PSP:Line shields

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Line shields are the protective gear of PSU. They provide the user with Def. as well as with Eva. and Ment., and can have four different types of slots, affiliated with the four different types of units (head, arm, body and extra).

Line shields

  • Line shields specified as neutral can be found or bought with any element. Line shields with a specified element can only be found or bought with that element.
Rarity Name Mfr. Def. Eva. Ment. End. Slots Req. Ele. Comments
1★ Carline G.R.M. 16 24 20 0 - o - - 8 Neutral Starting equipment: CASTs and humans
Cara-senba Yohmei 20 24 16 0 o - - - 6 Neutral Starting equipment: newmans
Rabol Car TENORA WORKS 16 30 16 0 - - o - 7 Neutral Starting equipment: beasts
Rabol Damud TENORA WORKS 10 33 10 0 - - o o 7 Neutral Ranger types only. Set bonus with Shigga Damud.
2★ Perpaline G.R.M. 32 48 40 0 - o - - 12 Fire --
Brandline G.R.M. 30 56 35 0 - o - - 12 Neutral Set bonus with Brand.
Hel-senba Yohmei 40 48 32 0 o - - - 10 Ice --
Rabol Perpa TENORA WORKS 32 60 32 0 - - o - 11 Ground --
3★ Stellaline G.R.M. 48 72 60 0 - o - - 21 Lightning --
Busterline G.R.M. 50 84 32 0 - o - - 21 Neutral Set bonus with Twin Buster.
Sta-senba Yohmei 60 72 48 0 o - - - 18 Light --
Reiha-senba Yohmei 48 85 42 0 o - - o 18 Neutral Set bonus with Rayharod.
Rabol Stella TENORA WORKS 48 90 48 0 - - o - 20 Dark --
Rarity Name Mfr. Def. Eva. Ment. End. Slots Req. Ele. Comments
4★ Green Green Line G.R.M. 80 100 64 0 - o o o 29 Neutral Set bonus with Koltova Gun.
Megaline G.R.M. 64 96 80 0 - o - o 29 Neutral --
Zeetline G.R.M. 65 110 60 0 - o - o 29 Neutral Set bonus with Jitseen.
Me-senba Yohmei 80 96 64 0 o - - o 25 Neutral --
Ageha-senba Yohmei 75 88 81 0 o - - o 25 Neutral FO/MF only. Set bonus with Ageha-kikami.
Jikabi-senba Yohmei 82 92 61 1 o o o o 25 Neutral --
Rabol Mega TENORA WORKS 64 120 64 27 - - o o 27 Neutral --
Rabol BBQ TENORA WORKS 60 128 63 1 o o o o 27 Neutral --
5★ Gigaline G.R.M. 80 120 100 0 - o - o 37 Fire --
Gi-senba Yohmei 100 120 80 0 o - - o 31 Ice --
Assino-senba Yohmei 83 138 77 0 o - - o 31 Neutral Set bonus with Assino-zashi.
Rabol Giga TENORA WORKS 80 150 80 0 - - o o 34 Ground --
Rabol Patte TENORA WORKS 89 133 72 0 - o o - 34 Neutral Set bonus with Mukpat.
6★ Teroline G.R.M. 96 144 120 0 - o - o 45 Lightning --
Te-senba Yohmei 120 144 96 0 o - - o 38 Light --
Rabol Tero TENORA WORKS 96 180 96 0 - - o o 42 Dark --
Rarity Name Mfr. Def. Eva. Ment. End. Slots Req. Ele. Comments
7★ Hardline G.R.M. 112 168 140 0 - o - o 55 Fire --
Walker Line G.R.M. 110 164 150 0 o o o - 55 Neutral Set bonus with Nightwalker.
Phantom Line G.R.M. 114 160 142 0 - o - o 55 Neutral Set bonus with Phantom.
Caster Line G.R.M. 108 170 142 0 - o o o 55 Neutral Set bonus with (Rocket Punch) and (Drill Launcher).
Har-senba Yohmei 140 168 112 0 o o - o 47 Neutral --
Ga-senba Yohmei 145 150 114 0 o o o - 47 Neutral Set bonus with Ga-Misaki.
Nafri-senba Yohmei 140 135 130 0 o o - o 47 Neutral Set bonus with Nafli-zashi.
Ridol-senba Yohmei 153 140 128 2 o - o o 47 Neutral Set bonus with Lidra.
Rabol Hard TENORA WORKS 112 210 112 0 - o o o 51 Neutral --
Rabol Dunga TENORA WORKS 101 222 118 0 - o o - 51 Neutral Set bonus with Cubo Dunga.
Rabol Neda TENORA WORKS 90 212 104 0 - - o - 51 Neutral RA/GM/PT only. Set bonus with Gur Neda.
8★ Solid Line G.R.M. 128 192 160 0 - - - - 68 Neutral --
Gigush Line G.R.M. 118 194 155 0 - o o o 68 Neutral HU/FM/PT only. Set bonus with Gigush.
Loveheart Line G.R.M. 110 200 135 2 o o - o 68 Neutral Set bonus with Magical Wand, Love Inferno,
Pretty Baton, Safety Heart.
Juicy Line G.R.M. 104 29 129 1 o o o o 29 Neutral Set bonus with the meat-type weapons.
Soli-senba Yohmei 160 192 128 0 o o o o 58 Ice Mistranslation of the PSU item Sori-senba.
Fuma-senba Yohmei 129 201 134 0 o - o o 58 Neutral Set bonus with Fuma-hiken.
Rikau-senba Yohmei 129 201 134 0 o o - o 58 Neutral Set bonus with Rikauteri.
Rabol Solid TENORA WORKS 128 240 128 0 - - o o 63 Ground --
Rabol Tien TENORA WORKS 75 339 173 0 o o o - 63 Neutral Set bonus with Vish Tien.
Rabol Rappy TENORA WORKS 110 240 130 0 o o o o 63 Light Set bonus with Rappy Tip, Al Tip,
Amore Tip, Rappy Tippies, Al Tippies,
Amore Tippies, Rappy Fan
Rabol Gant TENORA WORKS 100 245 140 0 - o o - 63 Neutral Set bonus with Gudda Gant.
Rabol Rad TENORA WORKS 114 230 132 0 o o o - 63 Neutral Set bonus with Mukarad.
9★ Catiline G.R.M. 144 216 180 0 - o o o 82 Lightning --
Cat Line G.R.M. 117 247 199 0 o o o o 82 Neutral Set bonus with Twin Bearclaw,
Twin Kitty Claw, Twin Snowy Claw.
DB Line G.R.M. 39 227 121 0 - o o o 82 Neutral Set bonus with DB's Sword and Twin DB Swords.
Crimson Line G.R.M. 127 219 168 0 - o o o 82 Neutral Set bonus with Crimson.
Cati-senba Yohmei 180 216 144 0 o - o o 70 Light --
Mitama-senba Yohmei 181 209 140 0 o o - o 70 Light Set bonus with Soul Eater, (Soul Banish),
(Demonic Fork), Bardiche, Skull Sorceror.
Yamata-senba Yohmei 170 182 136 0 o o o - 70 Neutral Set bonus with Yamata-Misaki.
Rabol Cati TENORA WORKS 144 270 144 0 o - o o 76 Dark --
Rabol Asted TENORA WORKS 115 278 140 0 o o o - 76 Neutral Set bonus with Gur Asted.
Rarity Name Mfr. Def. Eva. Ment. End. Slots Req. Ele. Comments
10★ De Colte Line G.R.M. 1 300 1 10 o o - - 96 Neutral Set bonus with Sniper.
Orpaline G.R.M. 160 240 200 0 - o - o 96 Neutral --
Storm Line G.R.M. 136 240 155 0 o o o o 96 Neutral Set bonus with Storm.
Sweet Line G.R.M. 172 224 210 1 o o o o 96 Neutral Set bonus with Sweet Death and Lollipop.
Baji-senba Yohmei 183 192 147 0 o - o o 82 Neutral Set bonus with Bajura.
Orpa-senba Yohmei 200 240 160 0 o - o o 82 Neutral --
Serafi-senba Yohmei 180 205 130 0 o o o o 82 Neutral Set bonus with Dagger of Serafi and Halp Serafi.
Rabol Orpad TENORA WORKS 160 300 160 0 - o o o 89 Neutral --
Rabol Gaim TENORA WORKS 145 356 85 0 - o o o 89 Neutral --
11★ Castest Line G.R.M. 132 270 157 3 - o o o 111 Neutral CAST only?
Set bonus with Drill Knuckles and Gigas Spinner.
Lumirus Line G.R.M. 176 264 220 0 - o o o 111 Fire --
Shinowa Line G.R.M. 145 312 125 3 o o - o 111 Neutral --
Al-senba Yohmei 192 213 154 0 o - o o 94 Neutral Set bonus with Alteri.
Lumira-senba Yohmei 220 264 176 0 o o o - 94 Ice --
Dulk-senba Yohmei 199 249 189 2 o o - o 94 Dark --
Rabol Lumirus TENORA WORKS 176 330 176 0 o - o - 103 Ground --
Rabol Buti TENORA WORKS 127 305 150 2 o o o - 103 Neutral Set bonus with Ank Buti.
12★ De Ragan Line G.R.M. 160 294 198 0 o o - o 124 Fire Set bonus with De Ragan Slayer, Deraga-zashi,
Vish Diraga.
Vijerina Line G.R.M. 192 288 240 0 - o o o 124 Lightning --
Red Line G.R.M. 180 500 230 0 o o o o 133 Neutral Set bonus with Red / Force, Red / Knight,
Red / Wall, Red / Stamina, and Flowen's Greatsword.
All items must be equipped.
Oka-senba Yohmei 205 234 145 0 o - o - 105 Neutral Set bonus with Okarod.
Asura-senba Yohmei 194 308 161 0 o o - o 105 Neutral Set bonus with Asura-hiken.
Hizeri-senba Yohmei 240 288 192 0 o - o o 105 Light --
Bugei-senba Yohmei 240 288 192 0 o o o - 114 Neutral Set bonus with Hanzo, Jogiri, Caliburn,
Sange, Sangeyasha, Agito Repca.
Altera-senba Yohmei 320 324 280 3 o o o o 124 Neutral Can't have any element. Set bonus with Gekkavijin,
Shippujinlai, Hyakkaryolan.
Rabol Vijeri TENORA WORKS 192 360 192 0 - o o o 115 Dark --
Rabol Chain TENORA WORKS 208 345 198 1 - o o o 125 Neutral Set bonus with Chainsawd.
Rabol Rolei TENORA WORKS 305 489 187 -8 o o o - 133 Neutral --