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"Event" is the generalized name given to a period of time in which at least one limited-availability event occurs. Events can typically be split into two categories:

  • "Seasonal" events, such as Christmas or Halloween. These events are usually predictable in nature and have prepared festivities such as town decorations and/or themed monsters.
  • "Promotional" events. These are non-seasonal, often one-off, events or promotions.

Seasonal Events

This list is continuously updated as we experience new events in Phantasy Star Universe. As the game ages the list should thus become a comprehensive archive of past events and festivities:


The Halloween event is well known as it occurred on the JP Phantasy Star Universe from October 20th and lasted until November 9th.

Known festivities included:

  • Modification of lobbies to include special Halloween decorations and music.
    • A video of these has been made and posted on YouTube.
  • Rare Rappy Latan enemies that drop a Halloween-themed Rod called Pumpkin Head.
  • A complete room theme for 5000 meseta.

This event was not run in 2006 for the English servers. The first and only maintenance before Halloween itself passed and the event was not added. Some users believe that it did not occur for various reasons:

  1. Unfairness to non-American regions, as due to release date differences the event would be exclusively available to North America and importers.
  2. The game was set up and released too soon before Halloween for there to be time to set it up.
  3. Sega America are likely more interested in game and network stability among other issues than running a non-essential event.

The Halloween lobby theme is included on the For Brighter Day soundtrack, on Disc 2 (the "Neudaiz Side").


Christmas: GUARDIANS Colony and Parum.

The first event to hit both the English PC/PS2 and Xbox 360 versions, but the second for the Japanese PC/PS2 version. It was introduced alongside Update 002 in the maintenance on December 8th 2006, and was concluded during Update 005 in the maintenance on December 26th 2006.

The components of this event were:

  • Modification of lobbies to include special Christmas decorations and music in the GUARDIANS Colony, Parum and Moatoob.
    • Apparently the Communion of Gurhal as Neudaiz' primary faith does not celebrate Christmas as there was no change.
  • The rare Rappy enemies are celebrating, becoming Rappy Noel. Their sightings are still rare, but alongside the usual Rappy Feathers they can drop the room decoration Christmas Tree.
  • The reform ticket Christmas, buyable in the Room Decorations shop in Clyez City 2F for 5,000 meseta and was available only during this event.
  • The room decoration Wreath buyable in the Room Decorations shop in Clyez City for 10,000 meseta was available only during this event.

The Christmas theme heard most notably in the cities of Clyez, Holtes and Dagora is found on the Phantasy Star Universe soundtrack For Brighter Day, on Disc 3 (the "Moatoob Side").

New Year

New Year's: GUARDIANS Colony and Neudaiz.

The second event to hit both the English PC/PS2 and Xbox 360 versions, but the second for the Japanese PC/PS2 version. It was introduced alongside Update 005 in the maintenance on December 26th 2006, and was concluded during Update 006 in the maintenance on January 11th 2007.

The components of this event were:

  • Modification of lobbies to include special New Year's decorations and music in the GUARDIANS Colony and Neudaiz.
    • Apparently Parum and Moatoob were still recovering from Christmas, as there was no change.
  • The room decoration Bamboo buyable in the Room Decorations shop in Clyez City for 1,000 meseta was available only during this event.

The New Year theme heard most notably in the cities of Clyez and Ohtoku is found on the Phantasy Star Universe soundtrack For Brighter Day, on Disc 1 (the "Parum Side").


Winter: GUARDIANS Colony and Parum.

A somewhat unexpected event, this is the third consecutive event on the English Phantasy Star Universe servers (both PC/PS2 and Xbox 360). It was introduced alongside Update 006 in the maintenance on January 11th 2007, and was concluded during Update 009 in the maintenance on February 1st 2007.

The components of this event were:

  • Modification of lobbies to include special New Year's decorations and music in the GUARDIANS Colony and Parum.
    • Evidently one event over the last few weeks was too much for both Neudaiz and Moatoob - they're not participating in this one either.
  • The room decoration Snowman buyable in the Room Decorations shop in Clyez City for 2,000 meseta is available only during this event.

This event makes extra use of the theme named "Christmas" found on the Phantasy Star Universe soundtrack For Brighter Day, on Disc 3 (the "Moatoob Side").

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day: GUARDIANS Colony.

This event was introduced alongside Update 009 in the maintenance on January 11th 2007, and was concluded during Update 011 in the maintenance on February 16th 2007.

The components of this event were:

  • Modification of lobbies to include special Valentine's decorations and music in GUARDIANS Colony.
    • And none of the other planets, making this the first event which none of the three planets have partaken in.
  • The Rappies are at it again. This time they're Rappy Amure, sporting a pink "heart" getup.
    • These foes drop a room decoration called "BT Lovers".
    • Starting in the Lv.40-50 range, they also dropped Love Letter, a synthesis material.
    • Lv.80 and above, they also drop [B] Kohibumiteri, the board for a female-only 10* bow which requires their Love Letter to synth.
  • For the first time, no event-specific Room Goods - neither reform tickets nor decorations - were found in the Variety Shop.

The theme - sharing the event's name - is found on the Phantasy Star Universe soundtrack For Brighter Day, on Disc 2 (the "Neudaiz Side").

White Day

White Day: GUARDIANS Colony.

This event was introduced alongside Update 013 in the maintenance on March 8th 2007, and was concluded during Update 014 in the maintenance on March 22nd 2007.

The components of this event are:

  • Modification of lobbies to include special "White Day" decorations and music in GUARDIANS Colony.
    • As with Valentine's Day: Parum, Neudaiz and Moatoob have not participated.
  • Jaggo Amure replace regular rare enemy Jaggo during this event.
    • This seasonal enemy drops the WD Lovers room decoration.
    • Apparently just like their Rappy counterparts, they drop Love Letter (again, Lv.40-50 minimum).
    • Lv.80 and above, they drop [B] Loveheart Line, the board for an 8* Line Shield.
  • There are no Room Goods to be bought from the Variety Shop this event.

The lobby theme song shares the "Valentine's Day" track with the event of that name, just as the Winter event shared the "Christmas" track with the Christmas event.


Easter: GUARDIANS Colony.

This event was introduced alongside Update 014 in the maintenance on March 22nd 2007, and was concluded during Update 015 in the maintenance on April 12th 2007.

The festivities include:

  • Modification of lobbies to include special "Easter" decorations and music in GUARDIANS Colony.
    • The participation of the three planets for now remains unknown.
  • It's the Rappies' turn again. For this outing they're Rappy Baska and sporting eggwear.
    • They drop [B] Halp Serafi, presumably at Lv.80+ as with the Kohibumiteri and Loveheart Line.
    • It is likely that their mid-level (40-50 and above) synthesis material drop will be the Serafi Feather used to synthesise Halp Serafi.
    • They also drop a room decoration, predictably a giant easter egg.
  • There are no Room Goods to be bought from the Variety Shop this event.

The Phantasy Star Universe soundtrack For Brighter Day does not contain a theme specifically named or alluding to "Easter"! The event surprisingly (and not very fittingly) makes repeated use of the "New Year" track, found on Disc 1 (the "Parum Side").

Cherry Blossom

Cherry Blossom: Neudaiz.

This event was introduced alongside Update 015 in the maintenance on April 12th 2007, and will be concluded during Update 016 in the maintenance on April 26th 2007.

The festivities include:

  • Modification of lobbies to include special "Cherry Blossom" decorations and music in GUARDIANS Colony and Neudaiz.
  • ...and that appears to be it! Rappies and Jaggo are of the regular variety and there's no seasonal decorations sold in the variety shop.

The lobby theme heard in Clyez and Ohtoku cities is included on the For Brighter Day soundtrack sharing the event name of "Cherry Blossom". It's found - not particularly fittingly - on Disc 2 (the "Moatoob Side").


The above are just the most obvious seasonal events. There are sure to be other, less predictable events. The soundtrack contains a few tracks which could be used for (and thus hint at) other events, including Carnival (Disc 1), Marriage (Disc 2) and Comedy (Disc 3).

Promotional Events

The English PC/PS2 version of Phantasy Star Universe has seen three Promotional Events. The XBox 360 servers have shared one of the PC/PS2 events and had two completely separate ones, and there have also been noteworthy events on the Japanese PC/PS2 servers.

St. Valentine's Day Photograph Event (PC/PS2 and XBox 360)

(insert details about GMs taking pictures, Universe 02 flooding and mass hysteria. Also link to relevant picture pages on the official website, and probably mention that unlike other events, there was no in-game reward for participation.)

St. Patrick's Day "Green" Event (PC)

(insert details about GMs scouting out people wearing green to give them Rappy Feathers and reportedly Love Letters rarely. Probably detail similar hysteria when hundreds of people would horde a GM that would remain in one area for over an hour.)

Easter Hunt (PC)

(insert details about an event essentially the same as "Green" only with blue/pink/green/white clothing instead of just green. GMs give out the Easter Egg decoration in this event, though.)

Sonic (XBox 360)

The XBox 360 version ran a "Phantasy Star Universe Demo Weekend Promotion" which commenced Saturday, February 3rd, at midnight PST and concluding Monday, February 4th at midnight PST.

Users who played this demo and joined the PSU Xbox Live community received the Sonic decoration. In the run-up to this event it was believed that this meant an entirely new GUARDIANS License would need purchasing to receive the decoration, due to "official" response to the customer support form stating that much (see: here). However this was found to be wrong an in practise users who'd played the demo received the figure even on accounts created back in October.

The statue was added to shared bank of the accounts of demo participants, as was the case with the JP Sonic event (below). There were no known cases of players having full shared banks on the moment of delivery so it is unsure what would have happened had the player had a full shared bank when it was delivered to demo participants.

More details on this event can be found here.

Tails (XBox 360)

This event's introduction was interesting - After a maintenance period, Tails room decorations were found in some players' shared banks. Shortly afterwards it was announced that the XBox 360 demo servers would return for another weekend - much like the Sonic promotion - only participants would receive a Tails room decoration this time around.

The cause of the initial wave of Tails decorations randomly appearing for some players was never fully explained or discovered. Many theories including owning or not owning Sonic, having participating or not in the previous demo events, wearing green clothing on St. Patrick's day or having empty/nonempty shared boxes have all been challenged by players claiming they did/did not get the statue under the opposite/same conditions. As Sega representatives have refused to comment it is possible that their apparently random distribution was a mistake.

(insert details of the demo weekend's date.)

More details on this event can be found here.

Sonic (JP)

The Japanese PC/PS2 version has had one Promotional Event thusfar, and that was to award a free Sonic decoration to the shared bank of all players who registered their SegaLink accounts before July 31st, 2006 (one month before the game's release).

Ultimate Attack (JP)

A server-wide event designed for mass-participation, this event was sponsored by NET CASH.

"The SEED had made a large offensive and caused widespread infection accross the three planets. GUARDIANS have been called en masse to stem the alarming rate of infection."

Basically most of the free missions in the game were removed, and seven event-exclusive missions were added. The missions - exclusively containing Fire-elements - largely entail the use of a Photon Eraser given during the missions (and returned at the end of) in order to purify the mission areas. Four of these missions were on Parum, two on Neudaiz, and one on Moatoob.

Player-exclusive rewards were available through the use of a mission at the GUARDIANS Branch on the Colony, where players could trade a certain number of the Ban-photons they had inevitably amassed for various prizes as follows:

Ban-photons Prize
01 Burn Trap
05 Burn Trap G
10 Cave Red
20 BR Burning Poster
30 Scape Doll
40 Jellen
50 Berry Red
60 Shifta
70 Gibarta
80 Gigaline (5* line shield, with 26% Fire.)
99 Garment Aura (An Extra-slot unit granting 3 End.)
NetCafe Exclusive Prizes
Ban-photons Prize
10 Real Hand Gun
70 Real Hand Spear

The total mission points earned by the server from the missions on Parum, Neudaiz and Moatoob were rewarded with discounts on clothing for a week after the event concluded:

  • For Parum, there was a 5% discount for every 2.5 million points, up to 50% off at 25 million points.
  • For Neudaiz, there was a 5% discount for every 1 million points, up to 50% off at 10 million points.
  • For Moatoob, there was a 5% discount for every 1.5 million points, up to 50% off at 15 million points.

Finally, the sum total of all mission points on all planets server-wide had additional rewards:

Points Server Prize
5,000,000 1 Day of Lv.3 Photon Fortune for everyone.
10,000,000 2 Days of Lv.3 Photon Fortune for everyone.
15,000,000 3 Days of Lv.3 Photon Fortune for everyone.
20,000,000 A special saber called "Frying Pan" given to every account.*
25,000,000 4 Days of Lv.3 Photon Fortune for everyone.
30,000,000 5 Days of Lv.3 Photon Fortune for everyone.
40,000,000 6 Days of Lv.3 Photon Fortune for everyone.
50,000,000 7 Days of Lv.3 Photon Fortune for everyone.
  • In order to receive the Frying Pan, players must have cleared every mission in the event. It shall be delivered to players sometime after the event ends.

More about this event can be found on the psu-wiki article about it.