Episode 3 Chapter 7 Act 1 (script)

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[Help the doctor.] [Knock out the rogues.]
  • Tomrain: I'm fine. Thank you.
  • Tomrain: Wait! [Player]!
  • Larger Rogue (shouts): Pfft! Who cares about photon generators? I'm sick of being pushed abound by the GUARDIANS!
  • Shorter Rogue (shouts): Gurhal is gonna be wiped out anyway! Just let us do what we want!
  • Tomrain: I understand your feelings of despair. But everyone is doing their best to triumph in the face of this. How about you not give up, and lend us a hand instead?
  • Larger Rogue (shouts): Cram it, old man!
  • Shorter Rogue (shouts): If you don't move, we're gonna move you!
  • Hiru (shouts): Hey! knock that off!
  • Larger Rogue (shouts): You! Hiru Vol!


  • Tonnio (shouts)[1]: Where are you going, [Player]?
  • Leo (shouts)[1]: Why are you going back? Let's go forward.
  • Tonnio (shouts)[1]: That's the wrong way, [Player]!
  • Leo (shouts)[1]: Why are you going back? Let's go forward.


Reference notes

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 These lines are only spoken if the player attempts to backtrack at the start of each block.