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*Nav: Look out, Mr. Waber! Run! Next time, Phantasy Star Universe: The Divine Maiden. See you then!
*Nav: Look out, Mr. Waber! Run! Next time, Phantasy Star Universe: The Divine Maiden. See you then!
*Ethan: Uh.. Sir! Man, I never seen anyone run so fast!
*Ethan: Uh.. Sir! Man, I never seen anyone run so fast!

Latest revision as of 03:31, 3 July 2008

Mission: The Milate 04

(Cutscene) (A large blue train starts up and pulls out of the station, gaining tremendous speed as it exits the yard and zips across the Parum landscape suspended on photon rails) (End Cutscene)

Milate 04: Onboard

(Scene: Ethan, Hyuga, Karen, Nav)

  • Ethan: Two people to a group?
  • Nav: Yup. For this mission we'll be patrolling the train during it's course, in two-person teams. Four people are required for this mission, which is one of the reasons I'm participating. But mostly, I just want to see the two of you in action.
  • Karen: Headmaster Nav makes the final decision about your training completion. That's still quite a ways off, but this is a good opportunity to demonstrate your abilities.
  • Hyuga: Understood.
  • Nav: Well then, Mr. Waber, you'll be with me! Mr. Ryght, you will accompany Karen. These will be the teams. Mr. Waber and I will take Cars 1 through 4. Karen and Hyuga, you'll have Cars 5 through 8.
  • Ethan: Got it.
  • Nav: Great, let's go!

(The teams divides and the scene fades. Fade-in to Ethan and Nav in Car 3)

  • Ethan: There's nothing going on in Car 3, Headmaster Nav.
  • Nav: Then let's move on to the next car, shall we?

(Ethan and Nav proceed through to the next car)

  • Ethan: Headmaster, did you know my... my father?
  • Nav: Is this really the best time to be discussing private matters?
  • Ethan: S-Sorry.
  • Nav: You're wondering about your father, eh?
  • Ethan: Yeah.
  • Nav: Olson Waber was a very capable man. A model Guardian in every sense of the word. There wasn't anyone I'd rather have had take my place after my retirement. It was a real shame we lost him. I'm sure you feel the same.
  • Ethan: He may have been a great Guardian, but he wasn't such a good father. He was always working. He never came home! I barely have any memories of him from childhood. To be honest, I'm not sure I ever really loved him.
  • Nav: Waber... Do you still feel that way?
  • Ethan: I don't know. Since I joined the GUARDIANS, I feel like I'm beginning to understand him a little better.
  • Nav: Well, for now I won't say anymore about Olson. Finish your training period safely. When you've come to terms with being an upstanding Guardian yourself, we'll talk again.
  • Ethan: Headmaster...
  • Nav: Enough with the small talk! On with the business at hand!
  • Ethan: Yes sir.

(Ethan and Nav proceed to Car 1) (End Scene)

(Cutscene) (Ethan and Nav walk into the train's engine and navigation compartment. There are no attendants, just a computer terminal and several large screens)

  • Ethan: Huh? Where is everyone?
  • Nav: This train is completely automated, all run by computer navigation. Train Master, any problems?
  • Train Master: No. No system malfunctions detected.

(Nav and Ethan approach the terminal)

  • Nav: Good, good.
  • Ethan: The train, it talks.
  • Karen: Ethan, do you copy?

(Ethan answers his comm unit)

  • Ethan: Karen, everything seems to be normal right now. I'm in train car 1.
  • Karen: Roger, Ethan. Then I will head to...
  • Ethan: Karen? Karen, you're breaking up.
  • Nav: What's wrong?
  • Ethan: The connection got cut off...

(The train shakes as if something struck it)

  • Ethan: Ack! What was that?!
  • Train Master: An external entity has accessed the locomotive system.
  • Nav: What?!
  • Train Master: Intrusion countermeasures have been activated, but intrusion levels have already breached 30%.
  • Nav: Oh great! It's being hacked!
  • Ethan: Hacked?!

(The train shakes again)

  • Ethan: Ahh!

(A large tentacled robotic enemy appears behind Nav and Ethan)

  • Nav: It's a Dilla Greena!
  • Ethan: A Dilla... what?!
  • Nav: It's a mobile hacking terminal. It's trying to take over the train!

(Ethan activates his photon saber and rushes at the Dilla Greena, striking it hard and disabling it)

  • Ethan: Haaa!
  • Nav: Very well done, Mr. Waber!
  • Ethan: Th-Thanks...
  • Train Master: Infiltration level is rising. Multiple Dilla Greena detected throughout the system.
  • Nav: Hmph. It's only a matter of time before the train is hacked.
  • Ethan: What should we do?
  • Nav: The train has it's own defensive programs... but the Dilla Greena are too quick. We need to beat them to the punch.

(Karen comms Ethan again)

  • Karen: Ethan, what's happening?!
  • Ethan: Karen, someone's attempting to hack the train.
  • Karen: What?!
  • Nav: Karen! I'm going to link with the train's computer and try to override the hacking myself. I need your team to fight off the Dilla Greena!
  • Karen: Roger! Headmaster, will do...

(Nav approaches the terminal and holds out his hand - sending sparks flying between him and the computer as he begins hacking)

  • Nav: Uuuurgh...
  • Ethan: Headmaster!
  • Nav: What are you standing there for?! I told you to go! Go!
  • Ethan: Y-Yes sir!

(End Cutscene)

(Exit to Milate 04: Car 2)

Milate 04: Car 2

(Trial Start) (Kill three Dilla Greena) (Trial End)

  • Ethan: All right! I'll meet up with Karen's team!

Milate 04: Car 4

(Cutscene) (Ethan rushes into the fourth car and meets Karen and Hyuga who are rushing to meet him)

  • Karen: Ethan!
  • Ethan: You guys okay?
  • Karen: Yea, we eliminated all the Dilla Greena.
  • Ethan: Good. That should buy us some time.

(The train shakes violently)

  • Ethan: What was that?!

(Camera switches to an outside view of the train. A spacecraft approaches and hovers over it. Three ziplines descend, and three familiar looking silhouettes rappel down to the surface of the train and begin cutting a hole into the roof. A fourth man then descends, a beast with an x shaped scar on his forehead.) (End Cutscene)

  • Karen: Ethan, Hyuga, hurry! To Car 3!

Milate 04: Car 3

(Cutscene) (Ethan, Hyuga, and Karen rush towards the next car)

  • Karen: That's a rogue ship. They're pirates.
  • Ethan: Pirates?! Huh!!!

(As the trio enters the third car the camera pans to three silhouetted forms)

  • Familiar Voice: Back off losers! From now on, everything aboard this train belongs to us!
  • Ethan: Who the heck are you?!
  • Familiar Voice: Heh heh heh... You're kidding right? You really don't have any idea who we are? You should be afraid. We're the most dangerous rogues around! We are...

(The group of rogues pose as the lights illuminate the trio revealing them to be...)

  • Hiru Vol: ... The great Vol Brothers!
  • Ethan: Ah ha! I remember you pickpockets!
  • Hiru Vol: You?! What are you doing here?!
  • Ethan: You be very afraid. I'm a Guardian now!
  • Hiru Vol: That's nothing. We've become very important men, too.
  • No Vol: That's right, we're rogues now! We answer to no one but Tyler!
  • Ethan: Rogues, pickpockets... What's the difference? You're still punks.
  • Hiru Vol: We're gonna kick your...
  • Ethan: Bring it on! You'll get another beating.
  • Hiru Vol: Oh, you're gonna pay for that.
  • No Vol: Argggg... I'm gonna tear your arms off!
  • Hiru Vol: Wait... let's not be too hasty. Now... first things first. We have a mission remember?
  • Do Vol: Huh?
  • Hiru Vol: Isn't that right?
  • Do Vol: Huh? Right? Oh RIGHT! Let's bring out the little guys!
  • Ethan: Ha, look! The big bad rogues are afraid!
  • Hiru Vol: We have more important matters to attend to.
  • No Vol: We have someone else for you to play with!
  • Ethan: What?!
  • Karen: Ethan, above you!
  • Ethan: Huh?

(Several Gohma Dilla drop from the ceiling to confront Ethan's party)

  • Hiru Vol: Say hello to my little pets! Heh he ha ha.
  • Do Vol: Get 'em, guys! Tear them apart!
  • Ethan: Come back and fight!

(The Vol Brothers, laughing, depart as the Ethan and party prepare to fight)

  • Karen: Ethan, be careful.
  • Ethan: I can handle them.

(End Cutscene)

(Trial Start) (Fight your way through Cars 3 and 2) (Trial End)

Milate 04: Car 1

(Cutscene) (The Vol brothers enter the first car and see Lucaim Nav standing before them)

  • Hiru Vol: Ha. Look at the tired old man. He thinks he's standing guard. Hey old geezer, come on now... you better get out of our way or you're gonna get hurt.
  • Nav: Heh heh heh. Smells like someone forgot to take a bath.
  • No Vol: Hey! We said move it!

(No Vol goes to push Nav threateningly, but Nav grabs his arm and spins him around... )

  • No Vol: Owowowowowow!
  • Nav: Didn't anyone teach you to be nice to your elders?

(Nav thrust's No Vol's arm up, throwing him off balance and then flipping him with a sweep)

  • Hiru Vol: He's not an old man, he's a freak!
  • Do Vol: I.. I'll take care of him! This is your last chance to move old man. Or I'll move you myself.
  • Nav: Heh heh heh. Is that so?
  • Do Vol: Graaaah!

(Do Vol throws a fierce punch, which Nav catches with one hand. Nav then punches with his other fist, sending Do Vol flying backwards. Hiru Vol glares at Nav in disbelief and anger)

  • Nav: Come on. Come on.
  • Hiru Vol: Come on nothin'. You're mine old man. Hiyaaa!

(Hiru Vol pulls a photon knife and lunges at Nav, taking a series of quick jabs at him - which Nav dodges effortlessly. Nav then performs a back flip kick, knocking the photon blade from Hiru's hand. He then performs a series of extremely fast punches to Hiru's abdomen - sending him reeling backwards)

  • Nav: Ha! Ha! Ha!

(Nav then finishes Hiru with a series of jump kicks to the chest)

  • Nav: Hiya ha ha.

(Hiru falls to the floor)

  • Hiru: But... you're just an old... man.

(Hiru falls unconscious)

  • Nav: Hooo....You should never judge a man by his appearance, boy.

(The door to Car 2 opens and Ethan, Karen, and Hyuga enter)

  • Ethan: How did you..? Headmaster, you did all this?
  • Nav: It was easy. I didn't even break a sweat!
  • Karen: Ah, headmaster, you're as fit as ever.
  • Nav: Thank you, and I'm only 178 years young! Heh heh heh heh.

(The train rocks again violently)

  • Ethan: Ahh!
  • Train Master: An anchor has been attached to the caboose.
  • Nav: Looks like they're trying to board the train again. Karen! Stop any rogues that try to pass.
  • Karen: Yes sir!
  • Nav: Mr. Waber. Mr. Ryght. Follow me to the caboose!
  • Ethan & Hyuga: Yes sir!

(End Cutscene)

(Talk to Karen)

  • Karen: I'll keep an eye on these fools. You two go with Headmaster Nav and get to the last car. Hurry!

(Talk to the Vol Brothers)

  • Hiru Vol: Damn.. I'll get you for this!
  • No Vol: Hmph! Don't act like we're friends!
  • Do Vol: D-Dang! T-This sucks!

(Fight through to car 4)

Milate 04: Car 4

(Scene: Ethan, Hyuga, Nav, Bruce) (As the party enters, they see a man who doesn't appear to be affiliated with the rogues)

  • Nav: Who's there!?
  • Bruce: Don't worry. I ain't no pirate! I'm a Guardian.
  • Ethan: You again!
  • Bruce: I thought there might be somethin' going down on this train, so I hopped aboard! Never thought it'd be the Tylor family, though.
  • Nav: Bruce... It's been a while!
  • Bruce: It's been too long, Headmaster Nav. Too long.
  • Nav: I still can't convince you to change your mind, can I?
  • Bruce: Nah. I think this line of work suits me much better.
  • Nav: I see... Still, I'm holding out for the day you come back to us.
  • Bruce: You're a peach, Headmaster. A real peach!
  • Ethan (thinking): He knows the headmaster! He must be some kind of veteran. Who would've thunk?

(End Scene)

(Talk to Bruce)

  • Bruce: Welcome! The Tylor family is widely feared, even by other rogues. Better take real good care!
  • Ethan: Yeah. I'm trying.


  • Bruce: The Tylor family is feared, even by other rogues. Better take real good care!

Milate 04: Car 5

(Trial Start)

  • Nav: They're focusing the DG attacks on Car 7! Hurry up, you two!

Milate 04: Car 7

(Trial Clear)


  • Ethan: We did it, headmaster! Uh... Headmaster?

(Nav appears to be out of it, as be rocks back and forth on his heels. He then crashes over, unconscious)

  • Ethan: Headmaster, are you alright?

(Ethan comms Karen)

  • Ethan: Karen! The headmaster just fell over. He... He's not moving!
  • Karen: Ah... it's true then...
  • Ethan: What? What's wrong with him?
  • Karen: I heard rumors that the headmaster suffers from ICS.
  • Ethan: I... ICS? What's that?
  • Karen: Instant Crash Syndrome. It happens to CASTs near the age of 200. It comes on suddenly, without warning... just causes their systems to shut down.
  • Ethan: But what do we do?!

(Camera changes to Karen's location)

  • Karen: Leave him for now. We've gotta move and there's nothing we can really do for him.

(A small spherical object rolls into the room next to Karen's feet and begins billowing gas)

  • Karen: I-It's gas!

(Camera switches to Ethan's position)

  • Ethan: Karen? Karen!!
  • Hyuga: What? What happened?
  • Ethan: Karen must be in danger! Take care of the headmaster.
  • Hyuga: I will. Be careful!
  • Ethan: Don't worry. I'll be fine!

(End Cutscene)

(Talk to Hyuga)

  • Hyuga: I'll stay with Headmaster Nav. I'm worried about Karen. Please hurry!

Milate 04: Car 4

(Scene: Ethan, Vol Brothers) (As Ethan enters the second room of car four, he's met by the Vol Brothers)

  • Hiru Vol: Hehehe! The kid packs a punch, doesn't he?
  • Ethan: Hey chumps! Where's Karen?
  • No Vol: Ah, if you mean that pretty little Guardian, we took good care of her.
  • Ethan: Liar! As if any of you could put a scratch on Karen.
  • Do Vol: T-That's rude!
  • Ethan: Yeah it is, now get out of my way!
  • Hiru Vol: Whoops, you can't pass through here that easily.
  • No Vol: This is where you say bye-bye.
  • Do Vol: Y-You're in our way!
  • Ethan: Then I guess we'll have to get this out of the way first.
  • Hiru Vol: Hehehe! You sure you're up for it?

(End Scene)

(Trial Start) (Defeat the Vol Brothers) (Trial End)

  • Ethan: (Please let Karen be alright!)

Milate 04: Car 3

(Cutscene) (Ethan continues running towards the first car when he's stopped by the beast with the scar n his forehead)

  • Ethan: Who are you?!
  • Alfort Tyler: A Guardian who actually lives up to the reputation.
  • Ethan: You're the leader of these rogues?
  • Tyler: Right on the first try. Name's Alfort Tyler, captain of the Landeel.
  • Ethan: Ethan Waber, of the GUARDIANS! Captain of myself!

(Ethan draws his saber)

  • Tyler: You really want to fight me?

(Tyler draws his saber is response)

  • Tyler: Perhaps you should reconsider.
  • Ethan: We'll see about that! Yaaah!

(Ethan rushes Tyler with a series of furious strikes, all of which are easily avoided or blocked. Tyler then uses his saber to disarm Ethan. He kicks Ethan hard in the gut, sending Ethan to the ground. Tyler places his blade at Ethan's throat)

  • Ethan: Ugh!
  • Tyler: It would be a shame to kill you now.

(Tyler withdraws his blade)

  • Tyler: You hold so much promise. Perhaps we'll fight again.

(A small beast girl pokes her head out over a window on the ceiling)

  • Liina: Tyler! I've gathered the idiot brothers!
  • Tyler: Good work. I'm all done here. Lower the rope.
  • Liina: Aye sir!

(A metallic rope drops from the ceiling, and Tyler prepares to depart)

  • Ethan: Hold on! What did you do with Karen?!
  • Liina: Don't worry... She's just taking a nice little nap.
  • Tyler: Liina never kills unless it's truly necessary.
  • Ethan: Ugh...
  • Tyler: Perhaps we shall meet again... Ethan.

(The rope retracts out of the ceiling, taking Tyler along with it. The scene changes to Tyler and Liina outside ascending on their ropes to the Landeel, the beaten Vol Brothers in tow. Liina points out to two approaching craft with flashing lights)

  • Liina: Tyler, look! It's a Parum police patrol ship!
  • Tyler: They're faster than I thought. Alright, we're leavin'!
  • Liina: Aye aye.

(Once everyone is aboard, the Landeel disengages from the train and streaks off towards the stars. The scene then once again changes back to Ethan as he rushes to Karen's side)

  • Ethan: Karen! Talk to me, Karen?! Karen!
  • Karen: Ethan...
  • Ethan: You're okay...
  • Karen: The gas... it knocked me out. I'm sorry. I should have been more alert. They kidnapped some people, and ran off with the cargo.
  • Ethan: It's not your fault. Those weren't your average run of the mill rogues.
  • Karen: He he he...
  • Ethan: I don't get it. What's so funny?
  • Karen: I'm sorry...It's just that I never thought that you would be the one comforting me.
  • Ethan: Karen. I don' t need comforting now! Not with muscles like these!
  • Both: Hah hah hah hah!

(Magashi enters and stands before them)

  • Magashi: Well, we meet again...
  • Ethan: Magashi!
  • Magashi: How can you sit there laughing when you just let all the cargo get stolen?
  • Ethan: Hey man, you need to get off our case! We were outnumbered and outmatched! There wasn't anything we could do!

(Magashi snatches Ethan by the throat and lifts him off the ground, choking him)

  • Ethan: Ugh!
  • Magashi: Enough of your excuses. Standing by while rogues steal our research materials?
  • Karen: What is your problem, Magashi? It's not as if we didn't try to stop them. It's my fault for not realizing how strong they'd be. The GUARDIANS are doing everything we can to help you!
  • Magashi: Hm! Don't make me laugh! The GUARDIANS are nothing but a bunch of idiots who are always getting in the way!

(Magashi throws Ethan to the ground. Ethan gasps for air, and Karen rushes to his side)

  • Karen: Ethan, you okay?
  • Magashi: The next time you interfere, will be your last!

(Magashi turns and departs) (End Cutscene)

(Cutscene) (The G-Flyer returns to the base. Aboard, Karen, Ethan, and Hyuga discuss the events of the day. Nav is sitting unconscious in the back seat)

  • Hyuga: Well, that was a disaster. The rogues got away with half the cargo. It's probably a good thing the headmaster is asleep. Otherwise I'm sure we'd be getting an earful.
  • Karen: The Tyler clan are the toughest rogues I've ever seen. I don't know if there's any way to beat them.
  • Ethan: Did you see that guy, Tylor? His skills were very impressive. Well, I'll tell you one thing though, man... I need to get a lot stronger before I face him again.
  • Karen: Yeah...
  • Nav: Heh heh heh heh! Excellent! Use those feelings!
  • Ethan: Head-Headmaster!! You're awake!!
  • Nav: It is only through your failures that you may truly know yourselves. Failure is a form of strength you see, it's the seed which causes all of us to grow.
  • Ethan: Well then. I'll be growing much stronger!
  • Hyuga: And I will too sir!
  • Nav: Heh heh heh... Good, good. How about... we start training right now!? I know of a rigorous training course nearby.
  • Karen: Ha ha ha. Headmaster Nav, he's the toughest in the galaxy.
  • Ethan: Huh?! Oh no...! I promised my sister I would come over.
  • Nav: Hmm?! Changing your mind already?
  • Hyuga: Um... yeah, me too. I have a date tonight.
  • Nav: What's wrong with you two? What happened to getting stronger? That's it, demerits!
  • Ethan & Hyuga: Oh, come on!

(The G-Flyer zooms off into the horizon) (End Cutscene)

(Ending Cinema)

Episode 5 Preview

  • Narrator: Ethan and his companions fly down to Neudaiz, the second planet in the Gurhal system. In Ohtoku City, the center of the Communion of Gurhal, Ethan again meets the Divine Maiden. What secrets of Karen's past will be revealed? Next time on Phantasy Star Universe: The Divine Maiden.

Episode Five: Alternate Preview

  • Nav: Ha ha ha. Your training is still incomplete, Mr. Waber.
  • Ethan: Yes sir. Please teach me what you can.
  • Nav: Calm your impulses and focus your mind.
  • Ethan: Yes sir.
  • Nav: Well, what do you see?
  • Ethan: It's hazy... I can't make anything out.
  • Nav: You cannot see, because you let your feelings distract you.
  • Ethan: Yes sir. Sorry!
  • Nav: Turn inward, and gaze upon the smooth reflecting surface of the water, Mr. Waber.
  • Ethan: Sir, I can't see anything!
  • Nav: Look with your mind's eye, boy! Your mind's eye!
  • Ethan: But sir, you have telescopic goggles. You should be able to see fine.
  • Nav: No, no that's no good! I'm old and my eyes aren't what they used to be.
  • Karen: Hey! Who's out there?! Show yourself!
  • Nav: Look out, Mr. Waber! Run! Next time, Phantasy Star Universe: The Divine Maiden. See you then!
  • Ethan: Uh.. Sir! Man, I never seen anyone run so fast!