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*A-Photon Fanatic: It won't be so easy to give up an energy source as powerful as A-Photons!
*A-Photon Fanatic: It won't be so easy to give up an energy source as powerful as A-Photons!

Latest revision as of 03:46, 3 July 2008

Episode 1

Clyez City Third Floor: Shopping Mall B

  • Photon Fanatic
  • A-Photon Fanatic

Chapter 2

(Photon Fanatic)

  • Photon Fanatic: The Gurhal Faith worships the Holy Light. In other words, photons. Photons are the source of the billions of life forms that saturate our galaxy. Worshipers live every day to give thanks to the Holy Light. Well, that's the idea, anyway.


  • Photon Fanatic: The Divine Maiden must bear the burden of listening to the voices of the Holy Light. So they say.

(A-Photon Fanatic)

  • A-Photon Fanatic: You can't go into the GUARDIANS with any half-baked notions. Understand? You must be willing to sacrifice your life, even to help a complete stranger!


  • A-Photon Fanatic: Never forget what's important!

Chapter 3

(Photon Fanatic)

  • Photon Fanatic: Photons really are convenient. The best thing about them is how they reflect your own spirit energy back at you. The more strength you assert, the strong the resulting energy is. It's truly the stuff of dreams.


  • Photon Fanatic: A-Photons, after all, were born from photons. That's why photons are the best!

(A-Photon Fanatic)

  • A-Photon Fanatic: From here on out, it's all about A-Photons! Unstable mystical energy photons... Pshaw! They're already yesterday's technology!


  • A-Photon Fanatic: I can't wait for a world full of A-Photon products!

Chapter 4

(Photon Fanatic)

  • Photon Fanatic: Aren't A-Photons a cold and mechanical source of energy? Photons are a direct reflection of a person's spirit. Gentle spirit, violent spirit... Photons will demonstrate their power when used with a strong spirit!


  • Photon Fanatic: An energy filled with spirit... What a wonderful thing!

(A-Photon Fanatic)

  • A-Photon Fanatic: A-Photons are the future of energy! But the required reactors are so huge. That's kind of the problem.


  • A-Photon Fanatic: Sooner or later, A-Photon products will flood the scene. Mark my words!

Chapter 5

(Photon Fanatic)

  • Photon Fanatic: I'm not exactly a follower of the Gurhal Faith, but as a spokesperson for photons... I can say with assurance that the existence of the Divine Maiden is a wondrous thing! Our civilization has been around for thousands of years, but photons are something we can no longer live without. So is it really necessary to go out of our way to switch to a cold, machine-like energy... like A-Photons?!


  • Photon Fanatic: It's the Divine Maiden's duty to spread word of the benefits of photons. I, for one, support her efforts!

(A-Photon Fanatic)

  • A-Photon Fanatic: Maiden this and Maiden that. What's all this uproar over one little lady? Holy Light and all that, the era of the photon is over!


  • A-Photon Fanatic: The era of the photon is over!

Chapter 6

(Photon Fanatic)

  • Photon Fanatic: You said someone tried to attack the Divine Maiden!? Could the perpetrator be a member of the Communion? It seems there's a faction within the Communion that isn't pleased with her tolerant attitude towards A-Photons...


  • Photon Fanatic: I hope things don't get any more dangerous for the Divine Maiden...

(A-Photon Fanatic)

  • A-Photon Fanatic: Divinations... How is that any different from fortune telling? Or insanity? I just don't understand why so many people trust her like they do.


  • A-Photon Fanatic: Even people who don't follow the Gurhal Faith are starting to revere the Divine Maiden.

Chapter 7

(Photon Fanatic)

  • Photon Fanatic: In the Communion, I've heard there is a doctrine that states that everything that has happened in the solar system up to this point has been etched in past memories. and with an extremely high-level of TECHNICs, those memories can be seen through divinations.


  • Photon Fanatic: Long ago, a future disaster was foreseen and they were able to minimize the damage.

(A-Photon Fanatic)

  • A-Photon Fanatic: If the Divine Maiden can really see into the future, then she can also see her own fate, right? What a strange ability to have.


  • A-Photon Fanatic: I'm glad I can't see my own fate. I'd feel so trapped!

Chapter 8

(Photon Fanatic)

  • Photon Fanatic: I think photons are great and all, but I don't buy that anyone can see the distant future with them. Although... I've heard that sometimes in the case of divinations the immediate future can be seen.


  • Photon Fanatic: Even if you really could see into the future, it's not like you' be able to see whatever you want, right?

(A-Photon Fanatic)

  • A-Photon Fanatic: In regards to A-Photon research, Professor Kou Taragi is currently number one in the field. I hear the colony's A-Photon reactor was recently exchanged for the newest model, based on the professor's research.


  • A-Photon Fanatic: A genius like Professor Taragi will surely pave the way for the future of A-Photons.

Chapter 9

(Photon Fanatic)

  • Photon Fanatic: The SEED are drawn to A-Photons, or so the theory goes. To me, it sounds like this theory is saying that the SEED are our punishment for neglecting photons.


  • Photon Fanatic: Photons feed off our spirit energy... A-Photons do not. I think it's necessary for us to put more serious thought into these facts.

(A-Photon Fanatic)

  • A-Photon Fanatic: The CAST SUV-Weapon system is a long-distance nano transformer that works from special satellites deployed across the system. So what do you think? By using A-Photons you can do all sorts of stuff like that.


  • A-Photon Fanatic: To use the SUV-Weapon you've got to apply for a license whenever you use it. That can be kind of a pain.

Chapter 10

(Photon Fanatic)

  • Photon Fanatic: Divinations seem to be a huge burden on the Divine Maiden. Plus, because of the SEED, the photons in the Gurhal System are all out of whack! I'll bet that has a huge impact on the Maiden's divinations!


  • Photon Fanatic: With the SEED around, I think it's safer to assume divinations are unreliable at best.

(A-Photon Fanatic)

  • A-Photon Fanatic: They say that tower on Moatoob is a huge nano transformer! Those A-Photons are really something! But I guess they're also the reason we're having so many problems with the SEED. But the confinement system also uses A-Photons... It's sort of ironic.


  • A-Photon Fanatic: Because the tower wasn't discovered until now, I bet that means it was under some kind of nano transformation!

Chapter 11

(Photon Fanatic)

  • Photon Fanatic: If the confinement systems work on the same principle as nano transformers... then it just might be A-Photons that manage to save our solar system!


  • Photon Fanatic: I'm so conflicted about A-Photons!

(A-Photon Fanatic)

  • A-Photon Fanatic: I hear the SEED are focusing their attacks on the three towers on each planet. In any case, all I can do is hope that the activation of the towers goes smoothly. If not, there may not be nothing left of us!


  • A-Photon Fanatic: Be it A-Photons or something else, I just want something to save us!

Chapter 12

(Photon Fanatic)

  • Photon Fanatic: It might have been the confinement system and A-Photons that saved us, but the ancient civilization that developed A-Photons ended up getting wiped out by the SEED. There's a lesson there for us there, don't you think?


  • Photon Fanatic: We need to better appreciate photons.

(A-Photon Fanatic)

  • A-Photon Fanatic: It looks like the confinement system was successful. But... We were attacked by the SEED because we employed the use of A-Photons. Are the SEED some sort of a punishment... because we disregarded the importance of photons? If we give up A-Photons, then will the SEED finally leave us alone?


  • A-Photon Fanatic: It won't be so easy to give up an energy source as powerful as A-Photons!