier Crozier Crozier Lightning Beasts C
40-59 Haktora Prest Prest Haktora Lightning Beasts B
60-79 Aoryu Kokrosoki Chao Staff Aoryu Lightning Beasts A
80-99 Huge Cutter Cubo Musrana Cardianna Huge Cutter Lightning Beasts S, (Assault! Strange Creature Report)
 ? All missions listed above.


LV HU/FM drops RA/GM drops FO/MF drops AM/PT drops Missions
1-19 Aldaga Steg Autogun Aldaga Steg Aldaga Steg Plains Overlord C, (Rampant Livestock 1), (Rampant Livestock 2)
20-39 Halva Tubola Beatgun Aldaga Rippa Aldaga Rippa Plains Overlord B, Lightning Beasts C
40-59 Halva Tubola Beamgun Card Fante Brebacle Plains Overlord A, Lightning Beasts B, (The Relics' Memento 1)
60-79 Gotsdacle Raygun Card Regina Gotsdacle Lightning Beasts A
80-99 Grentacle Viper Card Regas Grentacle Plains Overlord S, Lightning Beasts S, (Assault! Strange Creature Report)
 ? All missions listed above.


LV HU/FM drops RA/GM drops FO/MF drops AM/PT drops Missions
1-19  ?  ?  ?  ? --
20-39 Double Saber Double Saber Double Saber Double Saber Lightning Beasts C
40-59 Bone Dance Bone Dance Bone Dance Bone Dance Lightning Beasts B
60-79 Nightwalker Nightwalker Nightwalker Nightwalker Lightning Beasts A
80-99 (Fraulein Rose) Sweet Death Sweet Death Double Agito Lightning Beasts S, (Famitsu Quiz Stadium)
 ? All missions listed above.

Go Bajilla

LV HU/FM drops RA/GM drops FO/MF drops AM/PT drops Missions
1-19 Stinger Arb Oga Brassacle Stinger Eco Protection C
20-39 Ripper Arb Roga Rivetacle Ripper Eco Protection B
40-59 Rapid Stream Arb Rega Ohsobra Rapid Stream Eco Protection A
60-79 Dark Straal Arb Boa Hodrisobra Dark Straal Eco Protection S
80-99 Blumier Blumier Raikasobra  ? (Assault! Strange Creature Report)
 ? All missions listed above.

Go Vahra

LV HU/FM drops RA/GM drops FO/MF drops AM/PT drops Missions
50-59 Heavy Twins Burst Dark Strauss Heavy Twins Eco Protection A
60-79 Heavy Twins Burst Dark Strauss Heavy Twins Eco Protection S
80-99 Two-headed Ragnus Blackbull Lumiess Blau Two-headed Ragnus Plains Overlord S, (Gemaga Dungeon), (Forest Labyrinth)
Vahra Claw All missions listed above.

Gol Dolva

LV HU/FM drops RA/GM drops FO/MF drops AM/PT drops Missions
1-19  ?  ?  ?  ? --
20-39  ?  ?  ?  ? --
40-59 Bone Dance Bomber Noir Bone Dance Bomber Noir (The Relics' Memento 1)
60-79  ?  ?  ?  ? --
80-99 Double Agito Inferno Bazooka Double Agito Inferno Bazooka (Assault! Strange Creature Report)
 ? All missions listed above.


LV HU/FM drops RA/GM drops FO/MF drops AM/PT drops Missions
1-19 Ryo-Stizashi Ryokadanoh Ryo-Stizashi Ryokadanoh Eco Protection C
20-39 Assino-zashi Higredanoh Assino-zashi Higredanoh Sleeping Warriors C, The Dual Sentinel C, Eco Protection B
40-59 Shintsuki-zashi Suzakidanoh Shintsuki-zashi Shintsuki-zashi Sleeping Warriors B, The Dual Sentinel B, (The Relics' Memento 2), (The Relics' Memento 3), Eco Protection A
60-79 Mizurakihoc Twin Diska Twin Diska Twin Diska Sleeping Warriors A, The Dual Sentinel A, Eco Protection S
80-99 Twin Diska Twin Diska Twin Diska Twin Diska Sleeping Warriors S, The Dual Sentinel S, (Assault! Strange Creature Report)
 ? All missions listed above.

Grass Assassin

LV HU/FM drops RA/GM drops FO/MF drops AM/PT drops Missions
1-19  ?  ?  ?  ? --
20-39 Ryo-Slasha Shigga Amza Ryo-Slasha Ryo-Slasha Eco Protection C, Lightning Beasts C
40-59 Ryo-Surdoh Shigga Brada Ryo-Surdoh Ryo-Surdoh Eco Protection B, Lightning Beasts B
60-79 Ryo-Juriba Shigga Bines Ryo-Juriba Ryo-Juriba Eco Protection A, Lightning Beasts A
80-99 Two-headed Ragnus Shigga Desta Double Slasher Double Slasher Eco Protection S, Lightning Beasts S, (Assault! Strange Creature Report)
(Dengeki Nines Colosseo)
 ? All missions listed above.


LV HU/FM drops RA/GM drops FO/MF drops AM/PT drops Missions
1-19  ?  ?  ?  ? --
20-39 Gorapit Railgun Malgisa Malgisa Lightning Beasts C
40-59 Pegi Blanc Grenade Pegi Pegi Lightning Beasts B, (The Relics' Memento 1)
60-79 Pegita Bomber Noir Pegita Pegita Lightning Beasts A
80-99 Dori Azul Fire Dori Dori Lightning Beasts S, (Dengeki Nines Colosseo)
 ? All missions listed above.


LV HU/FM drops RA/GM drops FO/MF drops AM/PT drops Missions
1-19 Busterline Busterline Busterline Busterline Plains Overlord C, (Rampant Livestock 1), (Rampant Livestock 2)
20-39 Halbert Twin Lockgun Survivor Partisan Plains Overlord B
40-59 Splasher Koltova Gun Rapid Stream Rapid Stream Plains Overlord A, (The Relics' Memento 1)
60-79  ?  ?  ?  ? --
80-99 Bloody Shower Hyper Viper Blumier Blumier Plains Overlord S
Koltova Madog
Green Green Line
All missions listed above.


LV HU/FM drops RA/GM drops FO/MF drops AM/PT drops Missions
1-19  ?  ?  ?  ? --
20-39 Giga / Guard Giga / Guard Giga / Guard Giga / Guard The Dual Sentinel C
40-59 Hard / Guard Hard / Guard Hard / Guard Hard / Guard The Dual Sentinel B
60-79 Cati / Guard Cati / Guard Cati / Guard Cati / Guard The Dual Sentinel A
80-99 Lumirus / Guard Lumirus / Guard Lumirus / Guard Lumirus / Guard The Dual Sentinel S, (Assault! Strange Creature Report)
 ? All missions listed above.


LV HU/FM drops RA/GM drops FO/MF drops AM/PT drops Missions
1-19  ?  ?  ?  ? --
20-39 Rivet Gloves Crozier Crozier Crozier Sleeping Warriors C
40-59 Gudda Breba Gudda Godda Prest Laser Cannon Sleeping Warriors B, (The Relics' Memento 2), (The Relics' Memento 3)
60-79 Gudda Godda Gudda Gant Geist Maser Cannon Sleeping Warriors A
80-99 Gudda Skela Gudda Skela Serdote Meteor Cannon Sleeping Warriors S
 ? All missions listed above.


LV HU/FM drops RA/GM drops FO/MF drops AM/PT drops Missions
1-19 Fists Fists Vi Budd Vi Budd Plains Overlord C, (Rampant Livestock 1)
20-39 Pretty Baton Wire Gloves Vi Irra Pretty Baton Plains Overlord B
40-59 Mugungri Tippo Rabna Splasher Splasher Plains Overlord A, (The Relics' Memento 1)
60-79  ?  ?  ?  ? --
80-99 Mugunruk Bloody Shower Bloody Shower Bloody Shower Plains Overlord S, (Assault! Strange Creature Report), (Famitsu Quiz Stadium)
 ? All missions listed above.


LV HU/FM drops RA/GM drops FO/MF drops AM/PT drops Missions
1-19  ?  ?  ?  ? (Rampant Livestock 2)
20-39 Goraduke Dual Beatgun Vullseye Vullseye Lightning Beasts C
40-59 Yactdike Bulletmaster Kikami Assasin Lightning Beasts B, (The Relics' Memento 1)
60-79 Halva Tornado Evil Twins Ageha-kikami Burst Lightning Beasts A
80-99 Halva Tornado Hyper Viper Shi-kikami Phantom Lightning Beasts S, (Assault! Strange Creature Report)
 ? All missions listed above.


LV HU/FM drops RA/GM drops FO/MF drops AM/PT drops Missions
1-19 Twin Buster Blaster Twin Stinger Twin Buster Plains Overlord C, (Rampant Livestock 1), Eco Protection C, (Rampant Livestock 2)
20-39 Dual Slasher Shooter Twin Ripper Dual Slasher Plains Overlord B, Eco Protection B
40-49 Heavy Twins Burst Dark Strauss Heavy Twins Plains Overlord A, (The Relics' Memento 1), (Forest Labyrinth)
Vahra Claw All missions listed above.


LV HU/FM drops RA/GM drops FO/MF drops AM/PT drops Missions
1-19 Powergun Powertore Luciel Luciel Eco Protection C
20-39 Lockgun Louktore Malgisa Malgisa Sleeping Warriors C, The Dual Sentinel C, Eco Protection B
40-59 Railgun Ryo-Bimtore Ryo-Bimtore Bimtore Sleeping Warriors B, The Dual Sentinel B, (The Relics' Memento 3), Eco Protection A
60-79 Raygun Ryo-Komatore Ryo-Komatore Komatore Sleeping Warriors A, The Dual Sentinel A, Eco Protection S
80-99 Python Ryo-Bisotore Ryo-Bisotore Bisotore Sleeping Warriors S, The Dual Sentinel S
 ? All missions listed above.