PSU Cyril Wiki:Recruitment

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Revision as of 02:30, 12 August 2006 by SAsim (talk | contribs) (Just helping n.n;;)

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This page documents how contributors, or even lurkers can help out in ways higher than editing.


I (Ahzi) really want a coder to help me out on the site. Even if you've got a sup-par knowledge of php and html, you can help me!


  • Some past experiance with code editing (little evidence of this would be nice, too)
  • A sense of humor
  • Ability to work in a team; While it's only me, tycho, mewn and asim, you really should be able to communicate with us
  • An IQ above 40 (Take an IQ Test !)
  • The ability to enjoy your work, and devote a few hours every two weeks or so to helping this poor kid out xP

Leave me a message on my talk page, or MSN me ([email protected]) and i'll get back to you! If possible, get on IRC so i can give you a proper interview; It's nothing incredibly serious, but i'd like to get to know you a bit first.


Already have someone in mind for this one, but if you're an artist, or just proficient in Photoshop, i'd love your help!


  • Ability to fill demands. There's no rush, but you've got to be able to do stuff
  • You need to be able to make something pretty; not just a font on an incredibly bland background; Shit, i could do that.
  • Artistic skill would be nice, but it's not really needed
  • You need to be able to take a hit if youre work just isn't up to scratch; if i don't like it, i won't use it, and i'm not good at sugar coating
  • A sense of humor and a bit of intelligence wouldn't go amiss either

As above, MSN me or come on IRC and have a chat :)


I don't really need these, but feel free to apply


  • To edit stuff so it's right, and not wrong; This is harder than it sounds for some people!
  • To not come off as a smartarse
  • A sense of humor and intelligence wouldn't go wrong either.