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Phantasy Star Portable This article pertains to an item, mission or other feature available exclusively in Phantasy Star Portable.


Status poison.gif
This status effect does damage over time, but this damage will never incapacitate the target (it inflicts at most enough damage to reduce the target's HP to 1).


Poison does a constant (2% of target's total HP) damage at the end of each tick; a tick is 3 seconds, and the total number of ticks varies with the status effect level.

SE Lv # of Ticks Total Duration Total Dmg %
1 4 12 seconds 8%
2 6 18 seconds 12%
3 8 24 seconds 16%
4 10 30 seconds 20%


  • Enemy attacks/TECHNICs
  • Environment
  • Damdiga
  • Weapons: Ground-element GRM or Tenora RCSMs, miscellaneous others (e.g., the whip Vi Budd)
