Protectors η (guide)

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ドーホホッ! This article is a guide and may contain opinions or other subjective information. The PSUPedia is not responsible for any inaccuracies or mistakes.

The Protectors η contains a few forks in the road, whereby your choices will determine not only which path you follow to clear the mission, but also what items have a chance of dropping from the clear boxes after defeating the boss. Along the way, you will also find chips which you can collect to improve your final ranking as well as increase the number of boxes that appear at the end.
Chips and rank
Chips 0-3 4 5 6-10
Rank C B A S
Chips and clear boxes
Chips 0-? 5-6 7-8 9-10
Clear boxes  ? 12 16 20

This mission is based on missions from past events as well as recently-added free missions. As mentioned before, the path you take will have an effect on what items can drop from the clear boxes. Item sets are determined by which path you take as you head into stages 2 and 4. For example, if you take the path through the fire-contaminated Raffon Meadow at stage 2 and then the active RELICS site at stage 4, item drops exclusive to those two missions' clear boxes will be added to the clear boxes at the end of this mission. Reference this chart to determine to see what previous missions each stage is based on.

Stage Original mission
Stage 1 Twisting Labyrinth (Stage: "Outset")
Stage 2 (left) Red and Green Crossover (fire-contaminated path)
Stage 2 (right) Red and Green Crossover (uncontaminated path)
Stage 3 Deserted Mines (block 2)
Stage 4 (left) Eco Protection (block 1)
Stage 4 (right) Misty Ruins (block 3)
Stage 5 Misty Ruins (block 4)
Stage 6 (both unlit) Seabed Echoes (block 2)
Stage 6 (left lit) Visitor's Memory (block 2)
Stage 6 (right lit) Evolution's Path (block 2)
Stage 6 (both lit) Blizzard Cavern (block 2)
Stage 6 (both unlit, rare) Distant Memory (forest)
Stage 6 (left lit, rare) Distant Memory (caves)
Stage 6 (right lit, rare) Distant Memory (mines)
Stage 6 (both lit, rare) Distant Memory (ruins)

Mission paths

Mother Brain Dulk Fakis 2 Zoal Goug Dimmagolus Dark Falz 2
S6: Seabed S6: HIVE S6: Temple S6: Tunnels S6: Forest S6: Caves S6: Mines S6: Ruins
Both unlit Left lit Right lit Both lit Both unlit Left lit Right lit Both lit
Normal route Rare route
S4: Islands S4: RELICS
S3: Tunnels
S2: Raffon (fire) S2: Raffon
S1: Raffon

Stage 1: Raffon Meadow

  1. The first chip can be found in the large patch of grass about halfway between the entrance and the beginning of the tunnel that leads underground. Scan the grass with your goggles to make the chip appear.
  2. While scanning the grass to get the first chip, be sure to scan the rock wall in the background. After identifying its target, attack it ten times to trigger an earthquake. Continue ahead until you get to the tunnel entrance. Off to its left is another rock wall. Scan, then attack it ten times to trigger another earthquake. Now the second chip will appear at the end of the tunnel.

Stage 2: Raffon Meadow, fire-contaminated

  1. The first chip of this block can be obtained by scanning and destroying two sets of SEED-Zoma. Note that each set will require one scan to make it appear in the normal range of vision, and a second scan to mark it for destruction. The first set can be found in the clump of grass to the right of the cave exit where you begin the block. The second set is located on a hill about halfway through the block.
  2. The second chip is located in the clearing on the opposite side of a hill about halfway through the block. Here you will find a SEED-Blewme. Scan it with your goggles and begin attacking it. The first attack requires 10 hits, second requires 20 hits and the final attack requires 30 hits. After each attack sequence, the lava pool surrounding the Blewme will grow larger, and a pack of enemies will appear. The enemies must be defeated before you can resume your attack on the Blewme.

Stage 2: Raffon Meadow, uncontaminated

  1. The first chip can be obtained by destroying the massive tree in a little clearing about midway through the block. Scan the tree to identify its weak spot. You will go through three cycles of hitting the tree and enemies appearing. The first cycle requires ten hits, the second requires 20 hits and the final cycle requires 30 hits. Once the tree and all enemies have been destroyed in this area, the chip will appear.
  2. The second chip has two requirements. First, you must scan and destroy two sets of containers in the block. The first set is located to the right of the initial cave exit and the second set is located on a hill which leads to the clearing with a massive tree in it. The second requirement is that all enemies must be defeated. Once these requirements are met, the second chip will appear before the block's exit gate.

Stage 3: Galenigare Tunnels

  1. In the final part of this block, you will face numerous Vanda Orgas and Kog Nadds in an area with a set of blue ice traps sliding across the floor. Destroy the traps to make the first chip appear.
  2. After clearing this block of all enemies, the second chip will appear in the final room that contains the warps to the next stage.

Stage 4: Agata Islands

  1. After defeating all of the enemies in the first room, the first chip will appear in a secret room to the left of where you began. Simply walk through the wall to find it.
  2. While in the first room, you must activate a switch which is located in another secret room, this time to the right of where you began. Again, walk through the wall, then step of the switch. Continue on, clearing out all of the enemies you encounter. The next room you come to will have a door which will not unlock, even after all enemies have been defeated. Check the wall to the right of the door and go through the warp. This will place you on a small island where you must defeat a few Boomas. Once defeated, a new warp will appear. Take it and continue the process. When you make it to the third island, activate the floor switch you find and defeat the Boomas that spawn. Move on by taking the new warp that appears; this one will drop you off right in front of the previously-locked door. The second chip is located in this room.

Stage 4: Kugo RELICS

  1. Upon entering this block, head toward the left where a metal rail is blocking the path. Walk through this and up the stairs, then follow the path all the way around, stepping on switches as you come to them. After completing the loop (if all switches, including the final one that appears as you make your way around, were activated) the first chip will appear.
  2. In the next rooms of this block, there are turrets which shoot fireballs at you if you get too close to them. Do not destroy these. If all turrets remain intact, the second chip will appear in the long hallway that leads to the next area.

Stage 5: Kugo RELICS

Take a quick breather and enjoy the view. There are no enemies in this block, only two switches, two torches and a warp to the next area. Each switch controls the torch that it sits in front of, so by pressing a switch, you can light and extinguish the torches at will. The significance of this mechanic is that it will determine which version of stage 6 you will progress to after entering the warp.

  • If both torches remain unlit, you will proceed to the seabed plant, followed by a battle with Mother Brain.
  • If only the left torch is lit, you will proceed to the HIVE, followed by a battle against Dulk Fakis' second form.
  • If only the right torch is lit, you will proceed to an abandoned temple, followed up with a battle against Zoal Goug.
  • If both torches are lit, you will be transported to the rogues' hideout in the Galenigare Tunnels, followed by a battle with Dimmagolus.

On random occasions, the destinations listed above will change to suit a new set, signaling that you have received a rare run. All stage 6 destinations will lead to Phantasy Star Online-themed areas followed up with a battle against Dark Falz's final form.

  • If both torches remain unlit, you will be transported to the forest.
  • If only the left torch is lit, you will be transported to the caves.
  • If only the right torch is lit, you will be transported to the mines.
  • If both torches are lit, you will be transported to the ruins.

Stage 6: Seabed Plant

  1. The first chip in this stage can be obtained by simply defeating all of the enemies.
  2. The second chip can be obtained by not destroying a single turret that appears during the enemy onslaught. If even one turret is destroyed, this chip will not appear.

Stage 6: HIVE

  1. The first chip of this block can be obtained by activating a switch which is under the floor in the hallway connecting the first and second rooms.
  2. Requires confirmation. In the room before the boss warp, do not destroy the four containers located at each corner of the room. After all of the enemies have been defeated, the second chip will appear in the hallway leading to the boss warp.

Stage 6: Temple

  1. The first chip cannot be obtained while playing solo. At the beginning of this block, split your party between the two hallways. The enemies in each hall must be defeated at roughly the same time. (There seems to be a window of about five seconds between when each hallway is cleared.) If timed well enough, the first chip will be automatically awarded to you.
  2. The second chip is located behind a barrier behind the boss warp. If you are playing solo, the only way to get through the boss warp without being taken directly to the boss is by nanoblasting. Otherwise, you will automatically be transported when you approach the warp. In a party, make sure that at least one person is not at the warp to avoid accidentally warping ahead. Next, one of the people standing at the warp should cancel, which will allow them to walk behind the warp and through the barrier to collect the chip.

Stage 6: Galenigare Tunnels

  1. Before defeating all of the enemies in this area, go toward the back of the room and look up at the decorative wall. At the top, notice three green circles. Shoot each of these ten times to make the first chip appear.
  2. After clearing the stage of all enemies, make you way around the room, shooting at the top box on each of the four stacks. If you have hit the correct box, a sparking yellow chip will appear. Continue shooting each chip until all four are destroyed, then take the warp. Turn around after exiting the warp, and walk through the rock wall to locate the second chip.

Stage 6: Forest (rare route)

Stage 6: Caves (rare route)

1.The first button is located above a door. 2.The second is in the room or mini teleporter is the boss's

1. Le premier bouton se trouve au dessus d'une porte coullisante. 2. Le deuxieme est dans la salle du téléporteur boss, il faut se retourner elle se trouve au dessus de la porte.

Stage 6: Mines (rare route)

1. must retrace his steps and cross the two walls behind or at the very beginning of the level. 2. Once the teleporter to the first large room taken, ignored the monsters, and run down the hall, you have about 15 seconds activated for the second disk.

1.Le Premier disque est cacher au début du niveau, il suffit de ce retourner et de traverser les 2 portes grises. 2. Pour le deuxième, une fois la première grande salle finit, un téléporteur est a prendre, une fois prit, ignoré les mobs et traversé la salle jusqu’à l'autre bout, vous n'avez qu'environ 15seconde pour ramasser le disk ou il disparaîtra

Stage 6: Ruins (rare route)

1. There will be a switch in the room with four boxes, bottom of the southeast corner. Using a melee or a projectile weapon will activate it and the chip will appear in the middle of the room.
2. Before entering the boss portal, there will be a switch on top of the door. Hitting it with a projectile will activate it thus making the chip appear in the hallway before the boss portal.